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80 Cards in this Set

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Elder Eyring testified the Savior had always been a protector of whom?
Of those who would accept His protection.
In our day, prophets give warnings to help us find safety from sin and sorrow. What did Elder Eyring say is one of the keys to recognizing those warnings?
When the warnings are repeated
Elder Eyring said that since the beginning of time, men and women have believed that to take counsel from the servants of God is to surrender God-given rights of independence. But he said this idea is false because it misrepresents reality. How?
Because they are choosing to follow Satan which is less independence and freedom
Some in the Church believe the fallacy that the choice to accept or not accept the counsel of prophets is no more than deciding whether to accept good advice and gain its benefits or to stay where we are. What three things did Elder Eyring say would happen to us if we set aside prophetic counsel?
1. Ground on which we stand will change
2. It becomes dangerous
3. Less power to take inspired counsel in the future
One of the sweetest comforts a person could have in mortality is to know he/she has been an instrument in the hands of God to bring another person to safety. What is required of those who desire to have that kind of ability?
Faith to follow counsel when it is hard to do
Sometimes we will receive counsel that we cannot understand or that seems not to apply to us, even after careful prayer and thought. What did Elder Eyring counsel us to do on those occasions?
Don't discard it -- hold it close.
How did Elder Scott define a “principle”?
Concentrated truth
To acquire spiritual knowledge and to obey it with wisdom, Elder Scott said we must do four things. Name them.
1. Seek divine light in humility
2. Exercise faith in Jesus Christ
3. Hearken unto His counsel
4. Keep His commandments
As we seek spiritual knowledge and that knowledge begins to unfold to us, we must use it if we want to be blessed by it. Elder Scott suggested five things we should do when spiritual knowledge is given to us. Name them.
1. Understood
2. Valued
3. Obeyed
4. Remembered
5. Expanded
Spiritual truths generally come a piece at a time as we exercise faith and exert diligent effort. At times, what else may we be required to go through before we are given precious truth?
Wrenching struggles
Powerful spiritual direction in our lives can be overcome or forced into the background unless we provide a way to retain it. What did Elder Scott suggest we do if we want to be able to have knowledge available to us in time of need?
Carefully record it
Using the scriptures and the declarations of the prophets is an excellent way to expand our knowledge, Elder Scott said. Another excellent way to increase our understanding and facilitate the flow of additional light is by doing what?
By sharing knowledge
To keep life’s demands in balance, Elder Ballard suggested we do eight things. Name them.
1. Use an eternal perspective to set priorities
2. Set Reasonable Short-Term Goals
3. Become Financially Responsible and Secure
4. Build close relationships with family and friends
5. Study the scriptures
6. Rest, exercise, relax
7. “Teach One Another the Gospel”
8. Pray often
All things, Elder Ballard said, must be done in wisdom and order. There are two things he said that can throw us off-balance? Name them.
1. Too much of anything
2. Too little of important things
In the council in heaven, all of Heavenly Father’s spirit children were taught the plan of salvation—the great plan of happiness. But we eventually reached the point where _______ was no longer possible without obtaining a physical body and having a mortal experience.
Towards what is Satan's most strenuous opposition directed?
Towards whatever is most important to the Father's plan.
Elder Oaks said three things are essential to the great plan of happiness. Name them:
1. Gender
2. Marriage
3. Childbearing
We live in a day, Elder Oaks said, when there are many political, legal, and social pressures for changes that confuse gender and homogenize differences between men and women. When we have an eternal perspective, how do we view those pressures for change?
We are against them
Over the last generation or two, there have been significant increases in the number of working mothers of young children, which have signaled a reduced commitment of parents to nurture their young children. These reductions, Elder Oaks said, have led to rising numbers in four areas. Name them:
1. Abortions
2. Divorces
3. Child Neglect
4. Juvenile Crime
To what did President Kimball refer to as "an act of extreme selfishness?"
For a married couple to refuse to have children when they are able.
To any son or daughter of God who keeps the commandments, is true to his/her covenants, and desires what is right, what has the Lord promised?
No blessing will be denied them.
What price had to be paid to provide us with moral agency?
The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
Each time we misuse our moral agency, there are at least three penalties attached. Name them.
1. Withdraw from the Spirit's companionship
2. Spiritual death
3. Unhappiness
Alma taught his son Corianton that there are basically two things we are to do with our time on this earth. What are they?
1. Repent
2. Serve God
Elder Condie spoke of four enemies of agency. Name them.
1. Addiction
2. Debt
3. Discouragement
4. Cultural tradition
Why, did Elder Condie say, do addictions such as endless hours of television, pornography, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs creep into a person’s life?
Because their lives are empty
If we are in bondage to bad habits or unkind thoughts, what is one of the most powerful and important ways to break the bands of weakness or wickedness?
Through fasting
What did Elder Holland say are among the ultimate blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to a troubled world and the troubled people who live in it? There are three. Name them.
1. Peace
2. Strength
3. Hope
There are times, in all of our lives, when deep sorrow or suffering or fear or loneliness make us cry out for the peace which only God Himself can bring. Heavenly Father will send help through His Beloved Son, through ministering angels, and through prophets. Additionally, Elder Holland said, there are three things we can do to access that peace. Name them.
1. Obedience
2. Repentance
3. Forgiveness
When problems, sorrows or sadness come and they don’t seem to be our fault, time and perspective will help us recognize that such problems in life do come for a purpose. What, according to Elder Holland, might that purpose be?
Help people realize they need assistance, forgiveness, etc...
What two things did Elder Holland say often follow those who feel no need for mercy?
They never seek it
They never bestow it
Elder Hafen emphasized that the Atonement is not just for sinners and the healing power of the Atonement does not apply just to sin. To what other three things does the Atonement apply?
1. Carelessness
2. Inadequacies
3. Moral bitterness
Elder Hafen said the Savior was able to atone unconditionally for Adam and Eve’s transgression and for physical death, and to atone conditionally for our personal sins because he possessed three characteristics. Name them.
1. Sinless
2. Only Begotton of the Father
3. Willing to drink the bitter cup of justice
True or False: If we refuse to repent in this life, we will be required to suffer, in spirit prison, the full extent of our sins in order to satisfy the demands of justice. But, once we have paid that price and satisfied justice, we will be able to qualify for the celestial kingdom.
President Faust related the account of a tragedy on an Amish community. He said they were able to forgive because they applied what teaching from the Sermon on the Mount?
"Do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you."
We can all find many reasons for postponing forgiveness. What did President Faust say is one of the most common?
Waiting for wrong-doers to repent
What benefits, has researched found, come to those who learn to forgive.
- Less angry
- More hopeful
- Less depressed
- Less anxious
- Less stressed
- Greater physical well-being
What is the consequence of hatred?
It retards spiritual growth
President Hinckley suggested no virtue is more in need of application in our time that the virtue of forgiving and forgetting. He went on to say that if we continue to brood in anger over wrongs suffered or to go through life with a spirit of vindictiveness, what three things will decrease in our lives?
President Hinckley taught three main points or requirements in the process of repentance? Name them.
1. Avoid bitterness
2. Seek peace through forgiveness
3. Bind up wounds
What is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose?
What makes it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally?
Sacred ordinances and covenants
What was the first commandment given to Adam and Eve?
Multiply and replenish the earth.
God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are only to be used when individuals meet what two conditions?
Between a man and a woman
Within bonds of marriage
All children, the Proclamation says, are entitled to 2 things. Name them.
Born within the bonds of matrimony

Raised by parents who are faithful to each other.
There are three primary duties of a father, according to the Proclamation. Name them
Preside over family
Provide necesities
Provide protection
What is the primary duty of a mother?
Nurture of their children.
Husbands and wives, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as _______ ________.
Equal partners
Marriage is ordained of God, the Proclamation says. Elder Eyring said there are two assurances a mother and a father can receive when they know that to be true and are willing to ask for God’s help? Name them.
1. Resolve differences

2. Love each other
We want eternal life as families whatever its cost in effort, pain, and sacrifice. To obtain eternal life, it must then be more than our hope. What must it be?
In our hearts
Only in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom will there be families. That knowledge should motivate us to do what three things?
1. Look toward temple/ordinances
2. Strive to be worth
3. Look for a companion that is worthy
What caution did Elder Eyring give young men and women regarding career preparation?
If you plan for the worst, you make the best less likely.
Besides the responsibilities to preside, provide, and protect, Elder Nelson said fathers are also commanded to _________, which they can only do by employing __________ and remembering ___________.
Set in order thy house
by employing the Lord's attributes
power/influence shouldn't be maintained by the priesthood...but by love, care, and persuasion.
Parents have been given a divine mandate regarding the word of the Lord that includes two charges. Name them.
1. Cling to the word of God
2. Teach your children
No sacrifice, Elder Nelson said, is too great to have the blessings of an eternal marriage. To qualify, what two things did he say are required?
1. Deny self of all ungodliness
2. Honor ordinances of the temple
Elder Hales said that an eternal bond doesn’t just happen through sealings. It depends upon our conduct. Specifically, there are two things Elder Hales said that will determine whether or not we receive the blessings of the sealing? Name them.
1. Keep the commandments
2. Conduct out lives in a way that our families will WANT to live with us.
Because of the importance of the family to the eternal plan of happiness, Elder Hales said Satan does 3 things to destroy the family? Name them.
1. Destroy the sanctity of the family
2. Demean the importance of the roles of men and women
3. Encourage moral uncleanliness
While _______ is an individual matter, ________ is a family matter.
Individual salvation, family exaltation
For what reason did Elder Nelson say the earth was created and the gospel was restored?
To allow families to live forever and have relationships beyond the grave
Marriage is not only an exalting principle of the gospel. What else is it?
A divine commandment
How did Elder Nelson define immortality and eternal life?
Immortality = resurrection of the dead
Eternal life = living forever in God's presence
What three things does doctrine do?
- Answers "why?"
- Deepens understanding
- Increases committment
Principles address _____
Applications address _____
If you're struggling with motivation, what should you do?
Characteristics of a principle:
1. "If.....then"
2. Universal - applies to everyone
3. Timeless
What does GPS stand for?
Romance pyramid:
Difference b/n what God asks Adam in Old Testament vs. Pearl of Great Price:
OT: Where are you?
POGP: Where are you going?
To run to
Redemptive power
Save us from physical AND spriitual death
Enabling power
What God does for us that we cannot do for ourselves.
What two powers does the atonement give us?
1. Redemptive
2. Enabling
What does the Greek word for repentace mean?
To change mind
Renunciation of sin involves what three things?
1. Thoughts
2. Feelings
3. Actions
Two types of sins
Comission - things you do
Omission - things you don't do
5 reasons patterns are important:
1. prevent deception
2. consistency
3. exactness
4. safety
5. confidence
divine. inherited god’s capacity
son, daughter of god
look at foreordained goals. roles!
exaltation. eternal motherhood or fatherhood