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74 Cards in this Set

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1 unit of whole blood equals

1 unit of PRBC equals
500 cc , increase hb by 1 gm & hct by 3%

300cc, increase hb by 1 gm & hct by 3%
if hct is less than ______ - call md!

start blood transfusion at ___ml/min and check vitals q ___ for ___ min

2ml/min and vitals q5 for first 15 min
Febrile Nonhemolytic Reaction
onset: within first 6 hours
s/s: fever, flushed, headache, anxious, muscle pain
int: stop transfusion, infuse NS in NEW tube to KVO and notify MD
Acute Hemolytic Reaction

Anaphylactic Reaction
occurs within 15 mins - s/s include tachycardia, tachypnea, fever/chills, low back pain

Immediate - hives(uticaria), dyspnea, wheezing
if a woman is experiencing subinvolution..RN's first intervention
palpate symphysis pubis for a distended bladder
normal subinvolution rate

location of uterus immediate post birth & a feww hrs post birth
1cm or 1 finger-width per day - breastfeeding aides

immediate = midline btwn symphysis pubis & umbilicus, grapefruit like mass
few hrs = level of umbilicus, firm, contx
pp days 1-3

dark red in color
pp day 4-10

pink - brown
pp day 11-21
white to yellow in color
scant = less than 1 inch
light = 1-4 inches
moderate = 4-6 inches
heavy = saturated pad q 1 hour
assessing an episiotomy
inflammation of superficial vein - clot may lodge in the inflammed wall. usually in saphaneous vein. nursg. int. inlcude apply heat, TEDS, elevate leg. NO COAG. therapy required to treat
Breast/Resp Episiotomy
Uterus Homans Sign
Bowel Emotional
Special Needs of c/s delivery pt
leg exercises
encourage fluids (no straws)
teach proper breast feed holds (football)
turn, cough, deep breath q 2h
"rooming in" - need another support there

bonding = "getting to know" phase - en face, engrossment, progressive touch - initial close contacr

attachment = falling in love, RN can encourage by complementing baby or room in encouraged - ultimate goal. enduring love reciprocated
Phases of Maternal Post-Partum Adjustment
"taking in" - mom concerned with herself and her needs. days 1-2
"taking hold" - focus shifts to care/needs of baby. days 3-10
"letting go" - moving forward with new normalcy
Maternal Role Attainment

Anticipatory - during pregnancy. look to role models moms
Formal - baby arrives. act as others expect you to act as a mom
Informal - mom makes her own choices/decisions
Personal - in 2-10 months the woman is finally comfortable in her role as MOM
The 4 T's of PP Hemorrhage
Trauma (laceration, tear)
Tissue (placenta)
Tone (uterus, atony)
Thrombosis (clots)
S/S of Hypovolemic Shock

S/S of Hemorrhage
cool, clammy, LOC, dizzy, LATE signs = low BP, high Pulse, low U/O

early = heavy lochia soft - boggy uterus
late = low BP, hypovolemic shock
Causes of Early PP Hemorrhage
number one = uterine atony
trauma = laceration/hematoma

excessive bright red blood loss with clots within the first 24 hours pp
Late PP Hemorrhage
24 hrs - 6 wks pp
cause = retained placental fragments
also - subinvolution
Uterine Atony
bright excessive blood loss with clots and uterus is soft & boggy
bright red bleeding in presence of a firm,contracted uterus
bulging, tense, shiny mass, discolored

IF SMALL = treat with ice packs for 12 hours and then sitz bath
Retained Fragments
Sudden bleeding without warning, typically not as much blood loss evident
Major Goals in 1st 4 hours of babys life
1. maintain patent airway
2. maintain temperature
3. document void/stool
4. promote attachment
5. initiate oral feeding
6.prevent hemorrhage/infection at umbilicus
Most common PP infection. inflamm/infected endometrium
s/s: foul smelling lochia lochia scat or perfuse
Risk : c-section delivery & multiple vag exams
treat: antibiotics, rest, fluids
infection of CT of the breasts. increased risk if breastfeeding.
s/s: flu like - fever/chills, malaise, warm/red painful area
management: good bra, heat to inc circulation ice to increase comfort, freq breast feeds
postpartum blues
self-limiting, mild depression occurs for pp days 3 upto 2 weeks. very common. mom overwhelmed and tearful

treat by mothering the mother - rest/support
postpartum depression
pp 3wks- 1 year. sad,anxiety, appetite change, insomnia, hostile, guilt - suicide risk. mom may need antidepressants and therapy
Cord Care
clean with soap & water, no alcohol
done at 1 & 5 min, 8-10 is best
Hear Rate
Resp Effort
Muscle Tone
good cry = 4 pts for resp & reflex
Newborn lungs
2/3 of fluid in the lungs must be reabsorbed by infant. only 1/3of the fluid is squeezed out of the thorax
Normal Baby Vitals
T = 97.9-99.4
BP =80-60/45-40, 100/50 ten days
RR= 30-60/min
P= 110-160
Signs of Mature Fetus
little lanugo

male testes deep in color with rugae

female labia majora cover minora & clit
square window
msr the angle formed when flex hand towards the wrist. increased angle indicative of premature baby. small angle = mature
scarf sign
measure how far elbow goes across chest. if reaches midline or beyond = immature fetus
arm recoil
msrs how far arms springback to flexed position after extended
fetal circulation
placenta acts as liver & lungs - so blood is shunted to general circulation and already oxygenated. foramen ovale open right to left atria. ductus arteriousus connects pulm artery to aorta
new born weight
typically loses 5-10% of weight in first few days

+4000-4500 grams = macrosomic
Mongolian Spots
dark blue/black spots found on butt/backs of newborn babys of color. will fade away with time
baby acne/milk spots
found on the face - cheeks, nose, forehead
goes away on own
Telangiectatic Nevi
stork bites - flat red areas found on the neck, forehead, eyelids. will fade away
Nevus Flammues
Port wine stain. due to dense cappilaries at skins surface.

will not go away
Erythema Toxicum
very common - baby skin adjust to dry environment. raised red rash with pustues that spreads easy - will go away on own, no treatment needed
capput succedaneum
generalized swelling - crosses suture lines. common with vac extractions
swelling over one skull bone - does not cross suture line
tonic neck reflex
"fencing" - baby faces one side. the arm on this side is extended and hand is open. other side is flexed and clenched
moro/startle reflex
pic up babys arms and let go. baby forms "c" with thumb and index finger and brings arms back in to chest and flex knees
Brazeltons Behavioral assessment
changed the way people think about newborn capabilities - self quieting, temprement, etc.
States of alert/sleep
drowsy alert
quiet alert = best play time
active alert = must decrease stimuli and comfort baby

active rem sleep/deep sleep
newborn hypoglycemia
less than 40mg/dl
jittery, high pitch weak cry, seizures, coma, tremors

heat lost from warm surface to cooler one not in direct contact

in direct contact

heat lost to cooler air current

moisture evaporates into dry air
intervention for preventing heat loss
swaddle baby
knit cap to head
use warmer for assessment
skin to sin contact
stable temp before bath
freq temp checks
hypotonic labor
in active phase. less than 2-3 cont over 10 min period. or less than 1 cm dil/hr or no change. can give oxytocin but not induction bc labor already started
can use AROM to stimulate labor
hypertonic labor
persistent, painful, ineff. contx during latent phase. uterus does not return to a state of rest from contx. increased risk for utero-placental probs (late decels)
if early: sedate/BR
if late: induce with arom/oxy
percipitpous labor & birth
last only 3hours or dilate 5-10 cm/hr

can have a long labor and percipitous BIRTH

inc risk for laceration/meconium aspiration/hypoxia

GIVE tocolytics: mag sulfate & terbutaline to slow contx
beyond 42 wks gestation

inc risk for meconium, LGA,
do NST to check function of placenta
shoulder dsytocia
may lead to brachial palsy
Fetal Malposition
OP not OA - increased back pain & longer labor required b/c fetus must rotate 135 degrees to OA not 45 degrees. can facilitate by position change - sims on same side as babys spine, used to be hands/knees pos
Fetal Malpresentation
BREECH = most common, risk is cord proplapse, if part not engaged and ROM. c/s required

maybe brow/face = can deliver vag
shoulder dystocia
difficult delivery of shoulders

risk for brachial palsy - partial/complete paralysis of arm RT traume to brachial plexus

can apply pressure to suprapubic area to fold shoulders
dyzygotic - 2 ova fertilized. fraternal

monozygotic - 1 ova splits = identical

RISK = preeclampsia/HTN
inc risk for should dystocia - no pressure to fundus b/c further impacts shoulder
abruptio placentae
placenta separated from uterine wall prematurely. can be marginal, central or complete. significant abd pain - rigid board like abdomen.
CAUSE: cocaine, pih
MANAGE: replace clot factors IV with FFP and cath to monitor UO
placenta previa
placenta implanted in low uterine segment involving cervical os
RISK: multipara, multiples, acreta, prior C/S
S/S: no pain, bright red blood
Manage: identify source of bleeding and delivery safe/healthy fetus,NO VAG EXAMS

if less than 37 wks - give mom betamethasone to help infant lungs mature
cord prolapse
variable decels
inc risk with rom, breech
put 2 fingers gloved pressure on presenting part - knees to chest, call md - stay with pt!!!
+2000cc amniotic fluid
TEF - non patent esophagus/cant swallow - priority is to assess newborn feeding!
amnio to remove fluid, inc fundal height
less then 500cc AF - low fundal height
RT fetal kidney anomalies - no urine produced! inc risk for cord compression

give fluids first - antenatal tests - amniofusion
common with android/platypelloid

allow TOL if no progress - c/s required

due to narrow true pelvis
retained placenta
beyond 30 mins not delivered
may require manual/surgical removal
deeper attachment of placenta into myometrium, inc risk for retained placenta
intrauterine fetal death

demise post 20 wks gestation

RISk: DIC - due to release of thromboplastin from degenerating fetl tissue
wait 2 ws for spontaneous labor or induce