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87 Cards in this Set

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Axis 1

Clinical Disorders
Axis 2
Personality Disorders
Mental Retardation
Axis 3
General Medical Conditions
Axis 4
Psychosocial & Environmental problems
Axis 5
Global Assessment of Functioning
Paranoid Personality Disorder
- Pervasive distrust of others
- Onset by early adulthood
- no psychotic sx or precedes/outlasts sx
Schizoid Personality Disorder
- pervasive detachmt from social relationships
- restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings
- not as severe as autistic disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder differential dx keys
- no psychotic sx
- pervasive suspiciousness
5 Freudian Developmental Phases
0-1 Oral
2-3 Anal
3-6 Phallic/Oedipal
6-11 Latency
12-18 Puberty - genital
Piaget's 4 Developmental Phases
0-2 Sensorimotor thought
2-7 Preoperational thought
7-11 Concrete operations
11+ Formal operations
Erickson Stages 1-4
Basic sense of trust
Sense of autonomy
Sense of initiative
Sense of industry
Erickson Stages 5-8

Sense of identity
Sense of intimacy
Sense of generativity
Sense of integrity

Erickson Tasks:

Trust v. Mistrust
Sufficient supplies enable to be assured of care. Soothing so not overwhelmed by stimuli. Outer predictability and inner certainty of mother.
Erickson Tasks:

Autonomy v shame
Verbal/conceptual stimulation.
Beginning differentiation.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Autonomy v Shame

Verbal & conceptual stimulation. Language develops. Permission to explore w protection against danger. Support of growth. Capacity to move away from. Beginning differentiation.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Initiative v Guilt

Beginning move away from home. Permission for exploration. Play w peers. Learning @ wider world outside of home. Pride in self & achievements separate from parents. Superego development. Self definition.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Industry v Inferiority

Conformity in educational institution. Intellectual & social mastery begins. Cooperation with others is signal.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Identity v Role Confusion

Partial separation from parents. Peer relationships are primary. Sexual id confirmed. Conformity w/in group. Second individuation phase.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Intimacy v Isolation

Leaving home. Developmt of career. Intimate relationship. Reciprocal commitments to sex, role identity, occupation, social role.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Generativity v Stagnation

Achievemt of stable new family. Achievemt and productivity in vocational area.
Erickson Developmental Tasks

Ego integrity v despair

Acceptance of mortality. Satisfaction w previous life rolse. Oppty for further self developmt. Adequacy in dealing with loss.
Piaget Cognitive Theory

1. Sensorimotor

Retains images of objects
Develops primitive logic in manipulating objects.
Begins intentional actions
Play is imitative
Signal meaning
Symbol meaning (language)
Piaget Cognitive Theory

2. Preoperational

Language developmt allows symbolic fn to occur
Progress from concretism to abstract thinking
Comprehends past present future
Night terrors
Acquires words, math, music symbols
Piaget's Cognitive Theory

3. Concrete Ops

Beginnings of abstract thought, plays games with rules, understanding of cause-effect relationship & logical implications understood, thinking is independent of experience, reversible
Piaget's Cognitive Theory

4. Formal Ops

11 - maturity
Higher level of abstraction
Construction of ideals
Planning for future
Thinks hypothetically
De-centers through interactions w peers & elders
Assumes adult roles, responsibilities
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment
1. Orientation signals
2. Orientation and signals
3. Maintenance of proximity to discriminated figure by locomotion and signals
4. Goal directed partnership
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment
1. Orientation signals
2. Orientation and signals
3. Maintenance of proximity to discriminated figure by locomotion and signals
4. Goal directed partnership
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment

1. Orientation signals
0-3 mos
Tracking eye movemts, grasping, reaching, Babbling, smiling
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment

2. Orientation and signals
3-6 mos
Friendly responses to specific persons increases
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment

3. Maintenance of proximity ...
12-36 mos
Mother as base for exploration, stranger danger
follows departing mother
responds to mother's return
Bowlby's 4 Developmental Phases toward Attachment

4. Goal directed partnership
2 yrs - 3 yrs or more
Conceives of mother as separate object
acquires insight into mother's feelings
Timing of stranger anxiety
6 -8 months
Timing of Separation anxiety
12 months
Timing of Prolonged separation
18 months
Mahler's 4 subphases in child's progress to object constancy
1. Normal autism
2. Normal symbiosis
3. Separation - individuation
4. Consolidation of individuality
Mahler's Premise: Object Constancy
Object Constancy: capacity of the childto maintain an inner representation of the absent love object which unifies the good and bad feeling in one whole.
Defense Mechanisms

Automatic, involuntary, usually unconscious psychological activity: expresses the forbidden impulse in symbolic external form & serves to bind anxiety.
Defense Mechanisms

Amnesia or symptomatic forgetting serving to banish unacceptable ideas, fantasies, affects, or impulses from consciousness
Defense Mechanisms

enables one to make up for real or fancied deficiencies
Defense Mechanisms

repressed urge is expressed disguised as disturbance of body function usually of sensory, voluntary nervous system
Defense Mechanisms

inability to acknowledge true significance of thoughts, feeling, wishes, or external reality factors which are consciously intolerable
Defense Mechanisms

directing an impulse, wish, or feeling toward a person or situation not its real object, thus permitting expression in a less threatening situation
Defense Mechanisms

process which enables one to split mental functions in a manner allowing one to express forbidden/unconscious impulses w/o responsibility for action due to inability to recall or it is not experienced as his own
Defense Mechanisms

overestimation o admired aspect or attribute of another; may be conscious or unconscious
Defense Mechanisms

person patterns self after significant other; plays major role in personality development, especially super ego development
Defense Mechanisms

Identification with the gressor
mastering anxiety by identifying with a powerful aggressor to counteract feelings of helplessness, usually involves behaving like the aggressor
Defense Mechanisms

psychic representation of person or parts of person are figuratively ingested
Defense Mechanisms

loss of motivation to engage in usually pleasurable activity avoided b/c it might stir up conflict over forbidden impulses
Defense Mechanisms

loved or hated external objects are symbolically absorbed within the self (converse of projection)
Defense Mechanisms

Isolation of affect
unacceptable impulse/idea/act is separated from its original memory source thereby removing original emotional charge
Defense Mechanisms

attributing one's disowned attitudes, wishes, feelings, and urges to some external object
Defense Mechanisms

Not unconscious
Giving believable explanation for irrational behavior motivated by unacceptable unconscious wishes
Defense Mechanisms

Reaction Formation
Person adopts affects, ideas, attitudes, behaviors which are OPPOSITES of those he harbors consciously or unconsciously
Defense Mechanisms

partial or symbolic return to more infantile patterns or reacting or thinking
Defense Mechanisms

instinctual drives are diverted into personally, socially acceptable adaptive channels
Defense Mechanisms

with unattainable or unacceptable goals or emotions, object is replaced by one more attainable or acceptable
Defense Mechanisms

some mental representation stands for some other things, class of things, or attribute; this mechnism underlies dream formation and some symptoms such as conversion reactions, obsessions, compulsions, with the link btw the latent meaning of the sx and symbols usually unconscious
Defense Mechanisms

something unacceptable and already done, thought, or felt is symbolically acted out in reversw (usually repetisiously) in hopes of relieving anxiety; used in obsessive compulsiveness such as pathological hand washing
Defense Mechanisms

Turning against self
defense to deflect hostile aggression or other unacceptable impulses from another to self
Defense Mechanisms

defense mechanism of borderline personality which manifests as self or others being seen as "all good" or "all bad"; agression does not become neutralized; selective lack of impulse control, splitting protects good objects
Defense Mechanisms

Projective identification
borderline projection lack of differentiation betw self/object so that the all-bad self projected on the all-bad object is experienced in such a way tht projected impulse requiring that the person w/bdrln attacks and controls the object before he is attacked or destroyed
Defense Mechanisms

borderline - corollary of omnipotence; it is the split of primitive idealization
Defense mechanisms

Acting out
Directing an unconscious wish or impluse toward some person or object toward whom it is not really felt to avoid conscious awareness or real object
Defense mechanisms

deterioration of existing defenses
Death & Dying

Kubler-Ross Stage 1
1. Denial and isolation
Death & Dying

Kubler-Ross Stage 2
2, Anger
Death & Dying

Kubler-Ross Stage 3
3, Bargaining
Death & Dying

Kubler-Ross Stage 4
4. Depression
Death & Dying

Kubler-Ross Stage 5
5. Acceptance
Freud's Personality Structures

All 3


Freud Personality Structural Theory

First element
ID: Seat of primitive drives and instinctual needs
Impulses, primary process thinking, Unconscious, Discharges tension
Freud Personality Structural Theory

Second element
Mediator btw id & external reality
Moderates conflict btw drives and internalized prohibitions
Adaptive capacity in re external reality
Freud Personality Structural Theory

Third element
Seat of conscience, ego ideal
Uses internal and external reqrds or punishments to control and regulate id impulses
Three levels of the mind

All three


Three levels of the mind

Level one

Thoughts, feelings desires, memories of which we are unaware
Three levels of the mind

Level two

Thoughts and feelings which can be brought into consciousness easily
Three levels of the mind

Level three

Mental activities of which we are fully aware
6 Typical Antipsychotic meds
Thorazine - chlorpromazine
Mellaril - thioridazine
Stelazine - trifluoperazine
Proloxin - fluphenazine
Navane - thiothixene
Haldol - haloperidol
Side effects of psychotropic meds

4 examples
Tardive dyskinesia
Parkinsonian Sx
Acute dystonic reactions
Tardive dyskinesia
Side effect of psychotropic meds
abnormal, involuntary movements, twitching, snake like writhing, tongue, lips, jaw, face, extremities, trunk
Sx may persist indefinitely after med discontinued
Parkinsonian Sx
Side effect of psychotropic meds
Triad of signs: tremor, rigidity, slow movement, diminished expressiveness

rx: artane, cogentin, benadryl
Side effect of psychotropic meds

Compulsion to stay in motion
Acute dystonic reactions
Side effect of psychotropic meds
Impaired or disordered muscle tone, espec around face, mouth
Rx benzos, antihistamine, anticholinergic antiparkinson (cogentin)
Psychotic target sx less likely to respond to psychotropic meds
Negative sx:
Impaired judgment
Lack of insight
poor motivation
Psychotic target sx likely to respond to psychotropic meds
Positive sx:
agitation, insomnia, hallucinations, delusions, belligerence, paranoia, disorganized thinking
Atypical antipsychotic drugs (2)
1. Clozapine (clozaril)

2. Risperidone (risperdal)
Risperidone (risperdal)
1 5HT and D2 antagonist
Side effect: sedation, palpitations, headache
No tardive dyskinesia
Questionable relief of + and - sx