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66 Cards in this Set

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document that establishes rules (1787)
Separation of powers
Executive (management)
Legislative (makes laws)
Judicial (enforces laws)
formal, written law
Case law
laws established by court decisions
Civil law
laws governing relations between individuals
Stare Decisis
to stand by your decision
using previous cases to decide upon current case with similar facts
Writ of Certiorari
"to be fully informed" Superior courts using inferior court decisions
7th court of appeals
federal court with appellate jurisdiction
Civil Action
case brought about by individual towards another individual. Lawsuit filed against another for damages
Administrative Laws
laws from admin. agencies of government
fudemental rights like: Due Process and education
for the greater good for the greater number
government controlled by a head person with national and state powers
General Welfare Clause
constitutional phrase that allows for education
Land Ordinance act 1785
Tax money raised to through land sales out west
Sunshine laws
public deliberation of school boards. Sets precendence of closed and open meetings
Ultra Vires
"Beyond the Powers" cant take action outside of jurisdictions
Public Notice of meetings
1. Date and time of mtg.
2. 48 hour notice
3. public notice
Non religious
Establishment clause
government shall make no laws respecting religion or prohibiting free exercise therof
Equal Access Act
all groups will be allowed access if one group has access.
School Choice
can attend any public school
monies to help support choice of public or private school
10th Amendment
Power to states then power to school board
civil wrong as opposed to criminal wrong
Intentional Tort
intentionally infliciting wrong
Negligent tort
failure to use reasonable care in protecting students from harm
Constitutional tort
when wrongs are unconstitutional
violence (verbal) against another
act of injuring another in an act likely to cause bodily harm
failure to use reasonable care in protecting students from harm
Contributory negligence
negligence that makes damages worse
Assumption of risk
Activities that have assumed risks such as: football, pole vault
Sovereign Immunity
decisions made by government officials cannot cause them to be held liable.
harmful words in print
harmful spoken words
false claims that harm a person's reputation
purposely and malicious intent to harm
De Facto
unintentional segregation such as housing
De Juro
purposefully contributing to segregation such as separating student schools due to race
Least restrictive environment
the right for students to be educated with non-disabled peers to the best extent possible
Civil rights act of 1964
outlawed discrimination
Title IX
outlawed discrimination due to gender
EAHC (PL 94-142)
Requires all public schools to provide equal access to education to all children with disabilities (Equal Access Handicapped Children)
Individual with Disablilities Act (FAPE)
Free Appropriate Public Education
Plessy vs Ferguson
"separate but equal" separate train cars
outlawed disability discrimination (American Disabilities Act)
Tenure Contract
1 yr. = 120 days
1-2 years non-permanent
3-5 years semi-permanent
6+ permanent
why teacher tenure?
1. remove political abuse
2. prevent arbitrary interference of board
3. provide experienced teaching force
4. job security
PL 217
Collective bargaining
Due Process
1. Notice
2. Hearing
3. Impartial witness
4. Present
5. Right to counsel
Deliberate indiference
reckless disregard for consequenses (causing or contributing to damages)
manifestation destination
is the undesired behavior due to the child's disability
Child Benefit Theory
must benefit the child (text book loans) Cochren vs. For greater good of the public
Executive session
1. collective bargaining
2. litigation
3. security systems
4. purchase real estate
5. interviews
6. personnel issues
7. confidential records
8. student placements
Open meetings
Public Notice
Sunshine laws--public deliberation
Simple majority
minimum number of menbers of deliberating body
Case citation
title, volume, page number, year
Sources of school law
Case laws
Common Schools
free public schools
Article 8 Section I
Implied Authority
School board makes legal decision for the school. State gives the board implied authority
Ministerial Power
must follow laws imposed by state but have some leeway such as 180 of school, but make own calendar
Discretionary power
ie. hiring teachers, purchasing busses...