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28 Cards in this Set

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Divine/Natural Law


Shari'ah Law

Secular Humanism

Positive Law


Proletariat Law

Cosmic Humanism

Self Law


Critical Legal Studies

In what two ways has God revealed law to mankind?

Divine and Natural law

What are the five basic precepts of Christian law?

1) The source of all divine law is character of God

2) The moral order proceeds out of God's character

3) We are created in the image of God and therefore have significance

4) When Jesus took on human form, human life took on even greater significance

5) Jesus Christ will judge humanity according to a universal standard of good and evil

How does the Islamic view of humanity and law differ from the view held by Christianity? What form of government does the Islamic view usually produce?

Islam: Individuals who can be counted on to resist temptation should take charge of government

Christianity: Humanity should not be trusted with too much power; it should be distributed

Dictatorships and monarchies

What is the basic assumption upon which Secular Humanist law is founded?

God does not exist; humanity is perfectible therefore we must create an environment that encourages further evolutionary process

What is bourgeoisie law? What two problems do Marxists have with bourgeoisie law? How do Marxists propose that society overcome the corrupt rule of bourgeoisie law?

It is formulated by the ruling class of a wealthy society.

1) it always discriminates against propertyless working class

2) it produces protest in the form of lawlessness

Overthrow the bourgeoisie, allow the proletariat to make the laws

How is Marxist legal theory similar to Secular Humanist law? How does Marxist legal theory differ from that of the Secular Humanist?

Similar: The foundation of law is in mankind and the state, denying any absolute legal foundation in God.

Difference: Marxists add economics to their theory, taking on a class and party distinctive

According to Cosmic Humanists, where does all authority reside and why?

Within each individual. Every person is God and God is in every person, only humanity can decide the legality of an action by getting in touch with their inner God.

What is the Critical Legal Studies movement?

A theory that challenges and overturns accepted norms and standards in legal theory and practice

What are some faulty ways Christians can approach entertainment? What is wrong with these approaches?

1) Avoid it entirely. Entertainment will not just go away

2) Listening and watching only "Christian " entertainment. We still use it to distract us from living, instead of enriching our lives.

3) Relying solely on the moving rating system to judge acceptability. The rating system is very subjective and therefore, not reliable.

4) Counting cuss words and sexual content. This does not make the movie better because there could still be a terrible worldview in a clean movie.

What is a good approach Christians can take with entertainment?

With the right goal: cultural impact, the right mind: engaged not simply amused, and the right framework found in the Scriptures




False. Creativity


False. Creator

The bulk...


Differing individuals...


God created...


According to the doctrine...

False. Non-utilitarian

We can judge...the effect the work of art


We can judge...the purpose that governs


The arts...

False. Reality

We must agree...


We must receive...
