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9 Cards in this Set

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White 1910

White - d tried to kill his mother with cyanide but died before drinking it.

Actus Reus - poisoning the drink... Mtmp

Mens Rea - intended to kill mother ... Attempted.

Mohan 1976

Mohan - d not guilty of GBH on police officer as didn't have intention.

Attorney - General's Reference (no 3 of 1992) (1994)

Attorney - General's Reference (no 3 of 1992) (1994) - d thew a petrol bomb at four men but hit wall instead.

Only recklessness is needed to be proven for it be seen as an attempt, as it endangered life.

What is an impossible crime?

A person may try really hard to commit a crime and do everything they can to commit but can’t.

Anderton v Ryan (1985)

Anderton v Ryan - d brought a video thinking it was stolen, turns out it wasn’t after she handed herself into the police. Not guilty under s1(2).

What is subsection that makes attempting an impossible crime a crime?

Criminal attempts act 1981 s1(2).

What practice section was used to overrule the decision that a person can’t be guilty of an impossible crime?

Practice statement 1966.

Shivpuri (1986)

Shivpuri - d tried to smuggle drugs but actually were not drugs. Guilty through combined effect of s1(2) and s1(3).

Jones (2007)

Jones - d left his number on a public lavatories inviting young girls to ring. An undercover police woman rang to catch him. He was arrested and charged even though he argued did nothing wrong as he didn’t contact anyone underage.