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13 Cards in this Set

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John Rawls

Compared law to scientific theory-Shaped theory of original position


Most influential thinker in the history of the world- thought of socratic method, which is defined on the ideas in dialogue.


Came up with the concept of the rule of law

Thomas Hobbes

Wrote Leviathan- came up with social contract(create a state that could protect them from predation and exploitation)

John Locke

opposite of Hobbes- described state of nature as inferior to the organized political state only because of its lack of law

Karl Marx

thought of conflict perspective; insists that conflicts are always settle in favor of the ruling class in any society

Max Weber

-Most famous work Economy and Society

-argued law was different from other kinds of rule following in three fundamental ways; (1) external pressures make you obey law,(2) these external pressures involve threat of force,and (3) these threats are carried out by agents.

John Austin

Came up with the command theory of law(it is possible and valuable to have morally neutral descriptive theory of law)

HLA Hart

he held that legal rules to be threats backed by sanctions and statements of legal obligations as predictions that the threatened sanctions will be carried out

Ronald Dworkin

"The law is whatever follows from the constructive interpretation of the institutional history of the law"

Lawrence Friedman

Wrote "What is a legal system?"

Henry David Thoreau

shared opinion that the best government was the the type that governed least

John Adams

came up with the rule of law that law should govern a nation