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52 Cards in this Set

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custoida -ae
protection, custody
exercitus -us
paupertas, paupertatis
poverty, humble circumstances
dives, divitis
par, paris
equal, like
pauper pauperis
of small means, poor
provided that, so long as
malo malle malui
to want (something) more, instead; prefer
pateo, patere, patui
to be open, lie open; be accessible; be evident
nolo nolle nolui
to not... wish, be unwilling
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum
to offer, provide
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum
to send forth, promise
volo velle volui
to wish, to want, be willing, will
initium, -ii
the beginning, commencement
ops opis
help, aid
opes opum
power, resources, wealth
philosophus, -i
plebs, plebis
the common people, populace, plebeians
sal salis
salt, wit
speculum -i
quis, quid
anyone, anything, someone, something
candidus -a-um
shining, bright, white; beautiful
merus -a -um
pure, undiluted
suavis, suave
alas! ah!
recuso,recusare recusavi, recusatum
to refuse
trado tradere tradidi traditum
to give over, surrender, hand down, transmit, teach
anima -ae
soul spirit
remissio remissionis
letting go, release; relaxation
vox vocis
voice, word
adversus -a -um
adverse, opposite
talis tale
such, of such a sort
woe to, alas
arbitror, arbitrari arbitratus sum
to judge think
conor conari conatus sum
to try, attempt
cresco crescere crevi cretum
to increase
egredior egredi egressus sum
to go out
fateor fateri fassus sum
to confess, admit
hortor hortari hortatus sum
to encourage, urge
loquor loqui locutus sum
to say, speak, tell
molior moliri molitus sum
to work at, build, undertake, plan
morior mori mortuus sum
to die
nascor nasci natus sum
to be born, spring forth, arise
patior pati passus sum
to suffer, endure, permit
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
to set out, start
resticor rusticari rusticatus sum
to live in the country
sedeo sedere sedi sessum
to sit
sequor sequi sectus sum
to follow
specto, spectare spectavi spectatum
to look at, see
utor uti usus sum
to use; enjoy, experience