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35 Cards in this Set

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The soldiers fortified the first battle line.
Mīlitēs aciem prīmam mūnīvērunt.
The speeches were terrifying the neighboring cities.
Ōrātiōnēs urbēs fīnitimas terrēbant.
The town has strong walls.
Oppidum mūrōs fortēs habet.
Caesar will seize all the harbors.
Caesar omnēs portūs occupābit.
Are there arms in the winter quarters of the tribes?
Suntne arma in hībernōribus gentium?
Why does the general not seize the narrow bridge?
Cur imperātor pontem angustum nōn occupat?
They conquered many renowned kingdoms.
Multā rēgna nōbilia vīcērunt.
The mountains and forests are full of serious dangers.
Montēs et silvae sunt plēnae perīculōrum gravium.
We were carrying the brothers to a foreign place.
Fratrēs locō alienō portābāmus.
Therefore the senators were giving bad laws to the nations.
Itaque senatūs legēs malās populīs dābant.
You (pl.) will overcome the heavy attack upon the holy people.
Impetum gravem in populum sanctum superābitis.
Christians have a common Lord and a common name.
Chrīstiānī Dominum commūnem et nōminem commūne habent.
The Roman legions made a difficult march to the strong garrison.

("garrison" = "praesidium, -i")
Legiōnēs Romanae iter difficile praesidiō fortī fēcērunt.
The centurion heard the voice of death.
Centuriō vōcem mortis audīvit.
The Gauls will prepare arms for a great war.
Gallī arma magnō bellō parābunt.
Where do you (pl.) have all the things?
Ubi omnēs rēs habētis?
I was fighting on behalf of the hopes of the Christians.
Prō spēbus Chrīstiānōrum pugnābam.
The chief was advising the safe part of the city.
Prīnceps partem tūtam urbis monēbat.
I will always pray on behalf of the enemies of the Christians.
Prō hostibus Chrīstiānōrum semper orābō.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Glōria Patrī et Fīliō et Spīrituī Sanctō.
Meanwhile, you (sg.) will warn the Romans and we shall attack the Gauls.
Interim Rōmānōs monēbis et Gallōs oppugnābimus.
You (sg.) always warn good friends of dangers.
Amīcōs bonōs perīculōrum semper monēs.
As you (pl.) were keeping the baggage we were terrifying the bad tribes.
Sīcut impedīmenta retinēbātis gentēs malās terrēbāmus.
(he) will seize
I was fighting
(they) will prepare
You (sg.) shall warn
We shall attack
(they) were terrifying
(he) does not seize
nōn occupat
we were carrying
you (pl.) will overcome
we were terrifying
You all do have
he was advising