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186 Cards in this Set

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dolor, doloris

pain, m

tremor, tremoris

tremor, m

tumor, tumoris

tumour, m

amor, amoris

love, m

-tor, toris

nouns ending with this means one that does the action

autor, autoris

author, m

dictator, dictatoris

dictator, m

flexor, oris

m you know what this means

abductor, abductoris


adductor, oris


levator, oris


extensor, oris


pulmo, pulmonis

lung, m

carbo, onis

charcoal, m

homo, hominis

human, m

ordo, ordinis

order, m

tendo, tendinis


ren, renis

kidney, m

lien, lienis

spleen, m

apex, apicis

apex, m

cortex, corticis

cortex, m

index, indicis

index, m

pollex, pollicis

thumb, m

coccyx, coccygis

coccyx, m

fornix, fornicis

arch, m

thorax, thoracis


larynx, laryngis


pharynx, pharyngis


hallux, hallucis

big toe, m

pater, patris

father, m

mater, matris

mother, f

adeps, adipis

fat, m

pes, pedis

foot, m

pedes, pedum

feet (pl), m

paires, parietis

wall, m

herpes, herpetis

herpes, m

febris, febris

fever, f, vocal

pelvis, pelvis

pelvis, f, vocal

tussis, tussis

cough, f, vocal

pertussis, pertussis

whooping cough, f

basis, is

base, f, greek

stasis, is

stoppage/state, f, greek

metastasis, is

f, greek

lithiasis, is

formation of stones, f, greek, vocal

calculosis, is

formation of calculi, f, greek

rhinolithiasis, is

formation of stones in nose, f, greek

sialolithiasis, is

formation of stones in mouth, f, greek

anamnesis, is

history of disease, f, greek

centesis, is

punction, greek, f

odontogenesis, is

formation + growing of teeth, f, greek

synthesis, is

f, greej

diathesis, is

susceptibility to diseases, f breek

crisis, is

f, greek

tuberculosis, is

f, greek

adhaesiolysis, is

adhesiolysis (surgery to remove or divide adhesions), f, greek

epidermolysis, is

epidermolysis, f, greek

paralysis, is

paralysis, f, greek

osmosis, is

greek, f

cirrhosis, is

greek, f

necrosis, is

greek, f, vocal

narcosis, is

greek, f, vocal

dosis, is

greek, f, vocal

hypnosis, is

greek, f

excisosis, is

exicosis (loss of fluid), greek, f

prognosis, is

greek, f

diagnosis, is

greek ,f

thrombosis, is

freek, f

-omatosis, is

connected with cancer

lipomatosis, is

cancer of fat, f, greek

fibromatosis, is

formation of cancer of fibrils, f, greek

rete, retis

net, n, vocal

animal, animalis

animal, n, vocal

sal, salis

salt, n

thenar, thenaris

thenar, n

ending with -e, -al, -ar

neutral, 3rd, constant

os, ossis

bone, n

fel, fellis

gall bladder, n

mel, mellis

honey, n

cicatrix ,cicatrices

scar, f

caput, capitis

head, n

os, oris

mouth, n

hepar, hepatis

liver, n

tempus, temporis

time, n

homo, hominis

man, m

tendo, tendinis

tendon, m

paries, parietis

wall, n

incus, incudis

anvil, f

fornix, icis

vault, arch, m

graviditas, tatis

pregnancy, f



squamosus, a um

scaly, husky

vesiculosus, a, um


levator, oris

levator, m

accretio, onis

f, increase

angulus, anguli

corner, m

taruds, tarda, tardum


pavor, pavoris


terminatio, onis

termination, f

virgo, virginis

virgin, f

cartilago, cartilaginis


lumbago, lumbagainis

pain in back, f

vertigo, vertiginis

dizzy, f

margo, marginis

margin, m take note, this is masculine not feminine

operatio, operationis


adhesio, adhesionis


distorsio, onis

distortion, f

amputatio, onis


dilatio, onis

dilation, f

infectio, onis

infection, f

inflammatio, onis


sectio, sectionis

section, f

vulneratio, onis

injury, f

extractio, onis


migratio, onis

migration - esp for teeth, f

obturatio, onis

fill with medicine, f

devitalisatio, onis

devitalisation, f

cervix, icis

neck, f

cicatrix, icis

scar, f

extremitas, tatis

extremity, f

fertilatis, tatis

fertility, f

gravitas, tatis

heavy, f

obesitas, tatis

obese, f

pubertas, tatis

puberty, f

sterilitas, tatis

sterile, f

surditas, tatis


carotis, carotitis

carotid, f, greek

parotis, parotitis

parotid, f, greek

nephritis, nephritidis

inflammation of kidneys, f greek

splenitis, splenitidis

infl of spleen,f, greek

encephelatis, itidis

inf of brain, greek, f

appendicitis, itidis

infl. of appendix, gree, f

sinutis, itidis

infl. of sinus, f, greek

colpitis, colpitidis

inf of vagina, f, greek

vaginitis, vaginitidis

inf of vagina, f

amydalitis, itidis

tonsillitis, f, greek

tonsilitis, tonsilitidis

tonsillitis, f, latin

abdomen, minis


foramen, minis

opening, n

semen, seminis


genus, generis

gene, n

latus, lateris

side, n

ulcus, ulceris


vulnus, vulneris

injury n


by contusum


by cut







corpus, corporis

body, n

pectus, pectoris

chest muscle, n

tempora, temporum

temporal bone, n + pl

crus, cruris

shank, n

femur, femoris

femur, n

pus, puris

pus, n

cor, cordis

cord, n

hepar, hepatis

liver n

os, oris

mouth, n

caput, capitis

head, n

-ma, matis

n and greek

anuerysma, atis

n, greek

asthma, atis

n, greek

plasma, atis

greek, n

lympha, atis

greek, n

trauma, atis

greek, n

-ema, ematis

means swelling or skin problem, n + greek

odema, ematis

n greek

erythrema, atis

n greek

empyema, atis

pus in body cavity, n, greek

emphysema, atis

air in body cavity, n , greek

-oma, omatis

some kind of cancer , usually benign

carcinoma, nomatis

n, greek also nom pl - carcinomata

fibroma, omatis

n, greek

myoma, omatis

n, greek

lipoma, omatis

n greek

sarcoma, omatis

n, greek - usually makes it malignant

fibrosarcomma, omatis

n , greek

dolor, doloris

pain, m

colitis, colitidis

f, greek

testis, is

testes, m, mixed

canalis, is

canal, m , mixed

linguis, is

tongue, m , mixed

cutis, is, f

skin, f, mixed

dens, dentis

tooth, m , mixed

mens, mentis

mind, f, mixedm

mors, mortis

dead, f, mixed

pars, partis

part, f, mixed