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12 Cards in this Set

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Rapacious (adj)
Seizing everything; greedy. a _ roup of colonists seized seizing everything; greed. A _ group of colonists, seized all the land for themselves, leaving none for the people who arrived later.
syn: demanding
ant: giving
rapt (adj)
Giving total attention to; captivated. As a program on Giving total attention to; captivated. As a program on birds played across the screen, the kittens sat _rapt in front of the television.
syn: fascinated
ant: inattentive
surreptitious (adj.)
Hidden or secret; done without notice. With a _motion of his hand, the magician hid the coin in the scarf.
syn: stealthy
ant: open
perceptible (adj.)
Able to be noticed or felt. The wink that Kevin gave Laurel was so fast it was barely _.
susceptible (adj.)
able to be influenced. Ben felt that if he were too open-minded, he would be _to harmful ideas, so he lived in isolation.
syn: impressionable.
precept (n.)
an idea important to a system of beliefs. One of the main _ of the religion is kindness to other living creatures.
syn: commandment
voracious (adj.)
devouring everything. The _locusts left a path of ruined crops a mile long.
Syn: insatiable
omnivorous (adn.)
feeding on both animals and plants. My two brothers are strict vegetarians, but I consider myself _.
herbivorous. (adj.)
eating only plants. Early American pioneers found lots of grazing land for their _animals.
decadent (adj.)
overly luxurious and lacking moral discipline; excessive. The billionaire's spoiled children wasted millions of dollars on _parties. syn: wanton
ant: restrained
cadence (n.)
rhythmic rise and fall. The beautiful _of Jeff's voice as he read lulled us to sleep.
casulaty (n.)
something or someone injured, killed or eliminated. Grandmother sighed that politeness was just one more _of a world that couldn't slow down.
syn: victim.