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41 Cards in this Set

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carte blanche (Fr) (kart blansh)
unlimited authority
quantum meruit (L) (kwan-tum mer-u-et)
as much as one deserves
ultra vires (L) (ul-trah vir-ez)
an act or contract which is not within the powers of a corporation
intra vires (L) (in-trah vir-ez)
within the legal powers
actio in personam (L) ( ak-she-o in pers-so-nam)
a civil action that is directed toward a specific person

damnum absque injuria (L) (dam-nem abs-kwe in-joo-re-a)

any loss which is nonrecoverable in a court of law

femme sole (Fr) (fel sol)
single woman, divorced or widowed
femme covert (Fr) (fem co-ver)
married woman
prima facie (L) (pri-ma fa-she)
at first view or at first glance
stare decisis (L) (star-e de-sisis)
the decision of the court to let a precedent stand as a guideline
sui generis (L) (su-e jen-er-is)
of it's own kind or in a class by itself, unique
incommunicado (Sp) (in-ke-myoon-e-ka-do)
to isolate or cut off
inter vivos (L) (in-ter ve-vos)
a transaction between living persons
Quid pro quo (L) (Kwid pro kwo)
something for something
voir dire (Fr) (vwar der)
to speak the truth
voir dire examination of a juror to determine a person's qualifications to serve on a jury
curriculum vitae (L) (ke-rik -ye-lem vi-te)
the course of one's life
caveat emptor (L) (kah-ve-aht emp-tor)
let the buyer beware
at your own risk
caveat venditor (L) (kah-ve-aht ven-dih-tor)
the purchaser must be protected from buying mistakes made by the seller
De facto (L) (de fak-to)
existing in fact but has not met all requirements of the law
De Jure (L) (de joor)
to be in total compliance with the law
Corpus Juris Secundum (L) (kor-pes ju-ris se-kun-dum)
an encyclopedic work on the law
Corpus juris civilis (L) (kor-pes ju-ris si-vi-lis)
the whole body of the Roman law
Quo Warranto (L) (kwo wo-ran-to)
by what or whose authority

tete-a-tete (Fr) (tat-e-tat)

a private conversation or interview, normally of a confidential nature

De bene esse (L) (da be-ne es-se)
temporary or conditional value or worth

Non Compos mentis

of unsound mind. A person incapable of handling daily affairs is mentally incompetent

Aliunde (L) (al-e-un-de)
(evidence) from another source or elsewhere.
Ad Infinitum (L) (ad in-fi-ni-tum)
without end, without stopping
Ad Interim (L) (ad in-ter-im)
temporary officer
in the meantime or for the time being
terra firma (L) (ter-ra fir-mah)
solid earth
Capias (L) (ka-pe-us)
To take away
E Pluribus Unum (L) (e plo-ri-bus u-num)
The motto of the United States of America
means One composed of many parts
Persona Non Grata (L)
an unwelcome or unacceptable person
petit jury (Fr) (pet-e ju-ree)
trial jury
of small importance

anno domini (L) (an-no daw-mi-nee)

A.D. signifies the passage of time from the birth of Christ

A posteriori (L) (ah pos-te-re-ori)

facts that can be only known through experience

A priori (L) (ah pri-o-ri)
presumptive or deductive reasoning
Pro Rata (L) (pro-ra-tah)
a proportionate share according to the interest or liability
Erratum (L) (er-rah-tum)
an error in writing or printing

Ex officio

From or by virtue of a specific office or rank

Ex officio

From or by virtue of a specific office or rank