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54 Cards in this Set

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aetas, aetatis, F.
time of life, age, life
celeritas, -tatis, F.
speed, swiftness
defendo, -ere, defendi, defensus
denique (adv.)
finally, at last
desisto, -ere, -stiti, -stitus
stop, desist
deterreo, -ere, -ui, -itus
deter, prevent, hinder, keep from
dubius, -a, -um
dubium, -i, N.
doubt, hesitation
dubito, (1)
hesitate (with inf.); doubt (with indirect question or 'quin' + subjunctive)
impedio, -ire, -ivi (-ii), itus
deter, impede, prevent
metuo, -ere, metui, --
nemus, nemoris, N.
grove, wood
obitus, -us, M.
a going down, setting; downfall, ruin
obsto, -are, -stiti, -status
stand in the way of, hinder ( + dat.)
orior, -iri, ortus sum
rise, arise, begin
ortus, -us, M.
rising, source
pervenio, -ire, -veni, -ventus
arrive (at) ( + ad)
prohibeo, -ere, -ui, -itus
keep from, prohibit, prevent
quin (conj.)
but that, that not (used after expressions of prevention, negative doubting, etc.)
radius, -i, M.
rod, ray
religio, -onis, F.
religious awe, reverence, integrity, sanctity
quominus (conj.)
by which the less, that not, from (used in positive or negative clauses of prevention)
relinquo, -ere, -liqui, -lictus
leave behind, abandon
reliquus, -a, -um
remaining; rest of
retego, -ere, -texi, -tectus
uncover, reveal
tergum, -i, N.
turpis, -e
foul, ugly
una (adv.)
together, at the same time
venor, -ari, -atus sum
hunt, go hunting
verto, -ere, verti, versus
animadverto, -ere, -verti, -versus
turn one's attention to, notice
veto, -are, -ui, -itus
parataxis; paratactic
the absense of subordination and the arrangement of several clauses side by side

i.e. Timeo. I fear. Ut veniat! I wish he would come (veniat is the optative subjunctive)
hypotaxis; hypotactic
the subordination of one clause to another.

Timeo ut veniat. I fear that he is not coming (It is logical that one would fear that the opposite of his wish might come about)
Timeo 'ut venturus sit'
I fear that he will not come (emphasis on futurity)
Timeo 'ne non veniat'
I fear that he is not coming (will not come).
Hoc 'facere' dubito.
I hesistate to do this. (When 'dubito' (1) means 'hesitate', it takes an infinitive)
Dubito 'num abiturus sit'.
I doubt whether (that) he will go away.
Dubito 'an abeat'.
I doubt whether (that) he is going away.
Non dubito 'quin abeat'
I don't doubt (but) that he is going away. (When the word of expression of doubting is negative, a subjunctive clause introduced by 'quin' (translated literally 'but that') is used.
Non dubito 'quin abiturus sit'.
I don't doubt (but) that he will go away.
Non dubium est 'quin abeat'.
It is not doubtful (but) that he is going away.
Quis dubitat 'quin abeat'?
Who doubts (but) that he is going away? ('quis dubitat' is an example of a 'virtual negative'; that is the implication is that no one doubts that he is going away.)
Te veto 'abire'.
I forbid you to go away.
Te prohibeo 'abire'.
I prohibit you to (from going) away.
(Te) deterreo 'quominus abeas'
I deter you by which the less you go away. I deter you from going away. (Verb of prevention is positive -- subjunctive clause introduced by 'quominus')
(Te) deterreo 'ne abeas'
I deter you in order that you not go away; I deter you from going away. (Verb of prevention is positive -- subjunctive clause introduced by 'quominus')
Non (te) deterreo 'quominus abeas'.
I don't deter you by which the less you go away. I don't deter you from going away. (Verb of prevention is negative -- subjunctive clause introduced by 'quominus' or 'quin')
Non (te) deterreo 'quin abeas'
I don't deter you but that you go away; I don't deter you from going away. (Verb of prevention is negative -- subjunctive clause introduced by 'quominus' or 'quin')
What is a supine?
A verbal noun (like a gerund)
Form the accusative of the supine forms for all four conjugations
optatum, impletum, inceptum, sensum
Form the ablative of the supine forms for all four conjugations
optatu, impletu, inceptu, sensu
It urbem 'captum'
He goes to capture the city (The accusative of the supine is used without a preposition after verbs of motion to express purpose.
Hic liber facilis est 'lectu'.
This book is easy with respect to reading; the book is easy to read. (The ablative of the supine is used with some adjectives as an ablative of respect).