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34 Cards in this Set

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When did Christopher Columbus reach the New World?


When was the Spice Road blocked?


What is Limpieza de Sangre?

-a proof certificate that one's ancestors are of Spanish parentage

What is Treaty of Tordesillas?


-it divides New World between Spain and Portugal

When did Hernán Cortés arrive to New World and what city did he conquer?


-Tenochtitlán- capital city of the Aztec Empire

Who conquered the Inca empire?


Francisco Pizarro

Who was Montezuma?

Aztec king

What is mercantilism?

-early capitalism

-accumulation of capital and profit

-selling goods for more than original price

(enslaving workers increased profits)

Comment on slave trade in Latin America.

-at first enslaved indigenous people- they were killed or diseases such as common cold and small-pox rapidly decreased the population

-afterwards African rulers and merchants 'provided' slaves from Africa

-12 million slaves imported to America


-worked 15-18 hours per day on plantations, often till dead

-largest migration in the history

Describe Haitian revolt.


-100,000 slaves took part

-burned cane fields and killed whites

-plantations desolate, destruction of irrigation system

-revolt led by Francois-Domingue Toussaint L'ouverture

Comment on Spanish Inquisition.

-it begins in Lima in 1569

-heretics 'allowed' to repent or be put to death

-Inquisition spread throughout the continent

-degenerates into witch-hunts

-any unusual behaviour counted as heresy- crime against the faith

-Inquisition served as a tool of social control

What happened during the revolt in Mexico in 1810?

-led by priest Miguel Hidalgo

-united mestizos and indians agains criollos and peninsulares

-Hidalgo defeated by Spanish forces

-replaced by mestizo priest- José María Morelos

-Mexican defeated in formal battles

-they adopted the methods of guerilla warfare

-Morelos captured and executed in 1815

Who is Simón Bolívar?

-1816- Bolívar uprisings against the Spanish

-he wants United States of South America (based on what they did in the North America)

-Battle of Boyacá- 1819

-he defeats Spaniards in a surprise attack

-Bolívar leads movements in Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama

Who leads revolt movements in Argentina, Chile and Peru?

José de San Martín

When does North America and Mexico declare independence?


When did Brazil declare independence?


Who was Porfirio Díaz?


-Mexican dictator

-wanted to attract foreign investors from GB, USA to get capital for economic development

-tried to attract immigrants- for successful economy a bigger population is needed

-over 60% of Mexican economy is controlled by foreigners that invest because of cheap labour source (low wages, inequality)

-he introduced slavery again to get rid of Indians- programme of genocide- the population goes from 30.000 to 6.000

-railway expansion- 10.000 miles of new railway

-forced farmers into wage labour

-opened the indigenous land to colonisation

Who were los científicos?

-supporters of Porfirio Díaz

Who was Francisco Madero?

-he challenged Porfirio Díaz when he refused to step down

-he defeated him in 1911

-he was less revolutionary than he promised

-replaced by Victoriano Huerta

-Madero assassinated

Who was Victoriano Huerta?

-he was a Díaz supporter

-he faced two rebellions:

1. led by Francisco 'Pancho' Villa

2. led by Emiliano Zapata

-US ended Huerta's regime in 1914

When was the Modern Constitution of Mexico established and what was it about?


-limited the power of church

-restricted foreign corporations

-benefits to labour- less working hours per day

-introduces agrarian reform- effort to redistribute the land

When was the National Revolutionary Party created?


When did the Spain loose Cuba as a colony and what happened with Cuba afterwards?


-struggle for independence

-US intervened and Cuba became US colony in all but name

-US troops returned repeatedly to suppress revolts safeguard economic system

-US investors owned 2/3 of arable land

-export of drugs to US (especially heroine)

-Havana- playground for elites

Who was Fulgencio Batista?

-a general placed in power in Cuba by the US

-he had close links to mafia

-he violently quashed challenges to the regime

-instituted gambling

-under his rule, the land was owned by foreign companies

-natural resources were exploited by foreign investors

When did Cuban revolution happen?

1.1. 1959

-overthrow of Batista government

-armed revolt

-Castro and his forces trained in Mexico for 2 years before arrival in Cuba

-less than 200 men

-Cuban army and police force between 30.000- 40.000

Who was Che Guevara?

-he led Cuban revolution as well

-later organised revolutionary forces in Africa and later in Bolivia

-he was assassinated in Bolivia by CIA

Who was Fidel Castro?

-in 1959 he took power in Cuba, nationalised natural resources and redistributed land

-that incurred wrath of the US and so they imposed economic embargo

-Batista agents, policemen and soldiers put on public trial for human rights abuses and war crimes, including murder and torture

-healthcare and school for free

-educational reform

-low mortal rate

-literacy campaigns

-improvement in healthcare and social welfare

What does Third World Nationalism mean?

-people that live in the country should control it

What is the invasion at Bay of Pigs and when did it happen?


-it was a CIA organised invasion

-ended up in failure

-a full-scale invasion of Cuba by 1,400 American-trained Cubans who had fled their homes when Castro took over

-the invaders were badly outnumbered by Castro’s troops

What was Operation Mongoose?

-a secret program against Cuba aimed at removing the Communists from power

-organised by the US- CIA

-located in Miami

-air and commando raids by exiles

-destruction of oil refineries, chemical plants, railroad bridges, cane fields, sugar mills, warehouses- to damage Cuban economy

-attacks on Cuban fishing boats, commercial shipping

-the operation's budget- 50$/year

-agreements made with the local press to keep the campaign from public view

-countries pressured to conform to US embargo

-goods destined for Cuba sabotaged

-sugar frequently contaminated by the CIA

-in 1971, CIA used virus causing African swine fever, forced slaughter of 500.000 pigs

Who was Salvador Allende?

-Chilean president

-promised large-scale social reforms, redistribution of wealth, educational programmes, nationalisation of major industries and natural resources (copper)

-won in 1970 and 1973

-Henry Kissinger encouraged Chilean military to stage a coup, assassinations on Allende unsuccessful

What is neo- liberalism?

-liberalise trade and finance

-let markets set price

-end inflation


-free trade- often enforced by violent military rule

-reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy

-World Bank and International Monetary Fund agreed to reschedule in return for structural changes in L. American debtor economies

-reduction of public expenditure

-reduction of social services and support for the poorest groups

-reduction of agricultural subsidies for small farmers (that exposed the small farmers to competition from well-funded producers)

What is drug war- Plan Colombia?

-US plan to stop drug produce in Colombia

-very profitable for US arms producers

-disastrous for Colombia, particularly areas with their crops destroyed by spraying

-spraying also contaminated water and soil and killed surrounding vegetation

-4 million people displaced in Colombia

What is Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)?

-is a trade agreement currently under negotiation

-it would expand the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)