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37 Cards in this Set

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How did the leaders of the Latin American wars of independence differ from those of the U.S. and French revolutions?
Few desired to spread liberty to the masses, unlike the U.S. and French revolutionaries.
What was the immediate cause of the Latin American wars for independence?
The Napoleonic Wars, which weakened the Spanish government and loyalty to the monarchy.
How did Latin American Creoles respond to Napoleon replacing the Spanish king with his brother Joseph in 1808?
They argued that sovereignty had shifted to them because the king was no longer in charge, but a foreigner instead.
How did the Latin American wars for independence compare to the American Revolution?
The Latin American wars were prolonged and confused because they were not an organized movement with central leadership.
How was the initial rebellion in Mexico different from the rest of Latin America?
It was not led by the Creole elite, but instead by a renegade Catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo, a rebel for (a) promoting Enlightenment ideas, and (b) openly living with the mother of his two children.
Who was Miguel Hidalgo?
The priest who called for rebellion against French-controlled Spain from Mexico. He was executed in 1811 and the revolution was continued by Jose Maria Morelos.
Who was Jose Maria Morelos?
He continued the Mexican Revolution after Hidalgo was executed. On November 6, 1813, he declared Mexico's independence, and he was executed in 1815.
Who were the Creoles and who were the Peninsulars?
People of Spanish descent born in the colonies were Creoles. Spaniards born in Spain were Peninsulars, who got well-paid government jobs, and also church hierarchy positions.
Who were Vincente Guerrero and Agustin de Iturbide?
The leaders of the rebel forces in Mexico who combined forces with one another.
What was the Plan of Iguala?
That Mexico would become a monarchy and Catholicism would remain he only official religion. Mexicans would enjoy equality under he law.
What was a major source of discontent for the Latin American colonists?
The blockage of upward economic and social mobility. Mercantilism put the colonists at a disadvantage, as did heavy taxation by the mother country.
What effect did the expulsion of the Jesuits from America have on the support of the monarchy by the colonial church?
In 1767, the Spanish monarchy expelled the Jesuits in an attempt to reassert control over the Catholic Church. As a result, the support of the monarchy by the colonial Church was weakened. Many Spanish Americans regarded this as an act of tyranny and an attack on Creoles.
What resulted from the long civil war which followed the formation of the Mexican republic?
The five Central American states of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica seceded from Mexico to become separate nations.
Who was the primary leader of the struggle for independence in northern South America?
Simon Bolivar, who was a member of a rich, powerful Creole family in Venezuela. So, in 1811, the Venezuelan Creoles proclaimed the country's independence and established a republican constitution that abolished Indian tribute but kept black slavery.
What was the consolidacion decree?
A decree made by the Spanish government which ordered the confiscation of charitable Church funds in America and their remission to Spain. This particularly hurt Spaniards in Mexico, as churches acted as financial institutions there, lending money to anyone wishing to raise a mortgage-type loan to cover the purchase of property or other expenditures. Many upper and middle class Mexicans had to sell their property and many low-ranking clergymen were hurt by this decree.
What was a distinctive feature of Bolivar's military leadership?
He promoted his soldiers regardless of color or social rank.
Why was the remaining part of Spain, for security reasons, not a factor when the colonists sought their independence?
Most of the troops were from the colonies, as Spain did not have the resources to maintain large numbers of troops in the colonies, so they relied primarily on colonial militias.
Who was Jose San Martin?
A colonial army officer who had served in Spain and played a major role in securing the independence of Argentina. He used the promise of freedom to secure black and mulato voluteers. After securing the independence of Argentina, he crossed the Andes into Chile and defeated the Spanish there, installing Bernardo O'Higgins as Chilean leader in 1818.
Who was Bernardo O'Higgins?
Soldier who San Martin installed as Chilean commander.
Why did both San Martin and Bolivar choose to exile themselves to Europe?
San Martin was frustrated with the resistance of Lima's corrupt elite to his program of social reform, and he was failing in his attempt to free the slaves and end Indian tribute, so he left Peru and went back to Europe, dying in France in 1815.

Bolivar was disillusioned at his inability to bring stability and unity to Latin America, and before his death, he observed that America was ungovernable.
Why was national unity not achieved after the wars for independence?
Because of regional jealousy, geography, lack of economic contacts between Latin American coutries, the political rivalry of the formal colonial capitals, and military dependence on Britain.
What change in the social environment took place after the wars for independence?
Considerable loss of life, destruction of property, Spaniards and Creole Loyalists began to leave, property was given to the Creoles, legal discrimination on a racial basis was eliminated.
Why was the power of the Catholic Church reduced after the wars for independence?
The Papacy had supported the Spanish crown, and so people in Latin America were less supportive of the Papacy. The Inquisition ended in Latin America.
Why did the power and prestige of the military increase?
The military had played such a pivotal role in Latin American independence, so it became a way of upward mobility for people of lower socioeconomic status.
Why did slavery decline?
Because of the recruitment of slaves for military service, slavery began to decline. The concept of free birth began to spread, and the slave trade was abolished. In Venezuela, the slave population ell by 1/3 during the independence struggle. Dept peonage (similar to sharecropping) developed as a system.
Did independence bring Latin America the freedom and propsperity that the liberators had hoped for?
In most of the new countries, decades of civil discord followed the end of colonial rule....so....no.
What factors accounted for the economic decline that overwhelmed many of the new nations?
Independence was not accompanied by a more equable distribution of land and income, though this would have stimulated land and growth. Political turmoil discouraged foreign inverstment, exports of Latin American staples did not bring in enough to stimulate the new countries' economies, and Britain flooded the new markets with inexpensive, factory-made products that damaged the local industries. These developments reinforced the dominant role of the hacienda or plantation in the economic and political life of the new state.
What does the term caudillo refer to?
A chief executive in a Latin American country whose power rested on force no matter what the constitution said. Caudillos ruled with forces of lesser caudillos, each supreme in its own region.
How did the caudillos use the judiciary and the legislative branch?
The judiciary branch was used to punish opponents, and if there was a legislative branch, they pretty much just rubber-stamped all the caudillo said.
Why were elections, when held, usually farces?
The party in power counted the votes, so the opposition could only revolt in order to win office.
Conservatism reflected the interests of what groups of people?
The traditional holders of power and privilege, those who had stake in maintaining the status quo: the great landowners, the upper ranks of clergy, the higher ranks of the military and civil bureaucracy, and wealthy businessmen.
What groups did liberalism appeal to?
Those groups that in colonial times had had littler or no economic and political power who wanted things to change: smaller landowners, lawyers, other professional men, shopkeepers, artisans, and ambitious men in the lower classes.
What did neither liberals nor conservatives have any desire to do?
To help the lower classes rise economically or socially.
Why did Braziliands have much closer ties with Portugal and much less cause fo dissatisfaction than the Creoles in Spain's American colonies had with their mother country?
The Braziliand upper class had strong ties with Portugal, and many of the large Brazilian landowners were only first-generation Brazilians. Portugese colonial rule was not as oppressive or as exclusive as Spanish rule. Portugal governed through the local, dominant class. Brazilians received their higher education in Portugal. Brazil was a slave society, and 1/3 of its non-Indian population was slave, another 1/3 free mulatos and blacks. The white minority feared social and racial upheaval that breaking away from Portugal would cause. The economy of Brazil was export-oriented with close links to Europe, especially Britain.
What event precipitated the declaration of Brazil's independence?
The takeover of Portugal by Napoleon which then made Rio de Janeiro the capital of the Portuguese Empire.
Why did Portuguese Brazil make its transition to independence peacefuly?
Brazil paid Portugal 2,000,000 pounds for their independence, an interaction which was overseen by the British.

P.S. If you are studying these, I am horrifically embarassed by the number of typos on my flashcards. I am trying to correct them as I go along, but please keep in mind that I made these after midnight on Saturday.
What did King Joao tell his son Pedro to do hwen the kng had to return to Portugal from Brazil?
If the Brazilians wanted independence, he should not oppose them. Pedro declared himself the ruler of the newly independent Brazil.