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68 Cards in this Set

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What are the factors that influence a person to change?
1. Obtaining more knowledge
2. The ability to use self mangement skills
3. Have a reason to change
Relapse Definition
experiencing an episode or time frame when current behavior goes back to the previous discontinued behavior
procrastinating definition
When an individual makes excuses for not taking action on an issue
What is the Individual Behavior responsible for more deaths than any other behavior?
Tobacco use
Countering Definition
The strategy that substitutes healthy behavior for an unhealthy behavior
Anyone vigorously exercising for more than 1 hour should consider what?
Drinking an electrolyte or carbohydrate drink
For the best absorbtion by the body, the best temperature is
______ than ______.
cooler than ambien
What might vegetarians be missing out from their diet?
Vitamin B12
What is the glycemic index?
The numerical value given to food based on how quickly to body turns sugar based on the number of carbs in 1 serving
What helps fight osteoporosis?
What is the USDA's calorie reccommendation for men and women?
2800 calories
What does body composition consists of?
fats, muscles, bone, and other body tissue
Risk of chronic diseases rise when your body fat exceeds _____ for men and _____ for women.
You are only healthy if....
you have the right amount of body fat and lean body mass
Addiction Definition
The behavior characterized by habitual patterns, craving, long term persistance, and serious consequences.
Dopamean Definition
feeling good
Tolerance Definition
needing more and more of a substance to produce that desired effect
THC Definition
The addictive element in marijuana
Hallucinogens Definition
Least probability of producing addiction
____ % of high school students admit to binge drinking at least once
The liver has the primary responsibilty of what in relation to drugs?
cleansing the body of drugs and alcohol in the blood stream
Carbon Monoxide Definition
Poisonous gas emitted from cigarettes displacing oxygen in lungs
COPD Definition
a family of breathing disorders that include bronchitis and enphysema
BMI Equation
BMI= Weight in Pounds X 703
height in inches ^2
5 Problems of Drinking
1. Unintentional Injury
2. Academic Failure
3. Sexual Issues
4. Suicide
5. Cancer
What is the legal intoxication level of driving?
Motivation Matching *
The underlining drive behind making changes.
Locus of Control *
Figurative place where a person locates the source of responsibilty for the events in his/her life
Stress *
The physical and emotional tension that comes from situations the body perceives as threatning
Procrastination *
pushing a task to a later point in time
Rationalization *
Making an excuse for not carrying out a task
Nutrients *
Substance in food the body needs for normal function and good health
Macro Nutrients*
Nutrients needed by your body in relativily large amounts
Micro Nutrients *
Nutrients needed by your body in relativily small amounts
Protein *
Nutrients made up of amino acids that is needed for growth to build, repair, and maintain body tissue.
Essential Amino Acids *
The nine protein amino acids that the body cannot make therefor needs to be eaten
Complete Proteins *
A protein that contains all of the essential amino acids
Incomplete Proteins *
Protein lacking one or more essential amino acids
Unsaturated Fats *
Type of fat obtained from plant sources and fish
Mono Unsaturated Fat *
High concentration of unsaturated fat in canola, peanut, and olive oil
Poly Unsaturated Fat *
High concentration of unsaturated fat in sunflower, corn, soy bean, oils, and fish
Carbohydrates *
Nutrients that is the body's main source of energy.
Glucose *
Simple sugar circulating in the blood
Gylcogen *
Complex carbohydrates stored primarily in the skeletal muscles and the liver
Dietary Fiber *
Non-digestive carbohydrates found in plants
Insoluble Fiber *
Does not dissolve in water
Drugs *
A non-food substance that alters thought and behavior
Addiction *
Physiological and/or psycological need to perform a certain behavior
Compulsion *
An increase in the amount of time spent on an activity
Tolerance *
The condition where more of a drug or activity is needed to reproduce initial sensation
Withdrawal *
Symptoms related to the removal of a drug or activity
Sedatives *
Sleep and anxiety reduction drugs with small margin of safety
Insomnia *
The inability to sleep
Delirium Tremens *
Uncontrollable shaking and hallucinating
Opiods *
Narcotics used as pain relievers
Euphoria *
Effect associated with being high
Addictive agent in marijuana
Stimulants *
Drugs used to increase activity in the CNS causing increased energy and well being
Hallucinogens *
Drugs that distort the senses and emotions mimicking psycosis.
Binge Drinking *
Having 5 or more drinks in a single occasion
Heavy Drinkers *
Having 5 or more drinks, 5 or more times, in a 30 day period
Ethanol *
The addictive and intoxicating agent in alcoholic beverages
Proof *
2 times the percentage of alcohol in an alcoholic beverage
Blood Alcohol Concentration *
The concentration of alcohol found in the blood stream
Nicotine *
The addictive drug in tobacco products
Tar *
Black, sticky substance from tobacco that builds up in lungs and promotes cancer develpoment
Snuff *
Ground up moist tobacco placed bewteen the gum and the cheek
Carbon Monoxide *
The most significant poisonous gas to smoking