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113 Cards in this Set

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___________ is the sending and receiving of messages, intentional and unintentional, berbal and nonberbal.
Communication is basic________
human relationship
Successful couples
spend more time communicating about their relationship and personal feelings
Sucessful couples
compliment and express appreciation for each oether often
communicating is
emotional needs are
more important than physical needs
The strongest predictor of marital satifaction and stability
successful problem solving
The cornerstone of any relationship
sucessful communication
communication must be
open, relaistic, tactful, caring and valued.
When conflict arises
communicat fairly abotu the problem, define it clearly, and be open to alternative solutions.
Conflict management is essential to all
intimate relationships
The ___________ sometime sleads to troubledc couple to attempt to end their problems by changing partners, when it is in fact their relational skills that need changing
myth of the right partner
_______ means that they have many ways of communicating with each other, even many ways of conveying the same things
The lifeblood of the successful family system is
support, affirmation, appreciation, caring, respect, and interest in other family members
Constant feeling of frustration, of not being understood, of not getting their message across
poor communication
failture to communicate well with others
interpersonal communication
intrapersonal communication
aversie communication is one that
starts out dealing with one conflict, but soon turns into a confusing kaleidoscope of other marginallyh related disagressments that are connected only by the pain each partner causes the other
You attempt to make him.her feel better by downplaying the problem may
a double-edged sword
Three general condictions must be met to achieve the kind of communication that builds strong, positive relationships.
communitment, growth orientations (the partners must accept the fact that their relationship will always be dynamic and changing, rather than static) Noncoercive atmosphere (the partners must feel free to be themselves, to be open, and honest)
__________ allow the other spouse to plan activties
uncommitted partners
Principle of least interest
the one who cares the least controls the relationship
A marrigae can described as __________ if both partners have total freedowm of choice and action __________ if responsibility is shared and authority is delegated by equitable agreement or ________ if both have responsibilities but authority is assigned to a single leader.
laissez-faire, democratic, authocratic
Comminciation motivation
a felt need to comminicate
communication skill
the ability to accomplish one's communication goals
communication behavior
verbal and nonverbal actions that a person takes to accomplish his/her goals
To own a problem
one must be tangibly affected by it
the first step towards solution is
assuming ownership and responsibility for your problems.
the process of recoqnizing and expressing one's feelings, ipinions, and attitudes while remaining aware of the feelings and needs of others
___________ is the sending and receiving of messages, intentional and unintentional, berbal and nonberbal.
Communication is basic________
human relationship
Successful couples
spend more time communicating about their relationship and personal feelings
Sucessful couples
compliment and express appreciation for each oether often
communicating is
emotional needs are
more important than physical needs
The strongest predictor of marital satifaction and stability
successful problem solving
The cornerstone of any relationship
sucessful communication
communication must be
open, relaistic, tactful, caring and valued.
When conflict arises
communicat fairly abotu the problem, define it clearly, and be open to alternative solutions.
Conflict management is essential to all
intimate relationships
The ___________ sometime sleads to troubledc couple to attempt to end their problems by changing partners, when it is in fact their relational skills that need changing
myth of the right partner
_______ means that they have many ways of communicating with each other, even many ways of conveying the same things
The lifeblood of the successful family system is
support, affirmation, appreciation, caring, respect, and interest in other family members
Constant feeling of frustration, of not being understood, of not getting their message across
poor communication
seven stpes to sentific problem solving
recognize and define the problem, set up condictions supportive of problem solving, brainstorm fo rpossible alternatives, select the best solution, evaluate the solution, modify the solution
producing as many ideas as possible within a given time period in a effort to solve a problem
hidden conflict generally relies on one of the follow communication strategies
denial, disqualification, displacement, disengagement, pzeudomutuality
one zigger counteracts ____ positve acts of kindness
five negative types of couple interaction are predictive of relationship failture
contempt, criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, delligerence
in at least _________ of divorce cases, one or both spouses had been involved with another person
conflict fell into six clusters
power, social issues, personal flawas, distrust, intimacy, and personal distance.
hooking up
sex without commitment
joined at the hip
couples who spend much of their time together but rarely go out on formal dates
similar reace.ethnicity, religion, education, social class and age
An unmarried couple contemplating sexual intercourse should consider
personal principles, psychological principles, social principles, and religious principles
date rape drugs
adults having consensual sex with a minor
statutory rape
a couple living together without being married
common law marriage
in some states, a couple living together for more than a certain number of years can be treated as legally married.
Approximately _____ percent of women who cohabited before marriage have had a secondahomogamyry sexual partner while married, compared with only 4 percent of married women who had not cohabited
the term ______ was coned to describe settelements made to a nonmarried, live-in partner
payment for sex
dating marring someone living quite close geographically
the tendency of people to marry persons similar to themselves
the tendency of people to marry within their own group
martial gradient
in mate selection is the tendency for husbands to be more advanced than their wives with regard to age, education, and occupation sucess.
marriage of interbreeding between members of different races
the tendency of people to marry outside their group
halo effect
the tendency for first impressions to influence succeeding evaluations
cognitive compatibility
how the other thinks, what his/her interests are and so on
slection effects
or the pre-existing differences between individuals who decide to marry or divorce and so on
fulfilling needs in marriage
sexual needs, material needs, psychological needs
marital success
adjustment, happiness, and permanence
the study of how people experience their world
domestic partnership
the law recognizes as valid some unmarried and homosexual couples' relationship
marriage or prenuptial contract
working out the details of a couple's relationship before they wed
a small organ situated at he upper end of the female genitals that becomes erect with sexual arousal; homologous with the penis
the climax of excitement in sexual activity
inhibited sexual desire
a pervasive disinterest in sex
the cessation of ovulation, menstruation, and fertility in the woman; usually occurs between ages 46-51
estrogen replacement therapy
supplying estrogen to menopausal women
progressive deterioration of bone strength
a chemical or other substance used to induce erotic arousal or to relieve imptence or inferility
a drug or medicine that reduces sexual dsire
although communication problems are often the result of peronsal problems partners may have
society can also facilitate or hinder good communication
when people talk about failure in communication they may not mean no communication at all but
too much negaitive and hurtful communication
three basic conditions must be met before good communication can be ensured
there must be a commitment to healthy communication. the partners must be oriented to growth and to improving the relationship, neither partner =must try to coerce the other through communications
five skills are involved in successful problem-solving
the partners must identify the ownship of the problem, each partner must be willing to speak up and state his/her position and feels, each must be a good listener, each must be willing to negotiate, and each must be willing to use problem-solving methods
marriage is a three way relationship that involves
man, woman, and the state
_________ people essentially are people who feel comforable about themselves and others. they can meet most of the demands of life in a realistic fashion
the basic goals of intimacy in a marriage are
providing emotional gradtificaition to each partner, helping each deal with crises, and helping each grow in a fulfilling manner.
the marriage ceremony commits a couple to
a new status, with certain privileges, obligations and restrictions
men and women differ sexuals in time:
young men tend to have higher sexual intensity than young women, reaching the peak of sexual intensity in their late teens and early 20s
sexual physical responses
excitement, plateau, orgasmic, and resolution
the male goes through a _______ period after the resolution stage before he can have another erection
contempt is
a sense of diapprove or hate
criticism is
less specific, may complain a lot
three types of marriage that succeed
validate, volatile, avoidant
Gottman's magic ratio
5:1 healthiest couples have about 5 positive events for every negative event.
Naler's 3 verbal channels
the words we speak and the two nonverbal channels. visual-tone of voice, body languages
4 reasons for communicating
observation, share thoughs, shar feelings, expressing needs
interpersonal conflict is
conflict within
Filter theory of mate selction
-all possible dating partners
-propinquity filter
-persons near one another
-attractiveness filter
-couples atracted to one another
-social background filter
-couples with similar social backgrouns
-consensus filter
-couples with similar attitudes and values
-complementarily filter
-couples with high complementarily
-readiness for marriage filter
-married couples
Pittman's 4 differnt types of extra matrial relationships
romantic indfigeltiy
martial arrangements
lalandering (keep scoring)
myths of infidelity
everyone does it, affairs are good fo ryou, people have affairs because they aren't in love, people have affairs because they are over-sexed, affairs are the fall of the coluple, its best to pretend not to know, after an affair divorce is inevitable
'I' messages consist of three parts
feeling, situation, how it affects me personally
an I message is
a statement or face rather than evluations
important communication skills
identifying problem ownership, self-assertion, empatheic listening, negotiating, problem solving
problem solving process
recognize and define the problem, set up conditions,brainstrom select the best solution, implement the solution, evaluate the solution, modify the solution
separation, domination, compromise, integrative agreements, structural improvemetns
levels of marital conflict
1-problems to solve 2-disagreements 3-contest 4-fight/flight 5-war
predictors of divorce
criticism, contempt, defensiveness, withdrawal