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36 Cards in this Set

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definition of mass number
number of protons plus number of electrons
definition of atomic number
number of protons
relative atomic mass
average mass of one atom of an element compared to 1/12th mass of an atom of carbon-12
relative molecular mass
avarage mass of one molecule compared to 1/12th mass of an atom of carbon-12
what are the four key stages of a mass spectrometer?
ionisation, acceleration, deflection, detection
what happens when an ion hits the detector in a mass spectrometer?
they lose their charge and create a current which is proportional to the abundance of each ion.
which ions travel fastest in a mass spectrometer?
the lightest ones
what does the deflection of an ion depend on?
its m/z (mass to charge ratio)
which ions are deflected the most by the magnet?
the lighter ones
which groups are the s block?
group 1 and 2
which groups are in the d block?
transition metals
which groups are in the p block?
group 3 to 0
which groups are in the f block
what is the general trend in boiling points and melting points in period three?why?
they increase until group 5 when they start to drop. group 1,2 and 3 have giant metallic structures whose strength increases with more delocalised electrons. group 4 has a giant covalent structure which is held together in layer by strong covalent bonds. but group 5,6,7 are molecular structures which tend to have low mp/bp, this is is becuase they have strong covelent bonds within the molecules but weak van der waalls forces between the molecules
what is the exception to the general trend in boiling points and melting points of period three? why?
sulfur (group 6), it increases rather than decreases, becuase it is a much bigger molecule (s8) and therefore has stronger van der waals forces because of the large amount of electrons.
why do first ionisation energies increase across a period?
because the number of protons in the nucleus increase but the main energy level that the outer electrons are in stays the same so with the increase in nuclear charge it is increasingly difficult to remove electrons.
which group has the highest ionisation energies?
group 0/ group 8
why do ionisation energies decrease as you go down a period?
because the energy level that the outer electrons are in get higher so their is an increase in shielding. also the atomic radii increases so the electron being removed is further away from the nucleus so the electrostatic forces between the outer electrons and the nucleus are weaker. therefore the electrons get easier to remove as you go down the group
what is avagadro's number?
6.022x10 to the power of 23/ 1 mole
how do you work out atom economy?
mass of the desired product divided by total mass of reactants x 100. (big numbers must be taken into account)
how do you work out percentage yield?
number of moles of a specific product divided by the theoretical maximum number of moles of the product x 100
what makes the strength of a metallic bond increase?
the number of delocalised electrons and the size of ion. more delocalised electrons= stronger bond. smaller ions so the delocalised electrons are closer to the nucleus = stronger bond.
what three things must you remember when displaying a hydrogen bond?
the dashed line, all lone pairs and slightly positive and slightly negative delta signs.
what must you always remember when writing out an ionisation energy equation?
gas state symbols
what structure do ionically bonded compounds have? what forces hold them together? hat properties does this give them?
giant structures. they are held together by electrostatic forces. therefore they have a high melting point. they are brittle when force is applies the ions can line up and repel each other causing them to shatter.
when do ionic compounds conduct electricity?
when they are molten or in solution because the ions are free to move.
why do molecular structures have such low melting points?
because they have strong covalent bonds holding the atoms within the molecules together but weak inter molecular forces holding the molecules together.
what gives metallic crystals such high melting points?
the strong metallic bonds.
what are the properties of diamond and why do these properties exist?
it is the hardest substance known to man, it has a very high melting point (over 3700k) becuase of the carbon atoms have four strong covalent bonds holding it together (much stronger than inter molecular forces). diamond doesn't conduct electricity becuase there are no free charged particles
what shape do the molecules of diamond take and what are the bond angles?
tetrahedron - 109.5 degrees
what are the properties of graphite and why do these properties exist?
each carbon atom have three single covalent bonds holding together the layers of carbon atoms. the layers are held together by van der waals forces so they have high melting points but are very brittle. it does conduct electricity across the planes of hexagons because of the 1 free electron from each carbon atoms.
what shape do the molecules of graphite take and what are the bond angles?
trigonal planar - 120 degrees.
definition of electronegativity?
the power of an atom to attract electron density in a covalent bond towards itself.
definition of polarity?
the unequal sharing of the electrons between the atoms that are covalently bonded.
what does electronegativity depend on?
the nuclear charge, distance between the nucleus and outer shell electrons and shielding. smaller the atom, the greater the electronegativity. the larger the nuclear charge the greater the electronegativity.
what happens to electronegativity as you go across a period and up a group?
it increases both ways.