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61 Cards in this Set

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monroe doctrine
european powers would no longer colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent nations of the americas
manifest destiny
the US was destined to expand from the atlantic seaboard to the pacific ocean
US/mexican war
armed military conflict between the US and mexico in the wake of the US annexation of texas
treat of guadalupe hidalgo
peace treaty that ended the mexican/american war and provided for mexican cession and ensured safety of pre-existing property rights of mexican citizens in the transferred territories
republic of texas
sovereign state formed as a break-away republic from mexico as a result of the texas revolution
gadsden purchase
region of what is today southern arizona and new mexico that was purchased by the US from mexico
a military expedition to gain more territory
pan americanism
a movement for greater cooperation amoung pan-american nations
platt amendment
US federal law that stated the condtitions for the withdrawal of US troops remaining in cuba since the spanish/american war
roosevelt corollary
alteration to the monroe doctrine that asserted the right of the US to intervene to stabilize the economic affairs of small nations in the caribbean and central america if they were unable to pay their iternational debts
action for progress
nixon, partnership with latin america, aid by various countries
operation guatemala
cia, overthrew president guzman
dollar diplomacy
describes the efforts of the US to further its foreign policy aims in latin america and east asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
league of nations
international organization founded as a result of the paris peace conference and goals include disarment, collective security, negotiation, and diplomacy
good neighbor policy
Roosevelt, latin america and europe
axis powers
nazi germany, fascist italy, imperial japan
lend lease act
US supplied great britain, soviet union, china, france with vast amounts of war material in return for military bases
marshall plan
US's plan for rebuilding and creating a stronger foundation for Europe, and repelling communism
organization of american states
international organization of the 35 independent states of the americas
united fruit company
american corporation that traded fruit grown in the third world and sold in US and europe
cold war
period of conflict between the US and soviet union, fight against communism, military buildups, political battles for support, no actual military engagement
containment policy
US foreign policy during Cold War, goal was to stop the domino effect
truman doctrine
US would support greece and turkey with economic and military aid to prevent their falling into soviet sphere
guerillas that are involved with narcotics
rio treaty/act of chapultepec
an attack against one is to be considered an attack against them all
bay of pigs
unsuccessful US supported invasion of cuba to overthrow castro
cuban missle crisis
military confrontation between the US, soviet union, and cuba when the cold war threatened to become a nuclear war
alliance for progress
establish economic cooperation between north and south america
international situation where previously hostile nations not involved in an open ware de-escalate tensions through diplomacy and confidence building measures
guardia nacional
a militia created during the occupation of nicaragua by the US
nicaraguan political party founded on leftist principles
various armed groups opposing nicaragua's sandinistas (anti-communists)
iran-contra scandal
political scandal in which members of the executive branch sold weapons to iran and illegally used the profits to continue funding anti-communist contras
reagan doctrine
opposed the global influence of the soviet union during the final years of the cold war
drug war
intended to combat the illegal drug trade and curb the supply and diminish demand for drugs
plan colombia
aimed at curbing drug smuggling by supporting different drug war activities in colombia
drug czar
oversees anti-drug efforts of the executive branch agencies
communist revolutionary and armed guerilla organization in colombia
operation just cause
invasion of panama by US to overthrow military leader Noriega
coca crop substitution
part of the war on drugs to eliminate cultivation of coca
radical populism
political ideology in new right politics of europe
effective sovereignty
the right to complete political control over an area
james monroe
5th president, monroe doctrine
teddy roosevelt
26th president, corollary
woodrow wilson
28th president, missionary diplomacy
32nd president, good neighbor policy, lend lease act
john kennedy
35th president, bay of pigs, alliance for progress
jimmy carter
39th president
ronald reagan
40th president, iran-contra scandal, doctrine
william walker
soldier and filibuster, tried to conquer central america and ruled nicaragua, executed
ernesto guevara
marxist revolutionary, leader of cuban and internationalist guerillas
fidel castro
current president of cuba
salvador allende
former president of chile, killed in coup de etat
jacob arbenz
former president of guatemala, ousted in a coup d etat
augusta pinochet
former president of chile, former head of military junta
archbishop oscar romero
archbishop of san salvador, shot by military during mass
somoza family
influential political dynasty in nicaragua
manuel noriega
panama general and dictator of panama
arias peace plan
settled military conflicts in central america by promoting national reconciliation, democratization, free elections, arms controls, and assisting refugees, not recognized by US
missionary diplomacy
policy of the US in mexico, central america, and caribbean to promote democracy and peace
spanish/american war
began after the american demand that spain peacefully resolved the cuban fight for independence was rejected, marked american entry into world affairs