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31 Cards in this Set

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(dı´lıbə ̗reıt)
[V] обдумывать, взвешивать, обсуждать, совещаться
[N] добродетель целомудренность целомудрие хорошее качество достоинство св`ойство сила действие
[A] неуклюжий неловкий неудобный затруднительный трудный труднопреодолимый пиковый угловатый мешковатый
[V] ужасать ужаснуть приводить в ужас потрясать устрашать
*That tattoo on your lower back is likely to appall your mother. Just like her pink hair once appalled your grandmother. To appall is to shock and disgust.
( ̗ɔ:ltə´geðər)
[N] целое (N) обнаженный: обнаженная модель
[ADV] вполне совсем совершенно общее: в общем целое: в целом всецело всего
-I'm not altogether satisfied. вполне, совсем
-I'm wet, I'm tired and I'm cold. Altogether I'm not feeling very cheerful. в общем, в целом
(´fɔ:r ̗məʋst)
[A] передний передовой первейший самый главный выдающийся
[ADV] во-первых прежде всего очередь: в первую очередь место: на первом месте
*the foremost modern artist. выдающийся
*The film, Gone With the Wind, is set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, but first and foremost, it is a love story.
[N] глыба (F) группа деревьев (F) звук тяжелых шагов двойная подошва
[V] сажать группами тяжело ступать ставить двойную подошву
A clump is a "bunch" or a "cluster." If you're a gardener, the last thing you want to see is a clump of weeds growing in the middle of your newly groomed lawn.
clumps of soil.
*There was a clump of trees bordering the side of the road.
*They went clumping up the stairs to bed.
[A] мелкий маловажный небольшой елочный узкий ограниченный незначительный
* of very little importance; trivial petty details - незначительный
* deliberately nasty for a foolish or trivial reason petty behaviour. мелочный
*petty cash money used for small, everyday expenses in an office etc мелкие статьи
[V] ослаблять смягчить смягчать облегчать успокаивать уменьшать утолять
*to make less He allayed her fears. ослаблять
*He did what he could to allay his wife's fears.
*allay back pains.
* allayed the fears of the worried citizens.
[V] утверждать ссылаться приписать приписывать
*He alleged that I had been with the accused on the night of the murder утверждать
*He alleged that he was the victim of a crime
[N] щетина
[V] ощетиниться щетиниться подниматься дыбом подняться дыбом топорщить ерепениться сердиться рассвирепеть изобиловать
-The dog's fur bristled
-The dog's bristles rose when it was angry. - щетина
-A bristle is a stiff hair — the kind men shave off their face or the kind badgers have all over. Bristle also means to get angry. Tell an animal rights activist you use a badger's bristle shaving brush and you'll get the idea.
[N] суматоха суета турнюр
[V] суетиться тыкаться юлить спешить торопиться поторопить торопить
-She bustled about doing things all day. суетиться
-My mother bustled around the kitchen.
-the hustle and bustle of modern life
-A flurry of activity and commotion is often referred to as bustle. If you want to see true bustle in action, just walk through Times Square in New York during lunch hour.
[N] движимое имущество движимость
-The books, posters, dirty sneakers and all of your other personal belongings? That's what we call chattel.
-Despite the fact that chattel is an outdated word these days, it's probably still safe to call your bottle cap collection worthless chattel.
[N] цитадель крепость твердыня оплот убежище
-Tell me, why is Vatican City a walled citadel?”
-The citadel at Besançon towered above the river.
-A citadel is a fortified structure designed to provide protection during a battle. So, back in the days when pillaging was commonplace, it was a good idea to know where your nearest citadel was.
[V] отразить отражать парировать не подпускать отгонять заботиться
-He is old enough to fend for himself. полагаться на себя
-The mountain climbers had to fend against the ice and snow
-He fended off questions from the Press.
-He raised his hand to fend off the blow.-
-He motioned Langdon out of earshot. Langdon reluctantly followed, leaving Vittoria to fend for herself
If you get along on your own, with no assistance from another person, you can say that you fend for yourself.
[N] морская сажень изобата
[V] измерять глубину делать промер лотом понимать вникать
-a measure of depth of water (6 feet or 1.8 metres)
-The water is 8 fathoms deep морская сажень
-“We have money.”
“As do we. More than you can fathom.”
-He still could not fathom the influence of this man named Janus and the ancient brotherhood he commanded.
-To fathom something is to understand it thoroughly, and is usually used in the negative, as in "I can't fathom why he doesn't want to go along with us."
-I couldn't fathom what he was talking about.
[N] басня выдумка ложь небылица сказка миф мифы
[V] рассказывать басни выдумывать болтать вздор
-Aesop's fables.басня
-fact or fable? легенда; небылица
-Each tale has the timeless quality of fable.
-Is reincarnation fact or fable?
[A] яркий ослепительный кричащий (о красках) цветастый показной
-His shirts are very garish. броский
-Despite the man’s garish attire, Langdon could tell the pilot meant business.
- garish colors, garish makeup, garish purple curtains
-Use the adjective garish to describe something that is overly vivid, bright, showy, and in bad taste — like the DJ's garish outfit that is a flashback to the disco era.
[N] походка движение аллюр
[V] дрессировать на аллюры
-the old man's shuffling gait. походка
-Vittoria was moving toward them, her gait as tremulous as her words.
-a person who ran with a clumsy, hobbling gait.
-The project went forward at a steady gait.
-His gait was peculiarly awkward.
-Some people have a very distinct gait, or manner of walking or running, which allows you to recognize them from far away.
[N] подъем подъемник поднятие лебедка лифт ворот
[V] подымать поднимать выкидывать
-He hoisted the child up on to his shoulders. поднимать
-The cargo was hoisted on to the ship: They hoisted the flag. поднимать
-luggage hoist. Подъёмник
-Give me a hoist over this wall, will you! приподнятие
-To hoist is to raise up or lift, like a crane or forklift would. You can hoist yourself up onto the roof to get a better view, or hoist a beer to your mouth — as long as you're over 21.
[A] боевой воинственный драчливый
-Olivetti stepped forward. He seemed less combative now, as if he now sensed the reality facing him.
-a combative impulse
-Someone combative likes to fight, whether with fists or words.
[N] сутулость унижение снисхождение падение стремительный полет вниз веранда открытая веранда крыльцо со ступеньками
[V] сутулиться сгорбиться наклоняться нагибаться унижаться наклониться вперед устремляться вниз
-The doorway was so low that he had to stoop (his head) to go through it; She stooped down to talk to the child. нагибать(ся)
-Surely he wouldn't stoop to cheating! унижаться
-Many people develop a stoop as they grow older. сутулость
-Stoop means to lean your head and torso forward and down. If you're six feet tall and you tour a historical building, you'll have to stoop to get through the low doorways.
[A] жесткий негнущийся негибкий неподвижный закрепленный неподвижно суровый твердый строгий непреклонный стойкий косный
-An iron bar is rigid. жёсткий
-rigid rules; rigid discipline; rigid views on education; a stern, rigid headmaster. строгий
- Unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack
-a rigid strip of metal, a table made of rigid plastic
-a face rigid with pain, a rigid disciplinarian
-Describe something as rigid if it's really stiff and not very flexible, like a super-strict practice schedule or an unbending, uncomfortable mattress.
[V] сердить раздражить раздражать мутить воду
-The camerlegno looked riled. “Stand on the altar of the Sistine Chapel and lie to the College of Cardinals?”
-Cancellations rarely riled him.
[N] оборот
[V] Вращать
-revs noun plural - thirty revs a second. обороты
-He revved the engine (up); He was revving up in the yard. увеличивать обороты, газовать
-"Buckle up, please," the pilot said as the engine revved.
-the engine was doing 6000 revs
-heard the motors revving.
[V] снова наполнять пополнить пополнять дозаправить
-We must replenish our stock of coal.пополнять
-Vittoria turned her face skyward and inhaled deeply, as if the sun’s rays somehow transferred to her some mystical replenishing energy.
-The music will replenish my weary soul.
-To replenish something is to refill it. If you have a pet pooch, you’re probably obligated to replenish his food bowl to avoid being barked at incessantly.
[N] костный мозг мозг сущность кабачок
-Beef marrow is needed for this dish. костный мозг
-The soft stuff inside of a bone is called marrow.
-the very marrow of his being
-This sentence represents the marrow of the novel
-Dogs love to gnaw on bones, trying to get at the marrow inside, and many soups and other recipes call for marrow, which is tender and fatty.
(´ævə ̗læntʃ)
[N] лавина обвал снежный обвал завал масса поток решительная победа на выборах
-Two skiers were buried by the avalanche. снежный обвал, лавина
-Keeping your composure during an avalanche? Not so easy.
-Look out below! An avalanche is a whole lot of falling snow and ice. Also, life can feel like an avalanche when things get hectic.
(´ævə ̗læntʃ)
[N] лавина обвал снежный обвал завал масса поток решительная победа на выборах
-Two skiers were buried by the avalanche. снежный обвал, лавина
-Keeping your composure during an avalanche? Not so easy.
-Four people died when an avalanched buried them alive last week.
-Look out below! An avalanche is a whole lot of falling snow and ice. Also, life can feel like an avalanche when things get hectic.
( ̗ımpər´septəbəl)
[A] незаметный незначительный неощутимый
-If it's imperceptible, it's impossible to perceive with any of the senses. The world might be spinning, but it's imperceptible from your couch.
-an imperceptible drop in temperature
-an imperceptible nod
-His hesitation was almost imperceptible.
( ̗ækrə´məʋnıəs)
[A] желчный язвительный саркастичный саркастический
-Ufficio di Papa,” the commander declared, giving Vittoria an acrimonious scowl.
-an acrimonious dispute
-an acrimonious debate between the two candidates.