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42 Cards in this Set

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[V] Воздерживаться не принимать участия
-He abstained from alcohol. воздерживаться (от)
-When you abstain from sex, you're practicing celibacy.
-If you abstain from something, you restrain yourself from consuming it.
-During the war, newspapers largely abstained from writing about desertions
( ̗ænə´mɒsətı)
[N] враждебность злоба вражда
-The rivals regarded one another with animosity. враждебность
-Animosity is hatred.
-malignity There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.
[A] Подходящий
-Befitting a person of noble origin
-behavior befitting a father
-They offered him a post befitting his seniority and experience.
-A sad but beautiful, timeless piece of music befitting the occasion.
[V] обходиться бесцеремонно (грубо)
[A] грубый резкий отрывистый бесцеремонный
- a brusque reply.бесцеремонный
-A brusque manner of speaking is unfriendly, rude, and very brief.
-try to cultivate a less brusque manner
-The doctors are brusque and busy.
[N] рожок горн звук рожка или горна чистый звук громкий звук призывной звук призыв
[A] громкий чистый
-Clarion means loud and clear, and a clarion call is a call to something that is hard to ignore.
[N] хулиган
-Violent and dangerous yobs deserve to be locked up.
[N] пререкания спор
[V] пререкаться поспорить спорить повздорить пасти табун лошадей пасти стадо
-He was involved in a legal wrangle with the Health Secretary.
-The two parties are still wrangling over the timing of the election.
-The bar keeper threw them out, but they continued to wrangle on down the street"
-wrangle horses
-A long, hard, intense argument, especially over an issue with lots of details, is a wrangle. Politicians and lawyers frequently engage in wrangles
[A] тоскующий тоскливый задумчивый
-The dog looked into the butcher's window with a wistful expression on his face. тоскливый
-Her eyes seemed suddenly wistful
-There was a wistful look in his eyes when he spoke of his childhood.
(dı´mɔ:rə ̗laız)
[V] деморализовать разлагать подрывать дисциплину вносить дезорганизацию
demoralise (diˈmorəlaiz) verb
-The army was demoralized by its defeat. деморализовать
T-he bad state of her child's health demoralizes her
-the boss's behavior demoralized everyone in the office
[A] супружеский брачный
-Use the adjective connubial to describe something that relates to marriage or to the relationship between husband and wife, such as connubial bliss or a connubial argument about who will take out the trash.
[V] произносить с пафосом ораторствовать разглагольствовать краснобайствовать декламировать продекламировать читать осуждать выступать против
-She declaimed against immorality. говорить с пафосом
-Use the verb declaim when someone is speaking very passionately against something, like when you declaim having to be home at an early hour.
-He declaimed against the injustice of his treatment.
(´dı:vı ̗eıt)
[V] отклоняться уклоняться отступать менять направление
-She will not deviate from her routine. отклоняться
-He didn't deviate from his schedule.
-Anything that varies from the accepted norm or standard is called a deviation. It is common in math and science, but it can refer to anything that differs from the expected.
[A] лишенный свободный
-That is devoid of any meaning. лишённый чего-л.
-devoid of intelligence
-My wallet is devoid of cash. My teacher is devoid of pity. My cookie jar is devoid of cookies.
[N] впадина небесный свод свод
[V] делать вогнутым
[A] вогнутый впалый
- Spoons are concave. вогнутый
-Concave shape whose concavity faces downward
-Concave describes an inward curve;
-Remove the flesh from the concave part of the shell.
[A] супружеский брачный
-The adjective conjugal describes all husband-and-wife matters
-A woman's refusal to allow her husband his conjugal rights was once grounds for divorce.
[V] раздеть раздевать снимать одежду разоблачать лишать
-The company decided to divest”
-he was divested of his rights and his title
-She divested herself of her outdoor clothes
-It could be your wine portfolio, your stake in a mining company, or even the extra coats that are taking up space in your closet. Whatever it is, when you divest something, you get rid of it.
[V] снимать окалину (снимать накипь)
-Soak fish in salt water before descaling; the scales will come off easier.
[N] тускло-коричневый цвет плотная шерстяная ткань тускло-коричневого цвета серость однообразие неряшливая женщина проститутка
[A] желтовато-серый тускло-коричневый бесцветный однообразный скучный
-drab clothes. серый
-her drab personality"; "life was drab compared with the more exciting life style overseas";
[N] падение ливень гибель разорение ниспровержение осадки сильный снегопад
-His lack of experience led to his downfall
[N] проживание жилище жилье жилплощадь дом
-A dwelling is a home — where someone lives. Houses, apartments, and condos are all dwellings.
-he built a modest dwelling near the pond
-Three thousand new dwellings are planned.
[V] обескураживать озадачивать расхолаживать отбивать охоту отговаривать отсоветовать
-His lack of success discouraged him. обескураживать
-She discouraged all his attempts to get to know her. отбивать охоту
-rain discouraged him from going camping. отговаривать; отбивать охоту
-a campaign to discourage children from smoking
[V] украшать приукрашивать приукрашать
-The soldier embellished the story of his escape. приукрашивать
-uniform embellished with gold braid. украшать
-Embellish often has the positive meaning of adding something to make it more handsome or beautifully decorated
-The boat was embellished with red and blue carvings.
[V] обеспечивать доходом делать вклад завещать постоянный доход наделять одарять
-She was endowed with great beauty. наделять
-He was endowed with wealth, health and a good intellect.
-endowed the family pet with human intelligence.
[V] платить уплатить оплачивать расплачиваться проплачивать тратить потратить расходовать
-If someone wants to disburse funds to you, stick around — it means they're going to give you money!
-The aid will not be disbursed until next year.
-lawyers disburse funds from a will.
-The government disburses money for grants and federal projects
[A] страшный ужасный призрачный мертвенно-бледный неприятный
[ADV] страшно ужасно черезвычайно [разг.] чрезвычайно
-a ghastly mistake. ужасный
- a ghastly murder; a ghastly experience. ужасный
- I felt ghastly when I had flu. ужасный
-How was your day? - Ghastly
-ghastly wounds, ghastly pale
-ghastly shrieks, they felt ghastly after the party
[N] вурдалак упырь вампир кладбищенский вор
-A ghoul is an evil demon, ghost, or fiend.
-He is clown, cartoon character and ghoul rolled into one
[V] оставлять покидать отказываться
-He was forsaken by his friends.покидать
-Ditch can also be a verb meaning to toss something or forsake it.
-To forsake another person is to leave them entirely, usually in a moment of need.
-leave in the lurch I still love him and would never forsake him.
-He has no plans to forsake the hills.
[N] форд брод поток река
[V] переходить вброд переправляться вброд
[ADV] вброд
-They forded the river. переходить вброд
-When you’re out hiking in the wilderness, you may have to ford a river if there’s no bridge.
[N] бобрик грубая ворсистая шерстяная ткань фриз ордюр
[V] ворсить гравировать серебро вышивать золотом украшать фризом
- The walls were decorated with a frieze of horses. фриз, бордюр
-A frieze is a decorative band, usually, but not always, above a doorframe or on the wall near the ceiling. You
[N] происхождение возникновение зарождение генезис
-When you talk about the genesis of something, you're talking about where it began. The genesis of hip-hop music was the party scene in New York City’s South Bronx in the 1970s.
-The project had its genesis two years earlier.
-When you describe something as a genesis, you're usually referring to the beginning of a movement or an idea.
Fleck (flek)
[N] пятно крапинка веснушка частица
[V] покрывать пятнами (крапинками)
-flecks of sunlight солнечные блики
- a fleck of dust. крапинка; пылинка
-A fleck is a small patch that is different from it rest, standing out from the background, like flecks of green in your blue eyes or flecks of light shining on the ground under a tree.
-His hair is dark grey with flecks of ginger
[ADV] весело радостно ярко
-Gaily painted window boxes
-Calling back gaily to Pilar in French
-gaily painted front doors
[A] безупречный непогрешимый
-The man of impeccable manners and exquisite taste
- impeccable record - безупречный
-The adjective impeccable describes something or someone without any flaws
-speaks impeccable French
-She had impeccable taste in clothes.
( ̗hɑ:rd´hedıd)
[A] расчетливый практичный искушенный трезвый упрямый прожженный
-Marked by practical hardheaded intelligence
a hardheaded appraisal of our position”
[A] режущий острый резкий колкий язвительный
-His incisive eyes
-The adjective incisive describes something that is sharp, decisive, and direct. A comment that cuts right to the bone can be just as incisive as an actual knife.
-incisive comments
[V] председательствовать осуществлять руководство (контроль)
-The prime minister presided at/over the meeting. председательствовать
-preside over companies and corporations
-The question of who should preside over the next full commission was being debated.
[A] могущественный влиятельный
-Puissant means powerful and in possession of authority, and is often used to describe the political power of someone, like a prince or president.
-Thus Germany will create puissant allies for the “Second Punic War.
[N] вероятность пропорциональное количество случай личный состав контингент
[A] возможный случайный непредвиденный зависящий зависящий от обстоятельств условный
-The adjective contingent can be used to describe when something can occur only when something else does first. Making money is contingent on finding a good-paying job.
-Growth is contingent on improved incomes.
-Every shareholder gets one contingent value right worth up to $1.
[A] королевский царский царственный
-She has a regal appearance; regal robes. королевский, царский
-The regal bearing (королевский выправка)
-Even though he was homeless, Dan had a regal bearing. Regal is an adjective that describes things that appear to be royal.
-Never has she looked so regal
[V] сердить раздражить раздражать мутить воду
-To rile is to stir up, like water that becomes muddy when you rile, or to bother or disturb, especially with little annoyances.
-Cancellations rarely riled him.
[N] соболь соболий мех черный цвет
[A] соболий черный траурный мрачный темный
-Night enveloped me in its sable mantle.
-his sable Majesty
a sable coat. соболий мех
-He rewarded her with security and sable
[N] прорыв разрыв перелом пролом грыжа прободение пробой
[V] прорывать порывать вызывать грыжу
-You may ruptured a disk
-A rupture is a break or tear in something that pulls it apart.