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45 Cards in this Set

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Elaborate (ı´læbərət)
[A] детально разработанный тщательно разработанный (сделанный) искусно сделанный продуманный сложный выработанный усовершенствованный
-He elaborated his theory. детально разрабатывать
-She elaborated on the next day's menu. уточнять детали
-an elaborate design. замысловатый
-elaborate plans for escape. продуманный
-It was the most elaborated speech
( ̗ækwı´es)
[N] покорность
[V] неохотно соглашаться уступать
-After a lot of persuasion, he finally acquiesced. соглашаться
-To acquiesce is to agree to something or to give in.
-He seemed to acquiesce in the decision.
[N] знаток эксперт
-He's very adept at keeping his balance. сведущий
-adept in handicrafts
-an adept juggler
[A] приветливый учтивый любезный вежливый
-an affable young man. приветливый
-an affable smile
-He is an extremely affable and approachable man.
-Affable means friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to. An affable host offers you something to drink and makes you feel at home.
[N] бывший питомец выпускник (университета)
-a wealth alumnus
-An alumnus is a graduate of a school. You can be an alumnus of a high school, college or university.
-an alumnus of Edinburgh University
[A] послушный сговорчивый ответственный подсудный одверженный податливый поддающийся
-amenable to the law
-I've never had a long-term relationship. I'm not amenable enough.
-I've never had a long-term relationship. I'm not amenable enough.
[A] неверный неправильный плохой несвоевременный
[ADV] ошибочно неверно неправильно некстати дурно плохо неладно несвоевременно
-Their plans went amiss. ошибочный
-if you think him guilty you judge amiss”
-he spoke amiss
-no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly
-When things are out of their proper places or not happening the way they should, we say they are amiss. And remember, amiss is as good as a mile.
[N] м`ука страдание тоска боль мучение
[V] испытывать острую тоску
-The woman suffered terrible anguish when her child died. мучение
-He let out a scream of anguish that resounded across the desert
-Anguish of body and mind - физические и душевные страдания
-The noun anguish refers to severe physical or emotional pain or distress
[N] гримасы ужимки шутовство шалости фиглярство фигляр
-They laughed about her father’s latest antics
-An antic is a prank to the extreme. It’s outrageous, but it’s usually meant to be funny.
-It more infrequently can be used as a verb meaning basically "to act like a clown
( ̗æntı´ɵetıkəl)
[A] прямо противоположный антитетический
-hope is antithetic to despair
-Something is antithetical when it is in complete and utter opposition to the character of something. If you’re a vegetarian, eating giant T-bone steaks is antithetical to your beliefs.
-The oppressive use of power is antithetical to our ideals.
(´ækwə ̗laın)
[A] Орлиный
-Aquiline means like an eagle, so if someone tells you you have an aquiline nose, it means your nose looks like an eagle’s beak.
-an aquiline nose.
[A] утвердительный самоуверенный положительный чрезмерно настойчивый напористый
-When you are up-front about what you want and bold in devising a plan that helps you get it, you could be described as assertive, meaning you act with authority and confidence.
-an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue
-an assertive style of management
(ə´tenju: ̗eıt)
[V] истощать разжидить разжижать ослаблять смягчить смягчать
-Medicine attenuated the fever's effect
-The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.
-Attenuate is a verb that means to make or become weaker. The effects of aging may be attenuated by exercise.
-The versatile word attenuate denotes a weakening in amount, intensity, or value.
(ə ̗vɒnt´gɑ:rd)
[N] авангард авангардизм
[A] авангардистский принадлежащий к авангарду
-The term avant-garde refers to innovative or experimental concepts or works, or the group of people producing them.
-avant-garde painters; an avant-garde theater piece.
-I spent 10 years in a very avant-garde jazz group
[A] ароматный благоуханный нежный приятный целительный успокаивающий бальзамический дающий бальзам глупый
- he's balmy
-balmy days and nights
-a balmy summer's evening
-balmy breeze
-Three million years ago, this hillside was a balmy beach
[N] клюв что-либо, напоминающее клюв слезник судья учитель директор
-The bird had a worm in its beak. клюв
-a black bird with a yellow beak
Beef Up
-усиливать, укреплять, подкреплять (людьми, средствами и т. п.); расширять; наращивать
-We need new young soldiers to beef up the army. - Армии нужны молодые солдаты
-We can't print your article as it is; could you try to beef it up a bit? - Мы не можем напечатать вашу статью в её настоящем виде. Не могли бы вы сделать её более основательной?
-Preaches reworked their sermons to beef up their slant against evil
[V] случиться происходить приключаться
-A disaster has befallen her. случаться
-He promised that no harm would befall her
-These things befell
-the disaster that befell the island of Flores
[V] завидовать выражать недовольство возмущаться обижаться скупиться
- I begrudge him his success.завидовать
-To begrudge someone something is to wish them ill for it or to envy them. Try not to begrudge his getting the promotion over you — he's been at the company longer.
-begrudged every penny spent
-I certainly don't begrudge him the Nobel Prize.
-She begrudged him his youth
[V] лишить отнимать обездоливать
-Cry aloud for the man who is dead, for the woman and children bereave
-It has a team who are trained specifically in taking calls from bereaved relatives of customers.
[A] лишенный
-past и p.p. от bereave
-bereft of speech. утративший
-So, they took the thing you most loved, and you're never going to get it back. You've gone beyond just plain grief-stricken — you're bereft.
-bereft of hope
-He looked bemused, bereft and philosophical all at once.
-They are bereft of their dignity.
[N] одежда, сшитая на заказ
[A] сделанный на заказ сшитый на заказ
-The man in the bespoke suit is likely to be either the best-dressed or the most overdressed person at your backyard barbecue, depending on how you look at it. Bespoke means custom-made.
-Clothing that's made to order, tailored especially for you, is called bespoke.
[N] сильный порыв ветра поток воздуха дутье форсированная тяга воздуходувка звук взрыв взрывная волна вредитель болезнь разнос строгий выговор
[V] взрывать вдувать продувать продуть овреждать вредить разрушать проклинать проклясть отчитывать разносить дуть
-a blast of cold air.поток, струя
-a blast on the horn. звук духового инструмента
-the blast from a bomb. взрыв
-The door was blasted off its hinges. взрывать
-Music (was being) blasted out from the radio. греметь
[N] болван балбес олух дурак дуралей отстающий ученик спортсмен команда
- a stupid person. болван, дуралей
-a woman's breast. буфера; сиськи
-Her husband is a booby.
[N] ветвь сук
-the bough of an apple tree. сук
-A bough is a large branch from a tree.
[N] валун галька
-a boulder on the hillside. валун
-A boulder is a rock — a big one.
-Half the roads are completely destroyed and you can only find boulders strewn all along the way.
( ̗bʋr´ʒwɑ:)
N] буржуа горожанин боргес
[A] уржуазный
- Bourgeois is a noun that means a capitalist who engages in industrial commercial enterprise
-The adjective bourgeois means relating to or typical of the middle class
(´baʋdlə ̗raız)
[V] выбрасывать все нежелательное
-To bowdlerize means edit offensive parts out of something.
-She had ceased to bowdlerize her storytelling.
-bowdlerize a novel
[N] хутор квартал дешевых баров (притонов)
улица дешевых баров улица дешевых притонов
[A] обсаженный деревьями (кустами) тенистый
-a bowery lane
-We have just lunched in this bowery back verandah
-a private bower of ivy and honeysuckle
[A] солоноватый противный
(of water) tasting slightly of salt, often unpleasantly. солоноватый
-Before vanishing into the brackish water
-Something that is brackish is unpleasant and harsh, like the coffee you left on too long or the water in a muddy pond.
-shallow pools of brackish water
[N] легкий приступ тошноты высыпание на коже изжога кислая отрыжка отрыжка внезапный ливень груда обломков
[A] порывистый нахальный наглый дерзкий ломкий хрупкий
- a brash young man. нахальный
-If you're being cheeky you're being brash or irreverent.
Brash sounds like what it means: harsh, loud, and maybe a little rude.
-On stage she seems hard, brash and uncompromising.
[N] обжорство пробка пресыщение то, что съедено (проглочено) ущелье затор нагромождени теснина глотka пасть зоб выкружка
[V] глотать жадно глотать ( поглощать ) есть с жадностью
-A river ran along the bottom of the gorge. ущелье
-He gorged himself on fruit at the party. объедаться
-a steep path into Crete's Samaria Gorge
-I could spend all day gorging on chocolate.
-Your gorge refers to your throat, your stomach, and/or the passage between the two. Use this word figuratively when you want to indicate disgust.
[A] тощий сухопарый исхудалый изможденный вытянутый в длину длинный мрачный суровый
-a gaunt old woman. худощавый
-You can never be too rich or too thin, but you certainly can be too gaunt. It means you look skinny like you're sick
-a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
-Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.
-a large, gaunt, grey house
[N] неожиданное счастливое событие удача находка
-It had been a godsend when suddenly he had appeared
-A microwave is a godsend for busy people.
[N] болтовня щебетание журчание дребезжание вибрация
[V] болтать трещать протрещать разбалтывать щебетать стрекотать журчать дребезжать стучать стучать зубами дрожать вибрировать
-The children chattered among themselves. болтать
- teeth chattering with terror. стучать (зубами)
-childish chatter. болтовня
[N] корпус служба род войск
-The Royal Armoured Corps. корпус
-the diplomatic corps. корпус
-A corps is an army unit consisting of at least two divisions. This word can also refer to other groups of people, like a press corps, which is a gang of journalists trying to get the scoop.
-an officer in the Army Medical Corps
[N] вдова престарелая дама

-The Dowager empress
-- вдова (высокопоставленного лица) - the Queen dowager - the dowager duchess
[N] петля петля сети ячейка сети отверстие отверстие сита очко сети западня ловушка зацепление
[V] поймать в сети опутывать сетями запутываться в сетях зацеплять сцеплять
-a net. a net of (a) very fine (= small) mesh. ячейка, отверстие
-A fly was struggling in the meshes of the spider's web. сеть
-The teeth on these two cogwheels mesh when they go round. зацепляться
-And her rare meshing of their bodies
-The ground-floor windows are obscured by wire mesh.
[N] каток для белья
[V] катать белье рубить порубить калечить кромсать искажать портить
-The car was badly mangled in the accident. уродовать
-He mangled the music by his terrible playing. портить
-mangle the sheets
-But our work was to exasperate, ravage, kill, mangle and destroy
-mangle a speech.
[N] накидка мантия покров кожух калильная сетка покрышка
[V] покрывать окутывать укрывать покрываться пеной покрываться накипью краснеть приливать к щекам расправлять крылья
-Many of the peaks were already mantled with snow.
-The park looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.
-A mantle is a word for something that blankets over something else, like the loose cloak worn by Little Red Riding Hood or the layer of earth between the crust and core.
-place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders
-The ivy mantles the building”
[N] наставник руководитель воспитатель ментор
-A mentor is a person who trains and guides someone
-The famous professor mentored him during his years in graduate school
-She is a fine lecturer but she doesn't like mentoring
[N] мох плаун лишайник торфяное болото болото
[V] покрывать мхом
The bank of the river was covered in moss. мох
-A bog is a swampy kind of ground made up mostly of decomposing plants and mosses.
[N] каламбур игра слов причуда выкрутасы выверт росчерк пера завиток небольшой желобок галтель [V] высмеивать
-I have Quirks
-A quirk is a unique, odd, and sometimes charming trait that makes a person stand out from the crowd
-She quirked her head in a peculiar way
-Her blue eyes quirked at the inner corners
[N] новобранец рекрут новичок в спортивной команде
-They hired another rookie reporter
[N] когти сжатие захват хватка власть тиски лапы сцепление муфта зажимное устройство яйца выводок
[V] схватить зажать ухватить хвататься соединять высидеть высиживать
-I clutched at a floating piece of wood to save myself from drowning. хватать(ся)
-She was clutching a 50–cent piece. сжимать
-He fell into the clutches of the enemy. власть, тиски
-He released the clutch and the car started to move. сцепление
-She clutched her purse
-To clutch is to grasp or hold on to tightly. Some people clutch the safety bar on the roller coaster for dear life; others throw their hands in the air.