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27 Cards in this Set

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[A] Громкий голосистый шумный многоголосый горластый громогласный громкоголосый
-Vociferous describes loudmouths, such as the vociferous mob at the soccer game.
-Try yanking a cookie out of a little kid's hand if you want to hear a vociferous reaction
-A few other reactions were even more vociferous.
-a vociferous mob
-a vociferous opponent of Conservatism
[A] мужской возмужалый возмужавший зрелый зрелость: достигший половой зрелости мужественный сильный
-You'll often hear the word virile referring to a manly, powerful man, because the word means having physical strength and other typical masculine qualities.
-When you think of a virile man, you imagine a tough, strong guy who's full of energy, vigor, and sexual potency
-Superman is one guy who could easily be described as virile.
-a virile and ever stronger free society”
-a new and virile leadership
-a tall, virile man with rugged good looks
(´vılə ̗faı)
[V] поносить чернить
-To vilify someone is to spread nasty stories about them, whether true or not.
-The verb vilify comes from the same root as the word vile
-So avoid spreading vile words that vilify another and make him or her seem like a villain.
-The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews
-China's Communist leaders regularly vilify the Dalai Lama
-He was vilified and forced into exile.
[A] бдительный неусыпный
-Use vigilant to describe someone who keeps awake and alert in order to avoid danger or problems. When taking the subway, be vigilant about your wallet––always know where it is, or someone might steal it from you.
-Police warned the public to be vigilant and report anything suspicious.
-But security services are being especially vigilant as the games approach.
-I became distracted and less vigilant as I was falling in love.
[N] соседство близость окрестности окрестность округа район
- Are there any cinemas in the/this vicinity? окрестность
-the only two of Jefferson's male relatives in the vicinity at the relevant times.
-If something is in your vicinity, it's in the surrounding area or nearby region — it's in the neighborhood, so to speak. If there's a garbage dump in your vicinity, you'll certainly smell it.
-the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville
-houses priced in the vicinity of $200,000.
-two restaurants in close vicinity.
-Police say the killer may still be in this vicinity.
[N] резюме конспект краткий обзор синопсис автореферат
-Synopsis is a noun meaning summary
-For each title there is a brief synopsis of the book.
-After getting sufficiently thawed out, I gave a synopsis of my adventures.
[V] ухаживать заботиться присматривать присмотреть обслужить обслуживать пасти тенденция: иметь тенденцию клониться склонность: иметь склонность направляться вести в определенном направлении
-Plants tend to die in hot weather; He tends to get angry.иметь тенденцию
-A shepherd tends his sheep.присматривать;стеречь
-This bicycle tends to(wards) the left.клониться в каком-л. направлении
-He has a tendency to forget things. тенденция
-She tends to be nervous before her lectures
-She tends to the children; tend a store
( ̗ju:nə´nımətı)
[N] единодушие
-When there is unanimity, everyone agrees.
-Unanimity is a word for a group of people all being of one mind. If everyone in the country voted for the same person for president, that would be complete unanimity
-All decisions would require unanimity
[V] подавить усмирять усмирить сдерживать держать подавлять пресекать запрещать запретить скрыть скрывать замалчивать изымать из продажи конфисковать
-She suppressed a laugh сдерживать
-suppress information.умалчивать
-If the sound of your boss moving in his chair sounds like gas, you’re going to have to learn how to suppress your giggles.
-suppress a yawn; suppress a smile.
-this drug can suppress the hemorrhage
[A] тонкий нежный острый проницательный трудноуловимый неуловимый едва различимый искусный утонченный коварный хитрый
-There is a subtle difference between `unnecessary' and `not necessary'; a subtle flavour.тонкий; едва различный
-He has a subtle mind .острый
-Something that is subtle is not obvious: a professional food taster might be able to perceive subtle differences of flavor that most people don't notice
-a subtle difference
-a subtle mind
-a subtle poison
-subtle shades of brown
[N] тонкость нежность острота искусность утонченность тонкий: тонкое различие хитрость
-Subtlety is the quality of being understated, delicate, or nuanced.
-Many of the resulting wines lack the subtlety of the original model.
-They had obviously been hoping to approach the topic with more subtlety.
-When translating, you often lose the subtleties of the original language
[N] предместья и их жители, их образ жизни
-We created suburbia, built out the interstate highway system.
-Two years later Massey portrayed Margaret Thatcher in television film Pinochet in Suburbia.
[N] преемник наследник
-If you are successor to the throne, that means you're next in line when the current royal has to step down. The successor takes over when someone gives up a position or title or when something becomes outdated.
-he was President Lincoln's successor
-He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successors.
[V] вызывать вызывать в суд требовать исполнения вытребовать созывать призывать собирать собрать
-He was summoned to appear in court; The head teacher summoned her to his room; A meeting was summoned. вызывать; созывать
-To summon is to formally call for the presence of someone
-Summon all your courage
-summon a lawyer
-Howe summoned a doctor and hurried over.
-We couldn't even summon up the energy to open the envelope.
[N] прибой бурун буруны
[V] заниматься серфингом
-The children were playing in the white surf прибой
-Californians love to surf
-surf the internet or the world wide web
-had never surfed Malibu Beach.
[A] Мошеннический
-That shopkeeper has swindled me!; He swindled me out of $4.обманывать;
-an insurance swindle; Our new car's a swindle – it's falling to pieces. мошенничество; надувательство
-Maria Reynolds' abusive husband James made his living by swindling.
-To swindle is to cheat or steal. You can swindle money, goods, ideas, and anything else that can be stolen, but be careful, because someone can also swindle you.
-He fled to Switzerland rather than face trial for a tax swindle.
[PRON] ты
-The word thou, used in place of "you," is not used much in modern language.
-Anyone familiar with the Bible knows the word thou means "you"
-it might be used as slang for thousand
-Thou, O God .; Thou shalt not kill!
[N] превосходство господств верховенство верховный: верховная власть
-On the other side, the Republicans, led by Jefferson, promoted the supremacy of state governments...
-Supremacy is the state of having the ultimate authority. A ruling king has supremacy over his kingdom.
-The president asserted his supremacy over the prime minister.
(´sʌplə ̗keıt)
[V] умолять молить просить
-If you don’t get the grade you were hoping for on your paper, you could try to rewrite it, or you could meet with your teacher and supplicate.
-People often supplicate to God for help in the form of prayer, or supplicate to a judge for a lesser sentence.
-supplicate God's blessing
-supplicate for permission
-He supplicated the King for clemency
[A] прочный крепкий питательный сытный существенный важный значительный состоятельный реальный вещественный
-nice substantial table.прочный
-a substantial sum of money; That meal was quite substantial.существенный
-Something substantial is large in size, number, or amount: If you want to say someone spent a lot of money without being too specific, you could say they spent a substantial amount of money.
-well-built those fortunate enough to have a fairly substantial property to sell
-That is a very substantial improvement in the current situation.
( ̗sʌbtə´reınıən)
[A] подземный грунтовый секретный тайный скрытый подпольный
-subterranean passages.подземный
-Subterranean is an adjective that describes something just below what can be seen, like the subterranean jealousy you hide under a smile
-subterranean motives for murder
-A subterranean worm lives under the earth's surface
[N] зловоние смрад вонь вонища
-the stench of stale tobacco smoke.смрад
-The whiff of failure was becoming a positive stench
-When you pass a dump, you might hold your nose and say, "Oh, I can't handle the stench." A stench is a bad smell.
-the stench of corrupt government.
-The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.
[A] скрипучий пронзительный резкий крикливый
-Feminists are often characterized by people who don't like them as strident. Strident describes their voices, raised in anger, as loud and harsh.
-the unnecessarily strident tone of the President's remarks
-She tried to laugh, and the sound was harsh and strident.
[N] ствол стебель стержень ножка [бот.] черенок соплодие род племя рукоятка головка часов основной штрих деталь: короткая соединительная нос
[V] происходить начало: брать начало чистить ягоды приделывать стебельки расти прямо запруживать затыкать задерживать двигаться против течения оказывать сопротивление
-Poppies have long, hairy, twisting stems.ствол; стебель
-the stem of a wine-glass / of a tobacco-pipe.ножка; черенок
-As the ship struck the rock, she shook from stem to stern.нос
-He was still conscious, trying to stem the bleeding with his right hand.
-He cut the stem for her with his knife and handed her the flower.
Steer clear
-Steer clear of adverse anything. If it's adverse, it's working against you — like adverse weather conditions or the adverse effects of waxing your back.
-John is mad at me, so I've been steering clear of him. Steer clear of that book. It has many errors in it.
-something I'd steer clear of Joe if I were you - he's in a terrible mood. They invited me to comment on the proposals, but I think I would rather steer clear.
-I want to steer clear of trouble if possible. избегать
[N] намек подсказка кастрированный бычок вол: молодой вол бычок
[V] править рулем управлять вести судно слушаться управления последовать следовать итти идти направлять руководить
-to steer is to control which direction one is going.
-He steered the car through the narrow streets; I steered out of the harbour; She managed to steer the conversation towards the subject of her birthday. править; направлять
[A] Волнообразный
-Undulant motion
-The undulant were not real
-So does an undulant cloud of purple-brown, punctuated by a white dotted line.