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23 Cards in this Set

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[V] подавлять репрессировать сдерживать сдержать
-He repressed his surprise at her perspicacity
-He repressed a desire to hit the man.сдерживать
-couldn't repress a smirk.
-repress a rebellion.
- People who repress their emotions risk having nightmares.
-They have been repressed for decades.
-I couldn't repress a sigh of admiration.
[N] комиссионное вознаграждение комиссионные
[V] уполномачивать уполномочить уполномочивать поручить поручать
-a commission to paint the president's portrait. заказ
-My son got his commission last year. патент на звание, чин
- a commission of enquiry. комиссия
-He was commissioned to paint the Lord Mayor's portrait. заказывать
-he works on commission
-put the ships into commission
-the motor was out of commission
[N] подавление репрессия сдерживание
-Repression is a kind of holding back or holding down.
-a society conditioned by violence and repression
-extremely violent repression of opposition
-the repression of intense feelings
-the long repression of Christian sects
[V] раскаиваться каяться сожалеть сокрушаться
[A] ползучий пресмыкающийся
-He repented of his generosity.сожалеть
-The verb repent means "to feel sorry for something you've done." When you repent, you acknowledge what you did and vow to change your ways.
-repent one's sins
-repented of intemperate behavior
-Did he repent of anything in his life?
[N] слава известность
-He is renowned for his paintings; a renowned actress.известный
-She used to be a singer of some renown.
-An ice cream parlor can become renowned for its incredible mint chip ice cream, or a bank can be renowned for its excellent customer service.
[N] отречение ренонс
[V] отказываться признавать: не признавать отвергать отклонить отклонять отрекаться ренонс: делать ренонс отрешиться отрешаться
-He renounced his claim to the throne.отказываться
-I have renounced alcohol.отрекаться
-To renounce is to officially give up or turn away from. -People on a diet usually renounce pizza and chocolate cake
-to renounce a title
-to renounce Christianity
-to renounce smoking
-He renounced his claim to the throne.
(rı´pju:dı ̗eıt)
[V] Отрекаться, отказываться, отвергать, признавать: не признавать отказываться признать, отказываться от уплаты долга, отказываться от обязательства, отказываться подчиниться отказываться от ребенка, развод: давать развод жене
-To repudiate something is to reject it, or to refuse to accept or support it.
-This verb usually refers to rejecting something that has authority, such as a legal contract, doctrine, or claim.
-He repudiated the charges.
-A woman can repudiate her insane husband.
[N] режим строй диета
-A regime is the ruling government of a country. The amount of freedom and restriction that citizens of a country have can change from regime to regime.
-a fascist regime.
-suffered under the new regime.
[N] восстание мятеж бунт неподчинение сопротивление возмущение
-A rebellion is when you rise up and fight those in power, usually on a large scale.
-They soon put down the rebellion.
-He engaged in a small act of rebellion against his heritage.
-Repress a rebellion
[N] повстанец мятежник бунтовщик бунтарь
[V] поднимать восстание восставать бунтовать протестовать оказывать сопротивление противодействовать возмущаться
-A rebel is someone who fights authority
-a teenager rebels against his parents.
-One pronunciation hint, rebel as a noun has the stress on the first syllable and as a verb on the second
[N] опустошение уничтожение разорение разрушительное действие
[V] опустошать разорять грабить разрушать портить
-The word ravage can be used as a noun or a verb meaning destruction or to destroy. In a war, bombs and the attacking army will ravage the country under siege.
-Six years ago, a chimney fire ravaged the farmhouse.
-A tornado ravaged the town.
-Enemy soldiers ravaged the village.
[N] треск грохот детская погремушка
[V] трещать прогрохотать загрохотать грохотать греметь
загреметь дребезжать побрякивать смущать вывести из себя
-The cups rattled as he carried the tray in; The strong wind rattled the windows. греметь; дребезжать
-Don't let him rattle you – he likes annoying people. смутить; вывести из себя
-the rattle of cups. дребезжание
-The baby waved its rattle. погремушка; трещотка
[A] грохочущий шумный сильный быстрый энергичный замечательный сногсшибательный
[ADV] потрясающе
-we had a rattling time
-After waiting awhile, he flushed, turned swiftly and set his machine rattling.

traveling at a rattling rate”
“had a rattling conversation about politics”

The car travelled at a rattling pace. быстрый, энергичный
[A] священный святой духовный неприкосновенный посвященный
-Sacred place
-Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings.священный
someone He considered it a sacred duty to fulfil his dead father's wishes.священный
-Jerusalem is a sacred place for many religions, just as Fenway is a sacred place for Red Sox fans.
[N] ива [бот.] лоза
[V] делать желтым делаться желтым желтеть
[A] желтоватый болезненный
-Sallow means unhealthy in appearance––often yellow in color––and is almost invariably used to describe someone's complexion. His smile was as engaging as ever, but from his sallow complexion, I knew he was sick.
-he sullen glow returned to Slade's eyes, his sallow cheeks flushed slightly.
- His face was sallow and shiny with sweat.
[N] шалфей мудрец
[A] мудрый глубокомысленный рассудительный
-the sages of past centuries.Мудрец
- sage advice.мудрый
-Use the word sage for someone or something wise and judicious. Thanks to the sage advice of your friend, you didn't write your teacher an angry e-mail!
-ancient Chinese sages
-He was famous for his sage advice to young painters.
[N] достоинство чувство собственного достоинства, благородство титул звание сан звание: лица высокого звания знать
-Holding her head high, she retreated with dignity. достоинство
-the dignity of the occasion. величие
-He had risen to the dignity of an office of his own.высокое положение
-He had wounded her dignity.достоинство
-If someone has dignity, it means they are worthy of respect
-it was beneath his dignity to cheat
-showed his true dignity when under pressure
-he respected the dignity of the emissaries
-he entered with dignity
Admit that you were wrong. You won't lose dignity.
Crude oil
[N] неочищенный: неочищенная нефть
crude oil.необработанный; сырой
[N] сырье
[A] сырой необработанный неочищенный непродуманный незрелый грубый (о манерах) голый кричащий
-a crude shelter. грубо сделанный
-Is it gross? Unsophisticated? Totally tasteless and positively offensive? Then you can describe it as crude.
-the crude facts
-a crude joke
-crude behavior
-a crude sense of humour
-8.5 million tonnes of crude steel
County seat
[N] главный город округа
-In some cases, officials in Lufeng, the county seat whose territory includes Wukan, were also involved in setting up sales.
( ̗daıə´bɒlıkəl)
[A] дьявольский адский злой жестокий
-I decided this deiabolical game of yours had gone on long enough.
-Diabolical means "evil." This is a strong word
-the diabolical expression on his face”
- the diabolical treatment of their prisoners
-If someone deliberately runs you over with a car, that's much more diabolical.
[N] уловка увертка хитрость уклонение финт обманный: обманное движение, хитрое приспособление, хитрое средство прием
[V] Увертываться, увернуться, уклоняться, избегнуть, избегать Увиливать, отвиливать, прятаться, попрятаться. упрятаться Изворачиваться, извернуться, хитрить, словчить, ловчить петлять
-She dodged the blow; He dodged round the corner out of sight; Politicians are very good at dodging difficult questions.; прятаться; увиливать
-You'll never catch him – he knows every dodge there is. уловка
-To dodge something is to avoid it. In dodge ball, players dodge the balls being thrown at them.
-a good dodge for remembering names
-The child dodged the teacher's blow
-the pickpocket dodged through the crowd
-He dodged the issue
(´daʋər, dʋər)
[A] суровый строгий непреклонный упрямый
-Dour describes something sullen, gloomy, or persistent. You might look dour on your way to picking up your last check from the job you just got fired from, and people should get out of your way.
-dour determination
-a dour, self-sacrificing life
-In public, he often looked dour and aloof.