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52 Cards in this Set

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[N] цеп трал (M)
[V] намолотить молотить бичевать крутиться вертеться
-To flail means to wave around wildly. If you are stranded on a deserted island and you see a ship in the distance, it’s a good idea to flail your arms in the air to get the captain’s attention.
-flailed our horses with the reins.
-flailed my arms to get their attention.
-arms flailing helplessly in the water.
-boxers flailing at each other in the ring.
-His arms were flailing in all directions.
(´fılə ̗grı:)
[N] филигрань филигранный: филигранная работа
-Ancient handmade jewelry is often known for its filigree, which is a noun describing delicate ornamental work made of some type of metal.
-the filigree inlay of the lock
-filigrees of frosting on a cake.
-Pure gold admits the finest filigree.
[A] отвислый вялый дряблый слабохарактерный слабовольный мягкотелый расплывчатый
-flabby around the middle
-He had a hefty roll of flab over his waistband.
[N] нервный узел ганглий [анат.] центр
-Ganglion of tension
-an encapsulated neural structure consisting of a collection of cell bodies or neurons
[N] раздражение волнение мучение брожение прямоугольный орнамент лад
[V] забеспокоиться беспокоиться мучиться помучиться беспокоить мучить помучить разъесть разъедать подтачивать подергиваться рябью размыть размывать украшать резьбой украшать лепкой перебирать струны
-When you fret, you worry so much about something that it eats away at you.
-don't fret over these small details
-fret a guitar
-there was a simple fret at the top of the walls
(´fɔ:rtə ̗faıd)
[A] укрепленный крепленый обогащенный
-Fortified mill building
-The king fortified the castle against the attacking armies.укреплять
-Sherry is a fortified wine. обогащать; делать
-Fortified means strengthened or protected. When you've taken lots of vitamins, you've fortified yourself against getting sick!
[N] задевание касание легкая рана разрыв при ударе клевок царапина
[V] пасти держать на подножном корму щипать траву использовать как пастбище слегка касаться задеть задевать содрать натереть (кожу) ссадить (руку) обстреливать настильным огнем
-I've grazed my knee on that stone wall. оцарапать
-The bullet grazed the car. задевать
-a graze on one's knee.царапина
-the herd was grazing
-She was grazed by the stray bullet
-graze the skin
[N] обида жалоба повод для недовольства
-a list of grievances. претензия
-A grievance is a complaint. It can be formal, like an employee files grievance because of unsafe working conditions, or more of an emotional matter, like a grievance against an old friend who betrayed you.
-They felt they had a legitimate grievance.
-a deep sense of grievance
[N] серый цвет седина седой человек седой парик лошадь: серая лошадь необожженный кирпич низкосортный уголь
[V] делать серым становиться серым сереть посереть седеть жаловаться нажаловаться плакаться закапризничать капризничать хныкать
[A] серый седой
-a grizzled beard
an old man with grey, grizzled hair
-a grizzled old warrior
-He stared gravely for a minute at his grizzled butler
[N] бодец стрекало возбудитель стимул
[V] подгонять побуждать [перен.] подстрекать подстрекнуть
- I was goaded into being rude to him. вынуждать, подстрекать
-Charles was forever trying to goad her into losing her temper.
-He goaded me into taking direct action.
-His distrust only acted as a goad to me to prove him wrong.
[A] жестокий беспощадный неумолимый непреклонный зловещий мрачный страшный
-The soldiers had a grim task looking for bodies in the wrecked houses. неприятный
-The boss looks a bit grim this morning.суровый
-grim determination.непреклонный
-Things that are gloomy, stark, ghastly, and somber are grim. Sunshine, puppies, and rainbows are not grim; zombies, reapers, and mummies are grim.
“took a grim view of the economy”
“a grim joke”
“grim laughter”
“grim rainy weather”
grim determination”
[A] грубоватый резкий сердитый грубый хриплый угрюмый
-My dad's gruff manner implied he was in a foul mood.
-Gruff is an abrupt or forbidding tone.
-gruff manner
-a gruff reply
-gruff voices
-the dog's gruff barking
[A] скрытый тайный сделанный тайно сделанный украдкой хитрый крадущийся незаметный вороватый
-furtive action/look.незаметный
-If you're looking for a formal adjective to describe something sly or secret, sneak in furtive. Let's hope the teacher doesn't see your furtive attempts to pass notes in class!
-furtive behavior
-a furtive manner
-a furtive glance over her shoulder
[V] Ощупывать ощупать нащупывать идти ощупью искать искать ощупью
-He groped for the door.искать ощупью
-When you grope for something, you try to get a grip on it. If you drop your flashlight in a dark cave, you might grope around for it.
-groped for the telephone.
-grope for an answer.
-He groped in his pocket for his wallet.
- He kept trying to grope her breasts.
[N] ворчанье ворчание воркотня ропот дурной: дурное настроение гром грохот
[V] ворчать заворчать проворчать пробурчать бурчать разворчаться нажаловаться жаловаться брюзжать загреметь греметь загрохотать прогрохотать грохотать
-He grumbled at the way he had been treated.ворчать
-Thunder grumbled in the distance. грохотать
-the grumble of thunder.грохот
she grumbles when she feels overworked
• The pickers grumbled, while the birds were more or less disfigured.
-he grumbled a rude response
-Stones grumbled down the cliff
-We grumbled about the increased work load
[N] недовольство дурной: дурное настроение брюзга
[V] брюзжать ворчать проворчать заворчать
-One of their biggest grouches is the new system of payment
-They grouched about how hard-up they were.
-One of their biggest grouches is the new system of payment
[A] ворчливый брюзгливый
-He's quite happy in his job although he's always grouching (about it) ворчать
-Grandfather is a grouchy old so-and-so.
[N] стадо табун гурт толпа пастух
[V] ходить стадом толпиться быть вместе подружиться примкнуть собирать вместе пасти
[A] Стадный
-a herd of cattle; a herd of elephant(s) стадо
-The dogs herded the sheep together; The tourists were herded into a tiny room.сгонять в стадо; собирать вместе
-the children resembled a fairy herd
-Who will be herding the cattle when the cowboy dies?
-We herded the children into a spare classroom
[N] отшельник пустынник
-You hear about hermits more often than you meet one, and that’s because a hermit is someone who likes to be alone, far from people, sometimes because of their religious beliefs or maybe because they simply want some privacy.
-He lived like a hermit despite his fortune in shares and property.
[V] подвергать опасности
-Imperiling both men
-One life is imperiled, another lost,
-You imperilled the lives of other road users with your driving.
[V] умолять вымаливать заклинать
-She implored her husband to give up his life of crime; She implored his forgiveness. умолять
-Philip turned with an imploring look in his eyes.
-implored the tribunal to have mercy.
[A] бесстыдный бесстыжий дерзкий наглый нахальный беззастенчивый
-an impudent child/suggestion дерзкий
-An impudent person is bold, sassy, and shameless.
-their yacht.
-You prudent black fool
-the student was kept in for impudent behavior
-Did one ever hear so impudent an ignorance?
-an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
[N] должность: лицо, занимающее должность
приход: священник, имеющий приход
[A] лежащий возлежащий возложенный налегший всей тяжестью занимающий определенный официальный пост
- it is incumbent on you
-It seams to me that a crowded fields only helps the incumbent
-An incumbent is an official who holds an office. If you want to run for congress, you're going to have to beat the incumbent.
-felt it was incumbent on us all to help.
-The incumbent was reelected to another term.
-The previous incumbent led the party for eleven years.
[V] наносить удар причинять страдание налагать накладывать (наказание) навязывать
- Was it necessary to inflict such a punishment on him?; She is always inflicting her company on me- навязывать(ся)
-The dog attacked her, inflicting serious injuries.
-inflicted heavy losses on the enemy; a storm that inflicted widespread damage.
-she was afflicted by the death of her parents
[N] плач по покойнику причитание по покойнику
[V] голосить заголосить причитать
[A] острый резкий трескучий пронзительный обостренный проницательный тонкий (о слухе) глубокий напряженный сильный энергичный интенсивный сильно желающий стремящийся ревностный строгий жестокий трудный низкий сниженный

adj keen [kiːn]
1 eager or enthusiastic He is a keen golfer; I'm keen to succeed усердный
-Her eyesight is as keen as ever. острый
-If you have a keen interest in something, you are really, really into it. Keen is an adjective that describes something that is intense and focused.
-a man of keen intellect
-He's been a keen supporter all his life.
-his keen sense of loyalty
[N] станок ткацкий ткачество очертания мираж
отблеск тень
[V] неясно вырисовываться принимать угрожающие размеры принимать преувеличенные размеры маячить
-A huge ship loomed (up) in the fog.неясно вырисовыватьcя
-Loom has two distinct meanings. First, it's a tool for weaving. Second, it means to appear or stand over someone in a threatening way. The future loomed grim. The shadow loomed above us.
-the bleak mountains that loomed out of the blackness
-He loomed over me.
-The threat of renewed civil war looms.
[N] добыча награбленное добро награбленное ограбление деньги [сл.] незаконные доходы
[V] грабить огромить награбить уносить добычу
-thieves got away with a lot of loot.добыча
-The soldiers looted the shops of the captured town.грабить
-Burglars and pirates handle a lot of loot — otherwise known as stolen money or goods.
-Gangs began breaking windows and looting shops.
-They steal in order to sell their loot for cash.
[A] ясный понятный светлый яркий прозрачный
-When you call something lucid, you mean it's "easy to understand" or "sensible":
-lucid directions”
-a lucid moment in his madness
-lucid air
-a lucid thinker
-He was distressed and not lucid
[N] ком глыба кусок кусок: крупный кусок куча количество: большое количество
[V] образовывать комки сбиваться в комки сваливать смешивать в кучу смешивать в общую массу брать без разбора брать огулом тяжело идти тяжело ступать грузно садиться быть недовольным
[A] кусковой целое: взятый в целом
-If it's hard to determine its shape and otherwise looks like a big blob of something, it's probably safe to call it a lump
-Little old ladies put lumps of sugar into their tea. And that choked up feeling you get during a sappy movie? That's just a lump in your throat.
-The custard was full of lumps and no-one would eat it. комок
[N] травма рана порез
[V] калечить увечить
-The hunter was maimed for life. (по)калечить
-To maim something is to disfigure it through force or violence. Wartime battles have a tendency to maim soldiers.
-One man has lost his life; another has been maimed
[N] ушиб синяк помеха [книжн.]
[V] портить повредить искажать исказить ударить
-the opera was marred by an awkward aria.
-A mar is a flaw, mark, or blemish, like a deep scratch on a wooden table. As a verb, to mar is to make such an imperfection — like the pen mark that mars your crisp, white shirt.
-nothing marred her beauty
-The linguine with white clam sauce was marred by overly large, chewy clams
[N] Соблазн соблазнительность приманка наживка прикормка прикорм
[V] завлекать соблазнять соблазнить искусить искушать приманивать приманить прикармливать прикормить залучать залучить
- The lure of his mother's good cooking brought him back home. соблазн
- The bright lights of the city lured him away from home.Соблазнять
-To lure is to entice or bait someone. A lure is used to bait or entice fish to attach themselves to your hook. "He had a new shiny lure, which was enough to lure me into going on the fishing trip."
[N] спиртной напиток пьяница
[V] напиваться
[A] сочный пьяный буйный пышный
- lush meadows. сочный
-Lush describes something growing in abundance, like the lush green grass that covers the lawn in the spring.
-The hotel is lush, plush and very non-backpacker
-an unusual combination of vegetables and lush fruits
-a lush scent; lush fruit; the lush sounds of an orchestra.
[N] вожделение похоть похотливость страсть
[V] испытывать вожделение страстно желать
-a lust for power. жажда
-His lust for her grew until it was overpowering.
-Lust is a strong craving for sex. It also can mean a hunger for anything, like lust for power.
While lust isn't a dirty word, it is a strong word. You don't have lust for something you don't really care about. Lust is a strong, powerful desire, whether it's a noun or verb: you lust for things you deeply crave. Someone greedy lusts for money. Someone gluttonous lusts for food. The most basic meaning of lust is an unquenchable desire for sex, but people lust for all sorts of things.
-a lust for power.
-a lust for life.
[A] сильный крепкий здоровый живой
-You had best turn in," he shouted, his lusty voice barely audible above the shrieking of the wind.
[N] крен пошатывание шаткая походка склонность
[V] крениться пошатываться идти шатаясь
-The train gave a lurch and started off толчок; крен
-To lurch is to suddenly move — usually forward.
-The truck lurched down the road
-The ship suddenly lurched to the left
[N] озеро пруд водный: водное пространство
[A] простой чистый не более чем сущий явный
-she is a mere child; the merest suggestion of criticism не более чем
-I was merely asking a question. просто, только
-Mere means pure and simple, nothing more and nothing less.
-shocked by the mere idea.
-could detect only the merest whisper.
(´mıtə ̗geıt)
[V] смягчать смягчить уменьшать облегчать успокаивать боль умерять
-Choose the verb, mitigate, when something lessens the unpleasantness of a situation. You can mitigate your parents' anger by telling them you were late to dinner because you were helping your elderly neighbor.
-Sunscreen is used to mitigate the effects of the sun on your skin.
-When you buy car insurance, you are trying to mitigate the risks involved with driving.
[N] связь узы цепь ряд звено нексус [грам.]
-If you happen to be at the nexus of something, this noun means that you are right in the middle.
-The nexus between drugs, prostitution and corruption is universal.
-The real nexus of the money culture
[N] насыпь могильный холм курган холм количество: большое количество держава
[V] насыпь: делать насыпь насып`ать холм
- a grassy mound; a mound of rubbish. холм; насыпь; куча
-they built small mounds to hide behind
-they have a southpaw on the mound
-mound earth
-We sat on a grassy mound and had our picnic.
( ̗mı:dı:´əʋkər)
[A] посредственный заурядный бесталанный
-a mediocre performance/effort. посредственный; заурядный
-Mediocre is an adjective that means "merely adequate" or "of only ordinary quality." A "C" is a mediocre grade for students who are fair to middling.
-a mediocre book
-His university record was mediocre.
[A] воспринимаемый только умом интеллектуальный относящийся к уму абстрактный духовный предающийся абстрактным рассуждениям
-Something that is noetic has to do with thinking and reason. If you praise your friend's noetic abilities, you think she's very smart.
-Use the adjective noetic to describe intellectual thought, like the triumph of the noetic part of your brain over your instincts
[N] забывчивость забвение помилование амнистия
-Oblivion is the state of being forgotten.
-Oblivion can also mean "total forgetfulness
-He drank himself into oblivion.
-An entire section of the town was bombed into oblivion.
[V] докучать надоесть надоедать донимать выклянчить
выклянчивать задрать [сл.]
-He pestered me with questions; She pestered him to help her. надоедать
-a pestering friend might deplete your patience.
-He was pestering him to sell him some pot.
-He's always hanging round and pestering me.
[V] умиротворить умиротворять успокаивать утихомиривать
-He placated her with an apology умиротворять
-When a husband shows up with flowers after he's fought with his wife, he's trying to placate her. If you placate someone, you stop them from being angry by giving them something or doing something that pleases them.
-He smiled placatingly at her
[N] угрызение: угрызения совести раскаяние жалость сожаление
-without remorse
-Remorse, a noun, is what you feel if you regret your actions or wish for another outcome.
-He has shown no remorse for his actions.
[N] след пережиток остаток отрез
-The shop is selling remnants of cloth at half price; the remnant of the army.остаток
A remnant is something that's left over, once the rest is used up.
-a remnant of his past glory.
-the remnants of Roman flooring
-the remnants from the ancient battle gave archaeologists clues from which to infer what had happened.
[N] расправа реприз (фехтование)
-Reprise means "repeat an earlier role
- you would reprise your role
He puts down his fork and reprises what he sang ...
[V] сменять обеспечивать смену перестлать перестилать перестелить передавать по этапам передавать транслировать ретранслировать
[A] эстафетный релейный
[N] смена эстафета трансляция радиотрансляция реле [эл.] ( переключатель
-If you relay something, you pass it to another person
-the relay was successful
-Please relay the news to the villagers
-He later relayed false rumors
-send out It will be used mainly to relay television programmers.
-She relayed the message, then frowned.
[V] очищать рафинировать очищаться облагородить облагораживать утонченный: делать более утонченным изящный: делать более изящным совершенствовать улучшить улучшать делаться более утонченным делаться более изящным совершенствоваться вдаваться в тонкости усовершенствовать повышать качество
-Oil is refined before it is used.очищать
-We have refined our techniques considerably since the work began совершенствовать
-When you refine something, you make it better. Whether it's sugar or an essay, refining it requires fixing its flaws.
-refine suga
-many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet
“refine paper stock” “refine pig iron” “refine oil”
[N] бред бредни бессвязный: бессвязная речь рев шум страстный: страстное увлечение страсть восторженный отзыв веселый: веселое сборище вечеринка
[V] бредить говорить бессвязно заговариваться говорить восторженно говорить с энтузиазмом неистовствовать бушевать забушевать разбушеваться реветь (о море) выть завыть
- He's been raving about this new record he's heard.восторгаться
-If you rave about a book you just read, you're telling people you think it's great, or you're giving it a rave review.
-She raved about that new restaurant
-The show has drawn rave reviews from the critics.
-She raved about the new foods she ate while she was there.
[N] лекарство средство от болезни средство мера средство судебной защиты средство защиты права
[V] вылечивать исправлять
-A remedy is something that relieves or cures a problem or illness. Aloe vera is a common remedy for sunburn.
-If you're having trouble sleeping, the first remedy you might try is a hot bath and a cup of chamomile tea.
-remedy his illness