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28 Cards in this Set

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Clash (klæʃ)
[N] лязг, гул, шум, столкновение конфликт
[V] сталкиваться стукаться ударяться друг о друга приходить в столкновение расходиться совпадать во времени конфликтовать дисгармонировать ударять с грохотом производить гул производить звон производить шум звонить во все колокола
n-1-swords striking together the clash of metal on metal.лязг
2 -a clash of personalities.разногласие
3 -a clash between opposing armies.столкновение
4- because of happening at the same time a clash between classes.конфликт
v 1-The cymbals clashed.тарелка
2-The two armies clashed at the mouth of the valley. сталкиваться
3 -They clashed over wages.расходиться
4- because of happening at the same time The two lectures clash.совпадать по времени
5-The (colour of the) jacket clashes with the (colour of the) skirt.дисгармонировать
clash → сталкиваться
[N] духовенство клир священник: священники (PL)
-The Bolsheviks closed churches and imprisoned the clergy.
-He did not want to become a brewer like his father, nor did he want to enter the clergy
clergyman (´klɜ:rdʒımən)
[N] священник (M) церковнослужитель (M)
-The Bolsheviks closed churches and imprisoned the clergy.
-a prayer by a clergyman.
[N] человек, который умеет убедить пулемет комплексной установки
[V] Уговаривать, зaдабривать, задобрить, увещевать Увещать, упрашивать добиться с помощью лести
добиться с помощью уговоров
-He coaxed her into going to the dance by saying she was the best dancer he knew; He coaxed some money out of his mother.Задабривать
-When you coax someone, you try to convince him gently, with pleasant words and maybe a little flattery.
-coaxed the secret out of the child.
[A] расшатанный неисправный раздраженный капризный недовольный: всем недовольный причуда: с причудами эксцентричный слабый извилистый полный закоулков
-one who is cranky is easily annoyed, irritable, or testy. My sister gets cranky when she doesn't eat.
-a cranky mountain road.
-a cranky old truck.
[N] содрогание мурашки лазейка для скота ползучесть ползучесть металла набегание ремня обвал движущийся оползень
[V] наползать ползать поползти ползти наползти проползти проползать еле передвигать ноги еле ноги таскать красться подкрадываться виться стлаться пресмыкаться раболепствовать подлезать подлезть чувствовать мурашки по телу содрогаться содрогнуться тралить набегать по инерции

-give smb. the creeps [ID] бросить кого-л. в дрожь-нагнать страху на кого-л.
-He crept into the bedroom. красться
-The cat crept towards the bird. ползти
-Leave her alone, you creep. подонок
-A beetle creeps along the ground. Moving slowly and silently, it creeps up on you. When you feel the touch of tiny insect legs on your skin, you shudder, because bugs give you the creeps.
[V] раболепствовать низкопоклонничать проявлять раболепный страх съеживаться
-When you cringe, your body language shows you don't like what you see and hear.
-you cringe at things that are unpleasant
[N] склеп подземная часовня крипта потайное место тайник
-A crypt is a vault for burying the dead, which is often underneath or part of a church building.
-people buried in the crypt of an old London church
-A crypt can inspire scary thoughts of lids popping and doors opening for the walking dead
[A] Скрытый, тайный, таинственный, загадочный, сокровенный
- a cryptic message.таинственный
-Cryptic comments or messages are hard to understand because they seem to have a hidden meaning.
-I wondered just what he meant by that cryptic remark.
[N] лакомство , деликатес
[A] изящный изысканный утонченный элегантный вкусный лакомый разборчивый привередливый
-a dainty little girl. изящно
-Dainty means tiny, delicate, and lovely, so you could describe a little china tea set as dainty, and you could also call the tiny cakes on the little plates dainty.
-The girls were dainty and feminine
-a dainty teacup
[V] запугивать устрашать обескуражить обескураживать
-The Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz appeared at first to be easily daunted, but, in fact, he showed unusual courage.
-I was quite daunted by the formidable task ahead of us.обескуражить
[A] громоздкий нескладной обременительный
-and an elephant is very cumbersome.
-A "cumber" is something that slows you down
-Moving lumber is cumbersome, because it's a heavy and awkward job.
-Getting your laundry down the stairs or putting a Rottweiler in the bathtub can be cumbersome too.
-an old and cumbersome computer system
inefficient efficient, serviceable
-a cumbersome piece of furniture. громоздкий

-“a cumbersome piece of machinery”
“his cumbersome writing style”
[N] вызов подзадоривание
[V] сметь посметь отваживаться дерзнуть дерзать вызывать подзадорить подзадоривать пренебрегать опасностью рисковать
- I don't dare (to) go; He wouldn't dare do a thing like that; Don't you dare say such a thing again!(по)сметь
- I dare you to do it.бросать вызов
-He went into the lion's cage for a dare.вызов
-I dare say - I suppose (so) I dare say you're right; Will you be there?' `Oh, I daresay.полагаю
-The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.
-They dared me to dive off the high board.
-I dare not say. How dare she go?
-His daring may have cost him his life.
[V] осуждать осудить порицать хулить преуменьшать значение принижать значение обесценивать обесценить
-When you dye your hair pink and orange, your mother decries your act as a horror and bursts into tears
-You might decry learning French, declaring it as a waste of time
-He is impatient with those who decry the scheme.
[N] впадина рытвина шурф (M)
[V] порыться рыться копаться изыскание: делать изыскания рыть выкопать копать копнуть
-The verb delve means to dig into, loosen, or investigate. She delved into her family's history and discovered an inventor, a checkers champion...
-delved into the court records.
-She delved into her mother's past.
[V] вести себя унижаться унижать
-I wasn't going to demean myself by answering him.
-How did my son demean himself in the presence of the king?
-Just the way he glanced at her was both frightening and demeaning,
-To demean someone is to insult them. To demean is to degrade or put down a person or thing.
-To demean someone is very mean
-professionals who feel demeaned by unskilled work.
-Pornography demeans women.
[V] осуждать осудить обвинить обвинять разоблачать поносить денонсировать расторгнуть расторгать предупреждать предречь предрекать предсказать предсказывать угрожать доносить
-He was denounced as a murderer.обвинять
-. When you stand on your desk and tell the class that your partner is cheating, you denounce him or her.
-a country might denounce a corrupt election. -Politicians love to denounce each other's shady doings
[V] истощать исчерпать исчерпывать обескровливать очищать кишечник производить кровопускание
-Our supplies of food are rather depleted.исчерпывать(ся)
-To deplete is to use up or consume a limited resource.
-Visiting relatives might deplete your refrigerator of food, or a pestering friend might deplete your patience.
-A long, exhausting day can deplete your body of energy
-a summer drought can deplete a region’s water supply.
[V] презреть презирать
-I know he despises me for failing my exam.презирать
-despises such luxuries as fur boots. презирать
-How I despised myself for my cowardice.
-despised the frigid weather in January.
-despised any thought of their own safety.
[A] презренный подлый
-Stealing the last piece of food from a starving child goes way beyond mean. It's despicable — a vile and harmful act.
- “Would do something as despicable as murder”
[A] подлый низкий гнусный отвратительный ужасный
- That was a vile thing to say!; The food tasted vile.гнусный, мерзкий
-vile language
-vile weather
-a vile and despicable crime
-the vile smell of his cigar smoke
[N] простофиля простак жертва обмана
[V] Одурачивать, обманывать
- She had been the dupe of a dishonest rogue.простофиля
-The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone”
-He duped me into thinking he had gone home.одурачивать
-an innocent dupe in a political scandal
-He was accused of being a dupe of the communists.
[N] перемена к худшему морской отлив отлив упадок
[V] отливать ослабевать угаснуть угасать убывать
-The tide began to ebb.убывать
-His strength was ebbing fast.Ослабевать
- They sailed on the ebb tide.отлив
-When something ebbs, it is declining, falling, or flowing away
-Her unease was starting to ebb
-the tides ebbed at noon”
-The patient's strength ebbed away”
[V] избегать избегнуть уклоняться ускользать ум: не приходить на ум
- He eluded his pursuers.ускользать
-The meaning of this poem eludes me.не приходить на ум
-elusive criminal. неуловимый
-the solution eluded her
-"Tom eluded his captors by hiding under a table.
-Martha tried to understand chemistry, but the subject continued to elude her."
[V] терять значение сократиться сокращаться уменьшиться уменьшаться истощаться ухудшаться выродиться вырождаться приходить в упадок
-His money dwindled away.уменьшаться
-What do love, money, and the earth all have in common? All can dwindle, or shrink away, if we don't handle them properly.
-The factory's workforce has dwindled.
-Her savings dwindled down”
-His fund were dwindling rapidly
[V] проходить (о времени) лететь (о времени) пролетать (о времени)
-A month had elapsed since our last meeting.проходить
-When time passes by, you say it elapses. Four years elapse while you are in high school. Nine months elapse while you are in the womb.
-Weeks elapsed before we could start renovating.
-met again after an elapse of many years.
[V] приводить в ярость разъярять разъярить бесить взбесить
-His son's rudeness enraged him.бесить
-The King was enraged, and resolved to have his way.
[V] вверять поручать поручить возлагать доверить доверять вручать

v entrust [inˈtrast]
to give into the care of another; to trust (somebody with something) I entrusted this secret to her; I entrusted her with the duty of locking up.вверять
-They are prepared to entrust him with the leadership of the party.
-The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret