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36 Cards in this Set

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Trapezius m.
Cervical part acting alone swings the scapula forward, advancing the limb; thoracic part acting alone swings it in the opposite direction; both acting together they raise the scapula against the trunk
Dorsal midline from poll to withers; spine of the scapula
Brachiocephalicus m.
Flexes the neck ventrally when that part is free to move; bends the neck toward the active side when that part is free to move; advances the limb when the limb is free to move and the neck is fixed
Mastoid region of the skull; humeral ridge that extends distally from the deltoid tuberosity
Omotransversarius m.
Flexes the neck ventrally when that part is free to move; bends the neck toward the active side when that part is free to move; advances the limb when the limb is free to move and the neck is fixed
Transverse processes of the more cranial cervical vertebrae; clavicular intersection
Latissimus dorsi m.
Retractor of the limb; pull the trunk forward onto an advanced limb; covers the caudal angle of the scapula and holds it against the trunk
Supraspinous ligament, thoracolumbar fascia; teres major tuberosity of the humerus
Transverse pectoral m. (caudal)
Adduction, advance limb
Cranial sternebrae; fascia over the medial aspect of the upper part of the forearm
Descending pectoral m. (cranial)
Manubrium; humerus, fascia of the arm
Rhomboideus m.
Raise the scapula, rotate the scapula so that the ventral angle is carried caudally
Nuchal and supraspinous ligaments, extends between the second cervical and seventh thoracic vertebrae; dorsal border of scapula
Serratus ventralis m.
Support of the trunk; cervical part rotates the bone so that the ventral angle is carried caudally and so retracts the limb; thoracic part advances this angle and thus the limb
Fourth cervical vertebrae to the tenth rib; scapular cartilage, two triangular areas on the adjacent part of the medial surface of the scapula
Deep pectoral m.
Adduction, retraction of limb, advancement of the trunk onto an advanced and fixed limb
Caudal part of the sternum, adjacent area of the abdominal floor; greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus
Subclavius m.
Adduction, retraction of limb, advancement of the trunk onto an advanced and fixed limb
Cranial part of the sternum, cranial surface of the supraspinatus; epimysium
Supraspinatus m.
Extend and stabilize the shoulder joint
Supraspinous fossa, spine of scapula; greater and lesser tubercles of the humerus
Infraspinatus m.
Shoulder fixator
Infraspinous fossa; greater tubercle
Deltoideus m.
Flex shoulder
Spine of the scapula, aponeurosis over infraspinatus m.; deltoid tuberosity
Teres major m.
Flex shoulder
Caudal border of scapula; teres major tuberosity
Coracobrachialis m.
Adducts arm
Coracoid process; middle third of cranial surface of humerus
Subscapularis m.
Adducts arm and stabilizes shoulder joint
Subscapular fossa; lesser tubercle
Biceps brachii m.
Flex elbow
Supraglenoid tubercle; radial tuberosity and tendon of extensor carpi radialis m.
Brachialis m.
Flex elbow
Brachialis groove of humerus; medial border of radius near proximal extremity
Tensor fascia antebrachii m.
Extend elbow
Tendon of insertion of latissimus dorsi, caudal border of the scapula; olecranon and antebrachial fascia
Long head of the triceps brachii m.
Extend elbow, flex shoulder
Caudal border of scapula; olecranon
Lateral head of the triceps brachii m.
Extend elbow
Lateral surface of the humerus; olecranon
Medial head of the triceps brachii m.
Extend elbow
Medial surface of the humerus; olecranon
Extensor carpi radialis m.
Extend carpus
Lateral epicondylar crest, radial fossa of the humerus, deep fascia of the arm and forearm, intermuscular septum between it and the common digital extensor; metacarpal tuberosity
Common digital extensor m.
Extend carpus and digits
Cranial aspect of the distal part of the humerus, lateral epicondyle, lateral collateral ligament, lateral tuberosity of radius, lateral surface of ulna, deep fascia of the forearm; extensor process of PIII (equine), extensor process of PIII of digits 3 and 4 (bovine)
Lateral digital extensor m.
Extend carpus and digits
Lateral tuberosity of radius, lateral collateral ligament of elbow joint, body of ulna; dorsal aspect proximal end of PI (equine), proximal extremity of PII of digit IV (bovine)
Medial digital extensor m. (bovine)
Extend carpus and digits
Radial fossa, lateral epicondyle; proximal extremity of PII of digit 3
Ulnaris lateralis m.
Flex carpus
Lateral epicondyle; accessory carpal bone, proximal extremity of fourth metacarpal bone
Flexor carpi ulnaris m.
Flex carpus
Medial epicondyle; accessory carpal bone
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Flex carpus
Medial epicondye; second metacarpal bone (equine), mediopalmar part of proximal extremity of large metacarpal bone (bovine)
Superficial digital flexor m.
Flex carpus, digits
Medial epicondyle, caudal surface of radius; proximal extremity of PII, distal extremity of PI (equine), proximal extremity of PII of digits 3 and 4 (bovine)
Deep digital flexor m.
Flex carpus digits
Medial epicondyle, olecranon, caudal surface of radius; flexor surface of PIII (equine), flexor tubercle of PIII of digits 3 and 4 (bovine)
Interosseus m. (suspensory ligament)
Vital role in stay apparatus
Palmar surface of third metacarpal bone; abaxial surface of proximal sesamoids, extensor branches to common digital extensor m.