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70 Cards in this Set

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Semantics deals with:
the meanings of words and sentences
Syntax refers to:
the grammatical arrangement of words within the sentence
The study of the relationship between the brain and language is termed:
The relationship between 'picked' and 'up' in the sentence 'George picked the baby up" is:
associative chain
Chomsky used the sentence "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" to illustrate the point that:
the associative chain theory of language was invalid
The interdisciplinary field that studies the mind and mental processes is called:
cognitive science
Content words, which include nouns, verbs, and adj., are known as _____ words.
Words that function together in a sentence (such as 'called up') are called:
The poverty of stimulus argument refers to the fact that:
children cannot learn language solely from the language samples they hear
Phonology refers to:
the system of sounds in a language
Associative Chain Theory
a theory favored by behaviorists that explains the formulation of a sentence as a chain of associations between the individual words in the sentence
a grammatical unit such as a noun or verb phrase
The way we construct and articulate utterances is known as:
language production
Tacit knowledge of language is best illustrated by:
our ability to perform activities such as listening and speaking without fully understanding the processes involved in them
The relation between 'phoned' and 'up' in the sentence "John phoned the woman with the curly hair up" is handled within transformational grammar by the:
particle-movement transformation
Particle-Movement Transformation
a transformational rule that accounts for the movement of particles such as up around noun phrases
According to Hauser, Chomsky and Fitch (2002) the difference between the faculty of language in the broad sense (FLB) and the faculty of language in the narrow sense (FLN) is that:
FLN only includes recursion, and so is unique to humans
The smallest unit of sound that makes a difference in meaning is a:
Which of the following is an example of deep structure ambiguity?
-The child thinks the man left.
-They are eating apples.
-John is easy to please.
-Flying planes can be dangerous.
flying planes can be dangerous
Experiments that show that subjects use transformational rules and structures when processing sentences provide evidence for:
the psychological reality of grammar
The set of rules needed to generate a sentence is called its:
The system of rules that governs how different forms of the same word may be used to convey different shades of meaning is referred to as:
A theory of language that explains the role of linguistic universals in evolution is said to have:
explanatory adequacy
explanatory adequacy
the extent to which a grammar can explain the facts of language acquisition
The initial sounds in the words big and dig are:
different phonemes
The underlying meaning of a sentence is referred to as its:
deep structure
A theory of language that specifies the relationships among various sequences in the language is said to have:
descriptive adequacy
Linguistic productivity is best described as the ability to:
produce and comprehend novel sentences
Bresnan's lexical-functional grammar:
replaces transformational rules wit more complete lexical entries
If two distinct phrase markers can be derived fro a single sentence, the sentence is said to be:
In contrast with transformational grammar, lexical theories place:
greater emphasis on individual words
A rule that refers to itself, such as the rule a sentence may be rewritten as a NP and V and S is called a:
recursive rule
Memories of childhood vacations are stored in:
episodic memory
______ experience childhood amnesia, and cannot recall events before their 3rd birthday
all adults
In Diamond's (1985) study of object permanence, infants as young as 7 1/2 months were able to solve the problem if:
they were allowed to immediately search for the object
The type of measure that hold traces of events that are specific to a time and place is called ______ memory.
Which is NOT true of neural network models
-They have not yet been shown to be useful for modeling language processes.
-They are an important alternative to serial models of processing.
-They are useful for modeling cognitive processes.
-They are based on patterns of excitatory and inhibitory neural activity.
They have not yet been shown to be useful for modeling language processes
Processing that proceeds from the lowest level to the higher levels in such a way that all of the lower levels of processing operate without influence from the higher levels is called _____ processing.
bottom-up processing
Information that is being processed by the cognitive system is temporarily held in ________ memory
A test in which increasingly longer lists of items (such as numbers or words) are presented for later recall is called a ______ test.
memory span
Object permanence refers to:
understanding that an object exists even if it cannot be perceived
_____ models are inspired by patterns of neural activity in the brain
parallel distributed processing
Children's pretend play is developmentally important because:
it signifies that one object can stand for another
What conclusion can be drawn from the text's discussion of the "Ali" sentence?
"I was afraid of Ali's powerful punch, especially since it had already laid out many tougher men who had bragged they could handle that much alcohol."
our intuitions regarding sentence comprehension are not always accurate
_______ models divide the activities involved in processing language into non-overlapping stages
Piaget referred to the concepts we use to organize our experiences as:
For speech processing to be modular it must:
be domain specific
Pollack and Pickett (1964) showed that when a word is isolated from its context it becomes:
less intelligible than in context
Researchers studying _______ are most likely to make use of a speech spectrogram
acoustic phonetics
_____ are produced by impeding the airflow at some location in the vocal tract.
The delay in the release of vocal cord vibration between the release of a consonant and the start of a vowel is called:
voice onset time
The speech sounds [p] [b] and [k] are instances of
stop consonants
The movements of the eyes during reading are called:
The dual-route model explains how we can:
pronounce words we've never seen before
The connectionist model showing that various levels of speech processing occur simultaneously and interactively is known as:
TRACE model
Neisser's (1964) study of visual search, in which subjects search a list of letters for a target letter, provided evidence for the role of ______ in speech perception
Readers pick up visual information:
during a fixation
A formant is:
a band of energy in a spectrogram
The acoustic information that specifies a phoneme will change based on preceding or following phonemes. This is known as:
context-conditioned variation
The study of speech sounds that references the movements within the vocal tract is:
articulatory phonetics
In a study on categorical perception, listeners hear two sounds and then a third, and determine if the third sound was the same as the first or the second. Results show that:
performance 100% is at chance if the two sounds are from the same phonetic category
The phenomenon of producing more than one speech sound at a time is called:
The fact that we can perceive letters in a word context better than individual letters is referred to as:
the word-superiority effect
The production of vowels is characterized by:
the position and height of the tongue
We use _________ to distinguish between the two meanings of 'blackbird'
The lack of invariance refers to the fact that there is non one-to-one correspondence between:
acoustic cues and perceptual experience
________ maps sounds of language onto written symbols or characters.
The speech sounds [t] [d] and [s] are instances of:
alveolar consonants
The motor theory of speech perception:
contends that we perceive speech by reference to production
The use of pitch to signify different meanings is: