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16 Cards in this Set

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Cognitive theory of development

Sensorimotor - language is a purely physical skill

Preoperational - children talk constantly but with little purpose or meaning. Much of their speech is thinking aloud.

Concrete operational - language is used to refer to specific facts and concrete ideas, not abstract concepts

Formal operational - full capacity to use language for multiple purposes

Connectionist theory

Language usage is based upon a person's perception of language

Repeated linguistic input creates language patterns in learner's

Language acquisition is the result of personal experiences

Neural mapping is essential to the acquisition of language


Language comprehension and production develop through continual engagement with language


The more frequently students are exposed to language, the more readily they will grasp and adopt it.

Conditioning - praise, smiles and excitement

Monitor model


No fundamental difference in how humans acquire 1st and 2nd language

Acquisition-learning hypothesis

Learning rules of language will not allow users to produce output

Only authentic acquisition will allow students to use their new language

Input hypothesis

Comprehensible input is necessary for students who are acquiring a new language.

Monitor Hypothesis

Language that is gained in formal learning is useful for writing and self correcting

Natural order hypothesis

Language is attained in a foreseeable pattern by all learners

Affective filter hypothesis

Addresses the emotional risks inherent in learning a new language

Universal grammar

Noam chomsky

Humans have the inherent capacity to acquire, create and understand language.

The brains hardwired to develop language.

First language acquisition

Pre speech

Babbling - unique to the human species

One word stage - underextension, definition of word is too narrow. Dog is just one dog, not all dogs

Overextend - refer to a.4 legged animals as dog

Two word - @2nd year of life

Early Multi word or telegraphic

Later multi word stage


The learner's present understanding of the language. Rule based system that develops over time..



The point in second language acquisition where a learners growth freezes

Morpheme acquisition order

Pattern in which people acquire language . May be an outdated concept??

Stages of 2nd language acquisition


Early production

Speech emergence

Intermediate fluency

Advanced fluency

Stages of 2nd language acquisition


Early production

Speech emergence

Intermediate fluency

Advanced fluency