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37 Cards in this Set

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What is covered by the term "Pragmatics?"
Communicative Intent
Code Switching
Social Conversation Rules
Discourse competence
Making intent clear to listener and comprehending speaker's intent
What is communicative intent?
requesting, informing, etc. how to use and decode facial expressions, gestures, and tone of voice. Can alter sentence intent through gesture/tone.
What is code switching?
Happens automatically; address formality of situation and switch language to meet it (e.g. motherese to child, vs. formal SE to boss)
What are social conversation rules?
turn taking, conversational repair, use of nonverbal communication, ability to read how another person is understanding you, etc.
What is discourse competence?
language use beyond sentences
What are the stages of social skill development?
within first few weeks - reciprocal social smile
before age 1 - joint attention (introduction of the concept of a topic)
babies read physical intentions of others before they read verbal intentions
leads to manipulation of social environment through verbal/nonverbal language (e.g. fake crying)
comprehension of social knowledge precedes production of social behavior (not an innate skill)
What are the components of pragmatic input?
verbal language (semantics & syntax)
prosody: melody, rhythm, timing, intensity, pitch
facial expressions
body position
requires audio-visual integration
What are the rules of discourse?
have to take turns
have to know how to introduce, maintain, and end a topic
have to have enough ToM to know what other person is thinking
have to introduce a relevant topic in socially appropriate way
have to have knowledge of audience
cohesion & coherence
What is coherence?
has to make sense across sentences; sentences topically connect to each other
What is cohesion?
sentences are structurally connected to each other (e.g. pronoun reference)
What is the significance of prosody?
transmits affect
used for semantic emphasis (stress) as in "I don't want the red one, I want the BLUE one."
grammatical marking (oral punctuation): is sentence continuing or is there a period?
lexical stress (HOT dog v. hot DOG; PROtest v. proTEST)
even with nonsense words, you can pick out which are nouns and which are verbs based on the rhythm
Describe the PEPS-C.
Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems in Children
assesses a child's prosody
what can and can't they interpret?
What is the significance of prosody?
transmits affect
used for semantic emphasis (stress) as in "I don't want the red one, I want the BLUE one."
grammatical marking (oral punctuation): is sentence continuing or is there a period?
lexical stress (HOT dog v. hot DOG; PROtest v. proTEST)
even with nonsense words, you can pick out which are nouns and which are verbs based on the rhythm
Describe the PEPS-C.
Profiling Elements of Prosodic Systems in Children
assesses a child's prosody
what can and can't they interpret?
uses a standardized, computerized voice
looks at:
grammatical prosody
affect (like v. dislike)
chunking (chocolate biscuits and jam)
focus (contrastive stress)
* based only on single words
What is the significance of facial expressions?
signal communicative motivation and affect
older children respond to parental facial expressions to interpret language
What must we keep in mind with regard to body position?
rules about personal space are very culturally specific
rules about eye contact
how to enter a group
developmental trajectory for all of these skills
intuitive, but not innate
lots of variability
What are the 4 steps of communication according to Michelle Garcia Winner?
1. Think about the people you want to talk to.
2. Establish and maintain physical presence.
3. Establish and maintain "thinking with your eyes"
4. Use language to relate to others
What are the 4 steps of perspective taking according to Michelle Garcia Winner?
1. I have a thought about you.
2. I wonder why you are near me, what is your motive?
3. I'm thinking about what you're thinking about me
4. I monitor and possibly modify my behavior to keep you thinking about me the way I want you to think about me
What are some pragmatic compensatory strategies for life?
Social stories (Carol Grey)
Power cards (abbreviated social stories for older kids "superpowers")
Speak and Flush
Mask behavior instead of stopping it (pretend dryer sheets are tissues)
What are parts of successful communication?
Conversational Frame
What are the components of the conversational frame?
topic initiation
topic maintenance
topic expansion
topic change
What are components of communication?
expressive and receptive language
nonverbal components
conceptual base
What are components of content?
perspective taking
topic selection
changing styles
new v. given info
cooperative principles
What are components of interaction?
turn taking
repair strategies
signaling transitions
Describe the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale.
not made for pragmatics; assesses functional skill level
what level of independence a person can have
normed for birth through 100 years
measure of personal and social skills
assesses activities of daily living
provides data for education and treatment plans to help design IEP goals
parent/caregiver interview through guided conversation
also a classroom edition for teachers
Describe the Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL-2)
tests language based social interaction skills
school age 6-17 years
standard flip chart
pragmatic items test metalinguistic skills
assesses metapragmatic skills
"why did she say it that way?"
"what would you say in this situation? why?"
Describe Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS).
not specifically made for pragmatics
for 5 through 21 year olds
designed to measure use of conventions, syntactic forms, meaningful communication
good for overall assessment but won't tell you where deficit is
looks at pragmatics as integral part of language
What are the 4 steps of perspective taking according to Michelle Garcia Winner?
1. I have a thought about you.
2. I wonder why you are near me, what is your motive?
3. I'm thinking about what you're thinking about me
4. I monitor and possibly modify my behavior to keep you thinking about me the way I want you to think about me
What are some pragmatic compensatory strategies for life?
Social stories (Carol Grey)
Power cards (abbreviated social stories for older kids "superpowers")
Speak and Flush
Mask behavior instead of stopping it (pretend dryer sheets are tissues)
What are parts of successful communication?
Conversational Frame
What are the components of the conversational frame?
topic initiation
topic maintenance
topic expansion
topic change
What are components of communication?
expressive and receptive language
nonverbal components
conceptual base
What are components of content?
perspective taking
topic selection
changing styles
new v. given info
cooperative principles
What are components of interaction?
turn taking
repair strategies
signaling transitions
Describe the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale.
not made for pragmatics; assesses functional skill level
what level of independence a person can have
normed for birth through 100 years
measure of personal and social skills
assesses activities of daily living
provides data for education and treatment plans to help design IEP goals
parent/caregiver interview through guided conversation
also a classroom edition for teachers
Describe the Test of Pragmatic Language (TOPL-2)
tests language based social interaction skills
school age 6-17 years
standard flip chart
pragmatic items test metalinguistic skills
assesses metapragmatic skills
"why did she say it that way?"
"what would you say in this situation? why?"
Describe Oral and Written Language Scales (OWLS).
not specifically made for pragmatics
for 5 through 21 year olds
designed to measure use of conventions, syntactic forms, meaningful communication
good for overall assessment but won't tell you where deficit is
looks at pragmatics as integral part of language