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30 Cards in this Set

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Define Gaze Coupling
infant-mother extended eye contact
What are the first signs of a Baby Communicating
Define Communication
Giving and recieving of information
Define Language
intentional communication through sounds, body language, signs, and written symbols. Can be oral or Written
Define Auditory
experienced through or related to hearing
Define acuity
how well one uses senses or the degree of sharpness
Describe the behaviorist theory
Skinner says that Language develops due to a reponse or lack of interest in surroundings. Positive, neurtral and negative reinforcement have critical roles in child's behavior
A parent responds to the Baby cooing. Baby likes the response and coos again. This is an example of ______
Behaviorist Theory
Describe the Maturation (Normative) Theory
children go through predictable stages in order
A new teacher learns the ages of her children and uses the information to develop appropriate activities based on the stage they should be in. This is an example of _____
Maturation (Normative) theory
Predetermined Innatists theory
People are internally geared to develop language in a predictable order regardless of behavior.
Cognitive Theory
Piaget says Learn Language due to social emotional reasons such as curiosity, positive feedback, play, primary motivators (get food)
Constructivist theory
Children learn language because of interactions with environment. Playing, People, Songs
What is a synapses
the connections between dendrites in the human brain
What is a conversation between adults and Babies
This conversation is based on feedback. Mother notices baby smiling and makes a comment. Baby reacts, mother reacts
What does research about infants and language mean to us?
We should talk, converse, sing, play with our infants to give them language experiences. We should be aware of behavioral flags that can indicate the need to see a doctor.
What are some things we can do to encourage language development during early infancy
~talk in a pleasant soothing voice with simple langauge and eye contact
~Pause in coversation to give baby a chance to respond/react
~Make a game out of smilies sounds and movement when infant is reactive
~imitate sounds playfully and give new sounds for baby to imitate
~Use infants name
What can we do to encourage Language development in late infancy
~Speak Clearly
~Explain what's going on now and next
~Do not interrupt infant
~Animate talk
~try finger plays
~Talk about environmental sounds
What kinds of books should you read with an infant
Books that are sturdy, short, Have familar bright images
Books with rhythm
Define Phoneme
the smallest unit of speech *smallest sound you can make*
Define morpheme
smallest unit in Lang with a recognizable meaning
Define syntax
arrangement of words in a sent.
Define semantics
study of meanings associated with words and acquisition of vocab
Study of how lang. is used effectively in social context
What is inner speech
private internalized speech that is apart of a child's thinking process
How can we aid a toddler's Lang. Development?
~Exposure to Language just above child's current level
~positive reinforcement
~Explain what you are doing while it happens
What is joint attention
The child's awareness that they must gain and hold the focus of another during communication to get a point across. "When they learn get all of Mom's attn when they want something"
What is symbolic Play
when a toddler uses one item to represent another
How does a child obtain language through music
music helps a child's auditory discrimination with varying sounds. Toddlers enjoy to move and music gives them a chance to move. Catchy rhythms can challenge a child to learn to reproduce the sounds made to repeat the song. It teaches toddlers short and long sounds and catches attention
What kinds of books and how shoulf you read to a toddler
Read sturdy short books that have some rhythm to it an familar objects for the toddler. Read at least daily if not more and let the child aid in the reading process as much as possible. Allow story time to be interactive.