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9 Cards in this Set

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What are the rules for cycle lanes?

If there is a solid white line, you must not drive or park in it during its time of operation.

If the line is broken, you may drive in it if unavoidable.

When waiting restrictions apply, you must not park in it.

What are the rules for bus lanes?

Unless otherwise indicated, do not drive in one during its time of operation.

If allowed, you may stop and load or unload your vehicle.

What are the rules for high occupancy vehicle lanes and other designated vehicle lanes?

Don't enter them during operational hours unless signs indicated that your vehicle is permitted use.

What does high occupancy mean?

That there are a lot of occupants inside. This usually applies to busses and coaches.

Who can use HOV lanes?

Vehicles with the minimum number of specified occupants.

Any other vehicles shown on the signs, irrespective of occupants.

For whom might one way roads have contraflow lanes?

Busses and cyclists.

On one way streets, what lanes should be used when turning?

Left hand lane when going left.

Right hand lane when going right.

The most appropriate lane when going straight on.

When may you drive on the pavement, footpath or bridleway?

To gain access to property.

In the case of an emergency.

What are you allowed to throw out of the vehicle?
