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16 Cards in this Set

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union security

dealing with membership issues and the collection of union dues

Union Shop

a form of union security that indicates that membership and the payment of dues are mandatory conditions of employment

Modified Union Shop

indicating that employees do not need to join the union if they were employed at the time of certification, although they must pay due

Maintence of membership

indicating that once the employee is a member of union they must remain a member of the union through to the end of the contract

Rand Formula

a form of union security clause indicating that union membership is not madatory but that paying union dues is madatory. Because unions are required to represent all employees fairly and equally (even those who have choosen not to be members)

ensure that union benefits from everyone's financial support in return for the gains recieved as a result of the union's effort.

Open Show

membership to the union is voluntary

- because of the union security clause unions have the duty to fairly represent all bargaining unit members even if they are not members of the union

Check Off of Dues

refers to the collection of unbion membership dues by the employer

Automatic or Compulsory Check Off

stipulates that the employer must deduct union dues from the employee

Voluntary Check Off

allows the employer to deduct union dues only from those employees who authorize such deductions

Contract Expiration Date

will deal not only with the date of expiry but notice periods for opening negotiations and provision in the agreement r are specially outlined in the wording in the management right clause in the agreement

Acquired Rights

a.k.a. defined rights

right that have been acquired by the union that may not be covered in the collective agreement but can be demonstrated and have been action upon by the union and employees

- if the right has been acquired than the employer can not unilaterally change it without notice or negotiation

No Strike or Lockout Provision

it is a requirement that a collective agreement contain a provision prohibiting strikes or lockouts during the term of the agreement

Seniority and Job Security

covers items related to transfer, promotions , lay-offs and recall, job postings and severance benefits.

Compensation and Benefits

will be covered by a number of articles and clauses in the agreement and will deal with everything from insurance ad pension to actual pay rates, job evaluations methods and cost of living based changes in wages

Grievance and Arbitration Procedure

required by law to be in the collective agreement, outlines the steps time limited and mechanism for arbitration selection

Things that can be included in the collective agreement

labour and management can write a collective agreement anything that they want to as long as it mutually agreed and does not contravene the law