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30 Cards in this Set

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Never work in the laboratory _________


Do no perform ______________ experiments. Always follow the directions provided by the lab supervisor.


Always wear (1) _____ (2) _________ (or gowns) and (3)___________ glasses.

(1) lab

(2) coats

(3) safety


In the laboratory...

(1)Smoking is allowed

(2)No food, gum, drinks

(1) False.

(2) True

Do not ________(1) anything found in the laboratory. Do not eat or drink from any of the laboratory _____________(2)

(1) taste

(2) glassware

Always use a ______(1) hood when working with substances that produce hazardous or _____________(2) dusts, vapours, or strong odours or fumes.

(1) fume

(2) flammable

Avoid directly ___________ chemical fumes



You can take out equipment, substances, or specimens out of the laboratory


Do not use anything with signs of _________



You can use anything broken

False. Do not use if broken. Dispose of or report to supervisor before disposing

Dispose of all ______ substances into the correct _______ container


Report ___(1) accidents or ____________(2) to your lab demonstrator immediately.

(1) ALL

(2) injuries

Safety glasses are to be worn (1)___ _____ __________ in the laboratories.

If in contact with chemicals, wash with flowing water (2) ____ to ____ minutes and seek (3)_____________ medical attention


(2) 15 - 25 minutes

(3) immediate

Long _____(1) must be securely confined.

You must wear low heeled, _________(2) toe shoes.

Gloves should be worn when handling haz__________(3) ch___________(4), sharp or hot objects.

(1) Hair

(2) closed

(3) hazardous

(4) chemicals

If chemicals get in your eye, wash the eye (1)______________ly with copious amounts of _________ (2). Continue to IRRIGATE with _________ (2) for at least (3) ___minutes. Cover and see a doctor.

(1) immediately

(2) water

(3) 15 minutes with water

Foreign matter in eye.

Irr______ (1) the eye with a full ____ (2) of water. If not washed out, p____ (3) eye and see the doctor.

(1) irrigate

(2) cup

(3) pad

What do you keep under cold water for 10 minutes ? AND must not apply CREAMS or DRESSINGS TO?

Minor burns or scalds

Major burns! Indicated by ______ appearance of the skin AND in contrast to minor burns, NO PAIN!

You must see (2) __ _________.

(1) waxy

(2) a doctor

What injury requires you to IRRIGATE immediately with a gentle flow of water and continue for 10 to 20 minutes? (1)

See __ ________(2).

(1) chemical burns!

(2) a doctor

Electric shock requires you to:

Sw_______... (1)

Remove ________.... (2) BEFORE touching the _________ (3).

If necessary, apply __________ (4)

(1) switch off the power

(2) Remove the plug

(3) victim

(4) resuscitation

Assume Everything is...


All common liquids are


What is an important property of solvents?

That they emit/ give off (2) ________(________s) which could be fl__________(2) or harmful in some way.

(1) vapours (fumes)

(2) flammable

Many organic solvents can be (1)____________ed through the (2)______, especially with repeated exposure.

(1) absorbed

(2) skin

Keep all organic solvents away from all...

Hot objects

Organic Solvents:

Avoid breathing or contact with f______


Avoid contact of organic solvents with your s____


Dusts is also a caution when opening containers and handling SOLIDS. Use g______ when handling. D_______ after use.



Always w____ h______

Wash hands.

Because of contamination.

The best first aid for burns of any sort (thermal or chemical) is ...

lots of cold running water