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45 Cards in this Set

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Administrative Law Judge
Formerly called trial examiners.
Affirmative Action Plans
Programs which involve giving preference in hiring or promotion to qualified female or minority employees.
The settlement of disputes by a neutral adjudicator chosen by the parties.
Bona-Fide Occupational Qualification. AN EXCEPTION TO TITLE VII.
Collective Bargaining
When a union and employer meet to discuss wages and condtions of employment.
Common Situs Picketing
Union picketing of an entire construction site.
Construct Validity
Content Validity
Reflects the CONTENT of the job.
Contract Bar Rule
Bars an election during an agreement. Subject to "open season".
Criterion-Related Validity
Correlates with the SKILLS and KNOWLEDGE required for job performance.
An intentional, false, and harmful communication.
Written defamation.
Spoken defamation.
Absolute Privilege
The right to privileged communication in a confidential relationship, as between client and attorney
Qualified Privilege
Defense to an action of defamation, that the statement in question was made under a properly exercised (free of improper motive or malice) privilege in the performance of a legal or moral right or duty.
Anecdotal Evidence
is unreliable evidence based on personal experience that has not been empirically tested, and which is often used in an argument as if it had been scientifically or statistically proven
50 Employees
Title VII
Workers Comp
Disparate Impact
Unintentional discriminatory effect of apparently neutral employment criteria
Disparate Treatment
When an employee is treated differently from others due to race, color, religion, gender, or national origin.
Employment at-will
Employee and employer are free to terminate at any time
Benefit plan
Four Fifths Rule
A mathematical formula developed by the EEOC to demonstrate disparate impact.
Front Pay
Monetary award for loss of anticpated future earnings.
Hostile Environment Harassment
unwelcome conduct that illegally interferes with an individual’s work or academic performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
Implied Contract
Inferred from behavior
Independent Contractor
A person working as a separate business entity
Just Cause
"good cause", fair adequate and reasonable motive for action
An employers temporary withdrawal of employment to pressure employees to agree to the employer's bargaining proposals.
Minimum Wage
Wage limit set by the govt that an employer cannot pay less than.
Pressure tactics
Union pressure I.E. Strikes and boycotts.
Prima Facie Case
"On the face of it" or "at first sight"
Quid Pro Quo Harassment
Sexual favors for advancement
A private or civil wrong/injury caused intentionally or unintentionally
Unfair Labor Practice Strike
A strike to protest employer unfair practices.
Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
Regulations adopted by the EEOC.
Union Shop Agreement
Agreement requiring employees to join the union after a certain period of time.
Willfull misconduct
High level of fault that disqualifies an out-of-work worker from unemployment benefits. Fired for a reason
Workers Comp : Definition
Benefits awarded an employee when injuries are work related.
Provides exceptions for religious organizations and corporations.
703 (b)
Exception for religion.
Garcia V. Spunstake
English only rules are illegal.
Serious Health Condition
Illness lasts more than 3 days