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40 Cards in this Set

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Considerations before meds

Labor has to be definite

Contractions regular & well established

Active phase of stage 1, cervix dilated 4-5cm, avoid if less than 1 hr to delivery, IV meds given at beginning of each 3-5 contractions

Meds commonly used

Nalbuphine (Nubain)




Stadol (butophanol,

Meperidine (demerol)


Baseline is the average during a 10 min period

Normal: 110-160

Tachycardia: > 160

Bradycardia <110

Where baby is positioned can affect FHR

Methods for FRH

Auscultation with doppler- determines fhr only externally

Electronic fetal monitor- monitors fhr & uterine activity

IUPC- internal, measures intensity of contractions

Early deceleration

Head compression

Uniform shape fhr> 100bpm

U-shaped mirrors contractions

Starts with contractions then goes away

**no interventions will end when babies born

Late decelerations

Bad sign if uncorrected and associated with tachycardia and loss of variability.

uteroplacental insufficiency d/t supine hypotensive, uterine tachysystole, maternal htn, excessive oxytocin

Late decelerations cont

U shaped, begins after peak of contraction, fhr returns to baseline after contraction ends

**interventions: change maternal position (lateral), elevate legs (hypotension), inc IV fluid, assess for tachysystole, d/c oxytocin, give o2,

Variable decelerations

Umbilical cord compression

Irregular or "V" form, unpredictable not related to contractions at all, fhr <100bpm, quickly returns to baseline.

**interventions: 1st! Manually elevate cord,change maternal position (knee chest), d/c oxytocin, 02, vaginal exam, possible amnioinfusion, notify DR

Dilation stage (latent)

0-3cm dilation, 60-80% effacement, -5 to -2 station.

Contractions mild-mod 5-30mins apart. Mom may state only backache ROM may occur, bloody show excited happy

Latent interventions

Complete admission quickly

Check fhr q2hrs bp tpr q2hrs, encourage activities, help mom understand labor process, start IV give enema ect, encourage to void at least q2h

Dilation stage (active phase)

4-7cm dilated, 80-100% effacement, -1 to 0 station.

Contractions mod to strong uterus firm. 3-5 mins apart, mom will be uncomfortable, malar flush, tachypnea, ROM may occur, tiredness less talkative

Active phase interventions

Encourage abd or shallow breathing, check fhr q30-60mins, tpr q4hr, apply cool damp cloth on face, rub back, commend mom for her efforts, encourage void q2hrs, *medicate for pain, inform mom and dad of progress

Dilation stage (transition)

8-10cm dilated, 100% effacement, 1+ to 4+ station

Uterus very hard 2-3 mins apart, likely to experience n&v, pelvic and back discomfort, sweating, profuse dark bloody show, shaking leg cramps, very irritable,

Transition stage interventions

Encourage relaxation between contractions, provide firm coaching, take deep breath & hold for nausea, breath into paper bag, assess fhr q15mins, if multi transfer to delivery room once 10cm, if primip mom will push until crowning


Occurs > 24 hrs before labor begins.

Risk of umbilical cord prolapse.

**interventions: knee chest position, then c/s.

Hrf infection (chorioamnionitis)

Sterile exams, Possible IV antibiotics

Primary HYPERtonic dysfunction

Poor force of contractions, effacement and dilation stop during latent phase.

**intervention: rest 4-5 hours sedatives, demerol/morphine

Terbutaline- Dec uterine tone if hypertonic uterus

Secondary HYPOtonic dysfunction

Normal labor until mid-active phase

Contractions ineffective or stop

**interventions: Taylor sitting, amniotomy, oxytocin/pitocin, prostaglandin, c/s

Premature labor

<38 weeks, fetal fibronectins assessed, presence between 24-34 weeks predicts labor.

To halt labor use: terbutaline, indocin, magnesium sulfate

Bethamethasone to hasten lung maturity

Amniotic fluid embolism intervention

CPR, fluid resuscitation, 02, left laying side if still pregnant

Stress testing

Determines fetal ability to tolerate labor.

Non stress test

Evaluates ,changes in fhr with fetal movement.

Normal= reactive, inc of 15bmp with activity in a 20 min period.

Abnormal= non reactive, <15 bmp increase with 15 mins of fetal activity

Contraction stress test

Natural contractions are stimulated with small doses of oxytocin.

Normal= neg, no deceleration

Abnormal= pos, late deceleration 50% off the time

May occur because of placenta previa, abruptio placenta, PROM, incompetent cervix

Presumptive signs

**Reported by the patient

Amenorrhea 4 weeks since LMP

N&V morning sickness


Breastfeeding changes, pain tingling

Frequent urination

Quickening: 16-18wks primip, 14-16 wks multip

Probable signs

Observed by examiner

Abdominal distention about 12 weeks

Uterine changes hegars sign-softening of lower uterine segment.

Vaginal/cervical changes Inc secretions, mucous plug formation.

Chadwicks Sign- bluish color of vagina. Goodells sign- softening of tip of cervix. Braxton hicks contractions, ballottement, pos preg

Positive signs

Presence of fetus, fetal heart tones audible by 10wks, funic souffle, uterine souffle palpation of fetal parts, ultrasound

Estimated date of birth

First day LMP - 3 months + 7 days

Add one year If LMP> March 24th

Threatened abortion

Cervix NOT dilated, only half abort

Inevitable abortion

Cervix IS dilated, termination is not preventable

Imminent abortion

Strong uterine contractions

Incomplete abortion

Some products of conception passed, some retianed.

Cervix IS dilated, bleeding, severe cramps

Habitual/recurrent abortions

Cerclage/shirod Kar procedure,

Can stay in place until delievery

Missed abortion

Mom may still look preg, still has to deliver. Fetus dies in utero, retained. Weight loss, diuresis, neg preg test, need to prevent sepsis, DIC

Ectopic pregnancy

Any gestation outside of uterine cavity, #1 reason for mortality in moms.

S&S: missed 1 menses, lower abd pain usually 1 sided, referred shoulder pain, sharp pain, abdomen distended firm and board like

Ectopic pregnancy treatment

Laparotomy, remove tube and remainder of products

Laparoscopy, tube opened embryo removed

Hydatidiform mole

Complete: ovum has no chromosomes, inactivated nucleus

Partial: 2 sperm fertilize 1 ovum

Dark brown/bright red bleeding 6-8wks after missed period, uterine size> gest age, s&s of gest HTN before 24 weeks, diffuse snowstorm on ultrasound

Hydatidiform mole treatments

Large bore IV, VS, labs, D&C, hysterectomy, contraception for 1 yr HRF choriocarcinoma, cont pitocin IV for 24 hrs after sugery.

High levels of HCG may indicate this

Placenta previa

Placenta completely or partially covers cervix. Spont abortion or hemorrhage may occur in second half of pregnancy

S&S: painless bright red bleeding after 24 wks, uterus soft & Vs normal. Look for findings r/t shock

Abruptio placenta

Placenta separates after 20 weeks,

Painful dark bleeding, board like abdomen, fhr low or absent

HTN is biggest risk factor, drugs, alc, trauma, polyhydraminos,

Can cause: severe bruising of uterine muscles, DIC, hepatitis, hypovolemic shock, fetal& mom death

Biophysical profile

8/10 is reassuring

6/10 may indicate need for delivery

4/10 means delivery is recommended

2/10 or less prompts imm delivery!

Veal chop mine




L- late

C-cord compress

H- head compress

O-ok no prob

P- placental insufficiency

M-move mom


