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43 Cards in this Set

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What does oxytocin do?
It stimulates uterine contractions.
What does estrogen do during labor?
It stimulates the smooth muscle of the uterus to contract.
What does fetal cortisol do during labor?
It decreases the relaxation effect of progesterone on uterus.
What does prostaglandins do during labor?
It stimulates smooth muscle contractions.
What is the only way to know if labor is false or true?
It is true labor if the cervix has begun to efface and dilate.
What is the purpose of Leopold's maneuver?
The evaluate the maternal abdomen.
What is the fetal lie?
The relationship of the fetal spine to the maternal spine.
What is the presentation?
The part of the fetus entering the pelvis.
What are the 4 cephalic presentations?
What is a breech presentation?
When the head is not leading the escape.
What are the 3 breech positions?
In a fetopelvic relationship what is position?
The relationship of the fetal presenting part to the front, back or side of mom's pelvis.
In a fetopelvic relationship, what is station?
The depth of the presenting part in mom's pelvis.
How do you assess uterine contractions?
At what point is the FHR considered severely tachychardia?
What can cause tachycardia in a fetus?
*Low O2 to fetus
*Fetal infections
*Fetal anemia
*Maternal fear/anxiety
What are some nursing interventions for tachycardia?
*Administer O2
*Give fluid flush
*Change position
What is considered severe bradycardia?
What causes bradycardia?
*Cord compression
What are some nursing interventions for bradycardia?
*Turn woman on her left side
*Apply O2
*Call for assistance
In FHR monitoring of the baseline variability, what is short term variability?
The beat to beat change in the FHR.
How is short term variability classified?
Present or absent.
In FHR monitoring of the baseline variability, what is long term variability?
Rhythmic fluctuations of the FHR tracing.
How is long term variability classified?
Absent, minimal, moderate, marked.
What is the cause of earl decelerations of the FHR?
Head compression.
What causes late decelerations of FHR?
Uteroplacental insufficiency.
What are some nursing interventions for late decelerations?
*Apply O2
*Turn on left side
*Call MD
*IV fluids
*Prep for assisted delivery
What is the cause for variable decelerations?
Umbilical cord compression.
What are the mechanisms of labor?
*Internal rotation
*External rotation
What is efacement?
The thinning of the cervical canal.
What is dilation?
Opening of the cervix.
What are the 3 stages of the first phase of labor?
How long does the latent stage last?
6-12 hours.
How far is the dilation at the active stage?
4-8 cm.
What are some nursing responsibilities during the active stage?
*Vital signs and FHT q hour
*Time contractions
*Comfort measures
*Periodic vaginal exams
*Do not position on back
Where is dilation at the transitional phase?
8-10 cm.
What are some nursing responsibilities during the transitional phase?
*Vital signs q hr
*FHT q 5-10 min
*Time contractions
*Anticipate n/v
What is the second stage of labor?
The delivery of the baby.
What are some nursing responsibilities during the second stage of labor?
*BP and pulse q 15 min
*Temp q hr
*FHT every contraction
*Check for bladder distention
What happens during the thrid stage of labor?
Delivery of the placenta.
What are some nursing responsibilities during the thrid stage of labor?
*Note time of birth
*Dry, stimulate, suction newborn
*1 & 5 min apgars
*Place ID bands
*Cord blood obtained
*Give baby to parents
How long does the 4th stage of labor last?
From delivery until mom's vs are stable for 1-4 hours.
What are some medications for PPH?