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39 Cards in this Set

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List the types of sutures of the fetal skull

Frontal sutures

Coronal suture

Sagittal suture

Lambdoid suture

List the fontanels of the fetal skull

Anterior: diamond shaped formed at junction between sagittal and coronal suture about 3cm ossifies by the 18month of life and pathological if not ossified by 24 months

Posterior: triangular shaped, denoted position of maternal pelvis in relation to the head

What is molding?

Alterations in the shape of the fore-coming fetal head whiles passing through the resistant birth passage during labor

Complications of moderate and severe molding

Subdural hemorrhage

tearing of tentorium cerebelli

List the ligaments supporting the female pelvis





What is inclination?

Erect position of pelvis is tilted forward such that the plane of inlet makes an angle of about 55 with the horizontal

List the diameters of pelvic inlet

AP diameter(true conjugate, anatomical conjugate, conjugate vera) 11cm

Obstetric conjugate 10cm

Diagonal conjugate 12cm

Transverse diameter 13cm

available or obstetric transverse lower

Diameters of the outlet

Bispinous diameter 10.5

AP 11cm

What criteria defines Eutocia

Spontaneous onset and in term

Vertex presentation

Without undue prolongation

Natural termination with minimal aid

without any complications affecting health of mother and or baby

False labor

This is pain that appears prior to onset of true labor pains about 1 to 2 weeks as a result of cervcal and lower uterine segement stretching which causes irritation

What are features of a ripe cervix


80 percent effaced

Admits one finger easily

Cervical canal dilatable

What is true labor pain

Painful uterine contractions of regular intervals

Frequency of contractions increasing gradually

Intensity and duration progressing

Descent of presenting part and formation of bag of forewater

Not relieved by enema or sedation

Stages of labor and their durations

First stage 12 hours primi 6hours multip

Second stage 2h primi 30min multip

Third stage 15 min passive 5 mins active

4th stage 1 hour

What are Braxton Hicks contractions

Throughout pregnancy there are irregular involuntary spasms of uterine contractions which are painless and do not lead to any changes in the cervix

The probable causes of pain in uterine contractions

Myometrial ischemia(angina)

Stretching of the cervix

Stretching of peritoneum over fundus

Stretching of ligaments around the uterus

Compression of nerve ganglia

What is cervical effacement

Process by which muscular fibres of the cervix are pulled upward and merges with the fibres of the lower uterine segment

Where does placental separation occur

Deep spongy layer of the decidua basalis

What are the two ways placenta can separate

Central separation

Marginal separation

Mechanism of labor



Flexion(reduces shape and size of the plane of the advancing diameter of the head)

Internal rotation

Crowning(further descent occurs until subocciput lies below the pubic arch with no recession even when contraction ceases)


Restitution(visible passive movement of the head due to unwinding of the neck sustained during internal rotation)

External rotation(movement of rotation visible externally due to internal rotation of shoulders)

What is Partograph

Composite graphical record of cervical dilatation and descent of the head against duration of labor in hours. Also gives info about fetal and maternal conditions all recorded as a single sheet of paper

What is the latent phase?

Period between onset of true labor pain and the point when the cervical dilatation becomes 3 to 4 cm, primigravidae(20 hours average 8.6)

multipara(14 hours average 5.3)

Active phase

Dilatation of the cervix at a rate of 1cm per hour in primigravidae and 1.5cm in multigravidae beyond 4cm dilatation considered satisfactory

What reflex initiates bearing down in second stage?

Ferguson reflex: nerve reflex set up during the stretching of the vagina by the presenting part

What are the signs that placenta has not separated

Uterus shape is discoid

Firm uterus

Non ballotable

Fundal height reaches slightly below umbilicus

Slight trickling of blood per vaginum

Length of cord as visible from the outside remains static

Signs of placenta separation

Uterus is globular

Firm and ballotable

Fundal height is raised as placenta comes down and uterus sits on it

Slight bulging in suprapubic region due to distention of lower uterine segment by separated placenta

Slight gush of blood per vaginum

Permanent lengthening of the cord is established

Information to be noted and recorded on the partograph during a VE

Degree of cervical dilatation marked with X starting at 4cm

Degree of effacement

Status of membranes and if ruptured the color(I, M, R, C, B)

Presenting part and its position

Check for the fontanels

Caput and moulding

Station of the head

what are the indications for vaginal examination

At the onset of labor

Progress of labor: every 3 to 4 hours

Following rupture of membranes: exclude cord prolapse

Whenever interference is contemplated

To diagnose precisely the beginning of second stage

Assessment of progress of labor on partograph

Pulse: every 30mins

BP: every 1hour

Temp: every 2hours

Urine output:

Uterine contractions: every 30mins, mild less than 20sec, moderate 20 to 40 sec, very strong greater than 40sec

What are the evidence of maternal distress during first stage?

Anxious look with sunken eyes

Dry tongue

Acetone smell in breath

Scanty high colored urine with acetone

Hot dry vagina with offensive discharge

rising pulse rate

What are the three phases of conducting a delivery

Delivery of the head

Delivery of the shoulder

Delivery of the trunk

What is the underlying principal involved in the active management of the third stage of labor

To excite powerful uterine contractions within 1 minute of delivery of the baby by given parenteral oxytocin

What is fetal lie

The relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the centralised uterus or maternal spine.


Part of the fetus which occupies the pelvic brim(Cephalic, podalic, shoulder, compound)

Presenting part

The part of the presentation which overlies the internal OS and is felt by the examining finger through the cervical opening.

Cephalic presentation: vertex, brow, face

Podalic: complete breech, frank breech, footling

Fetal attitude

Relation of the different parts of the fetus to one another the universal attitude is flexion

What is the denominator

Arbitrary bony fixed point on the presenting part which comes in relation with the various quadrants of the maternal pelvis.

What is fetal position

Relationship of the denominator to the various quadrants of the pelvis

Differentials for an SFH>period of amenorrhoea

Mistaken date of LMP



Big baby

Pelvis tumors

Hydatiform mole

Concealed accidental hemorrhage

SFH<period of amenorrhoea

Mistaken date of LMP

Scanty liquor amnii

Fetal growth retardation

Intrauterine death