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190 Cards in this Set

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What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

The Buccinator.

It compresses the cheeks.

What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

The Orbicularis Oris.

It purses the lips.

What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

Zygomaticus major.

It raises the corners of the mouth.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Zygomaticus minor.

It raises the corners of the mouth.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Zygomaticus minor.

It raises the corners of the mouth.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?

Orbicularis Oculi.

It closes the eye.

What is this muscle? What if it’s action?

Occipitofrontalis. (Or, Epicranium.)

It raises the eyebrows.

What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

Depressor Anguli Oris.

It depresses the corner of the mouth.

What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

Depressor Anguli Oris.

It depresses the corner of the mouth.

What viewed on this slide?

The neuromuscular junction. (Or, myoneural junction.)

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?


Elevated the mandible.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?


It elevates the mandible.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?

Medial pterygoid.

Helps with lateral excursion & closes the jaw.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?

Lateral pterygoid.

Helps with lateral excursion & opens the jaw.

What is this muscle? What is it’s function?


Neck flexion- lateral flexion, rotation away.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?


It moves inferiorly, allowing for more area for the lungs to expand.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?


Depresses the mandible & elevates the larynx.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?


Depresses the mandible & raises (elevates) the floor of the mouth and hyoid bone.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Anterior Scalenes.

Neck flexion, lateral flexion, elevate first 3 ribs.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Middle Scalenes.

Neck flexion, lateral flexion, & elevates the first 3 ribs.

What muscle is this? What is it’s function?

Posterior Scalenes.

Neck flexion, lateral flexion, & elevates the first 3 ribs.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Rectus Abdominis.

Trunk flexion, depresses the ribs, & compresses the abdomen.

What is this muscle? What is it’s action?

Internal oblique.

Laterally flexing the trunk, & rotating the trunk.

What muscle it is? What is it’s function?

External oblique.

Laterally flexes the trunk, rotates the trunk.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Transverse Abdominis.

Compresses the abdomen.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Internal intercostals.

Forceful exhalation, compresses the ribs.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

External intercostals.

Elevates the ribs.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Levator scapulae. It elevates the scapula.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Pectoralis Minor. It depresses and protracted the scapula.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Rhomboid Minor. Adducts the shoulders.

Define “synarthrosis.”

An immovable joint.

What is abduction?

Movement of a limb away from the midline of the body.

____________ are synarthrotic joints consisting of bones joined by short, connective tissue fibers.

Fibrous joints.

A ____________ type of synovial joint allows motion in one plane only.


The motion called _________ involves rotating the radius around the ulna so that the palm faces posteriorly.


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?


What type of motion is this?

Plantar flexion.

What is this motion?


What is this motion?


What is this motion?


What is this motion?


What is this motion?


What is this version?


What is this movement?


What is this motion?


What is this motion?


What is this motion?


Define “pronation.”

Rotating the radius around the ulna so that the Palms face posteriorly.

_______________ is the plasma membrane of a skeletal muscle fiber.


______________ is a group of muscle fibers surrounded by the perimysium.


___________ could be defined as a rapid series of changes in the membrane potential of the muscle fiber sarcolemma.

Action potential.

_________ is a connective tissue sheath that covers a whole muscle.


A(n) ______________ is a myofilament composed of the contractile protein myosin.

Thick filament.

Define “insertion.”

The movable attachment of a muscle.

Define “origin.”

Attachment of a muscle that generally remains fixed during muscular contraction.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Rhomboid Major. Adducts the shoulders.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Trapezius. It elevates the clavicle, extends the neck, and elevates/depresses/retracts/rotates the scapula.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Deltoid. It’s action is; shoulder abduction AFTER 15 degrees.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Supraspinatus. It is responsible for the first 15 degrees of shoulder abduction.

What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint occurs here?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?

Proximal Radioulnar.

What synovial joint is this?

Distal Radioulnar.

What synovial joint is this?

Distal Radioulnar.

What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?

Pubic symphysis.

What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What synovial joint is this?


What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The patellar ligament.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The tibial collateral ligament.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The fibular collateral ligament.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The lateral menisci.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The medial menisci.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

The anterior cruciate ligament.

What part of the synovial tibiofemoral joint is this?

Posterior cruciate ligament.

What is “A” pointing to? What is the structure AND what is the connective tissue covering of that structure called? (Spell the CT covering.)

It is a muscle (as a whole) and it is covered by epimysium.

What is “B” pointing to? What is the structure AND what is the connective tissue covering of that structure called? (Spell the CT covering.)

A muscle FASCICLE. Muscle fascicles are wrapped in Perimysium.

What is “C” pointing to? What is the structure AND what is the connective tissue covering of that structure called? (Spell the CT covering.)

A muscle FIBER. Muscle fibers are wrapped in Endomysium.

What is this structure?


It is what muscle fibers are composed of!

What structure is this?


What are muscle fibers composed of?

What structure is being pointed to?

Transverse tubules.

What structure is being pointed to?

The terminal cisterna.

What structure is being pointed to?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What structure is being pointed to?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What structure is being pointed to?

The sarcomere.

What structure is being pointed to?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What structure is being pointed to?

The sarcomere.

What structure is being pointed to?

An axon.

What structure is being pointed to?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What structure is being pointed to?

The sarcomere.

What structure is being pointed to?

An axon.

What structure is being pointed to?


What structure is being pointed to?

Sarcoplasmic reticulum.

What structure is being pointed to?

The sarcomere.

What structure is being pointed to?

An axon.

What structure is being pointed to?


What structure is being pointed to?


What structure is being pointed to?


What structure is being pointed to?


What structure is being pointed to?

The sarcolemma.

What structure is being pointed to?

A myosin myofilament.

What structure is being pointed to?

An actin myofilament.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Infraspinatus. It’s action- lateral rotation of the shoulder.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Infraspinatus. It’s action- lateral rotation of the shoulder.

What are the four rotator muscles?

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres Minor.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Subscapularis. It’s action- medial/internal rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Teres MINOR. It’s action- lateral rotation of the shoulder.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Teres MAJOR. It’s action- extension, adduction, and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Coracobrachialis. It flexes and adducts the shoulder.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Pectoralis Major. It’s action- flexion, adduction, and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Latissimus Dorsi. It’s action- extension, adduction, and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Latissimus Dorsi. It’s action- extension, adduction, and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Biceps Brachii. It flexes the shoulder and elbow, it supinates the forearm.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

This is the Short Head of Biceps Brachii. It helps flex the shoulder and elbow, it also helps supinate the forearm.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

This is the Long Head of Biceps Brachii. It helps flex the shoulder and elbow, it also helps supinate the forearm.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

This is the Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii. It’s action is elbow extension.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

This is the Long Head of Triceps Brachii. It’s action is elbow extension.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

This is the Medial Head of Triceps Brachii. It’s action is elbow extension.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Brachialis. It is the prime mover of elbow flexion.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

It is Brachialis. It is the prime mover of elbow flexion.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Brachioradialis. It flexes the elbow when the forearm is midway into formation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Vastus intermedius. It extends the knee.

What four muscles are apart of the quadriceps femorus group?

Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Biceps femoris. It extends and laterally rotates the hip, it also flexes the knee.

What three muscles are apart of the hamstrings group?

Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Semitendinosus. It flexes the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Semimembranosus. It flexes the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Tibialis Anterior. It causes dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Tibialis posterior. It adducts, inverts, and plantar flexes the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gastrocnemius. It flexes the knee, and plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Soleus. It’s action- plantar flexion (only!) of the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor digitorum Longus. It’s action- it extends toes 2-5.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Fibularis Longus. It’s action- evertion and plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Fibularis Longus. It’s action- eversion and plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor Hallucis Longus. It’s action- it flexes the big toe.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor digitorum Longus. It’s action- it flexes toes 2-5.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Pronator Teres. It pronates the forearm.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Supinator. It supinates the forearm.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor carpi radialis. It flexes the wrist and abducts the wrist.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor digitorum superficialis. Flexor digitorum superficialis flexes the wrist, flexes the metacarpalphalangeal joints, & flexes the proximal interphalangeal joints.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor digitorum profundus. Flexor digitorum profundus flexes the distal phalangeal joints.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor carpi ulnaris. Flexor carpi ulnaris flexes the wrist, and adducts the wrist.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Palmaris Longus. Palmaris Longus flexes the wrist.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Flexor pollicis Longus. Flexor pollicis Longus flexes the Thumb.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor digiti minimi. Extensor digiti minimi extends the pinky.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor digiti minimi. Extensor digiti minimi extends the pinky.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor pollicis Longus. Extensor pollicis Longus extends the Thumb.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Abductor pollicis Longus. Abductor pollicis Longus abducts the Thumb.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor carpi radialis Longus. Extensor carpi radialis Longus extends and abducts the wrist.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor carpi radialis brevis. Extensor carpi radialis brevis extends and abducts the wrist.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor carpi ulnaris. Extensor carpi ulnaris extends and adducts.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor digitorum. Extensor digitorum extends digits 2-5.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gluteus Maximus. It’s action- extension and lateral rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gluteus medius. It’s action- abduction and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gluteus Minimus. It’s action- abduction and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Tensor Fasciae Latae. It’s action- it flexes the hip medically rotates the hip, and stabilizes the knee laterally when walking.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Piriformis. It’s action- it abducts and laterally rotates the hip.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Sartorius. It’s action- it flexes the hip and knee, laterally rotates the hip.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Adductor magnus. It’s action- flexion, adduction, and medially rotates.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Adductor Longus. It’s action- flexion, adduction, and medial rotation.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gracilis. It’s action- adducts and medially rotates, flexes the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Gracilis. It’s action- adducts and medially rotates, flexes the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Iliopsoas. It’s action- it flexes the hip and lumbar spine. Composed of the Iliacus and Psoas Major.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Rectus femoris. It’s action- flexes the hip and extends the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Rectus femoris. It’s action- flexes the hip and extends the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Vastus lateralis. It’s action- it extends the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Vastus medialis. It’s action- it extends the knee.

What muscle is this? What is it’s action?

Extensor carpi radialis Longus. It’s action- it extends and abducts the wrist.