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24 Cards in this Set

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Two reasons for ordering lab tests pre-diagnosis
1. Screening for disease
2. Diagnosis of Disease
Two reasons for ordering lab tests post-diagnosis
1. Monitor Treatment
2. Evaluate Prognosis
Four ways lab tests impact patient care
1. Reduce length of stay in ED
2. Optimize treatment
3. Decrease unnecessary admissions
4. Reduce inpatient length of stay
Bayes' Theorem
RP=(IP X TPR) / (IP X TPR) + {(1-IP) X (1-TNR)}

RP=Revised Probability
IP=initial probablity
TPR=True pos rate
TNR=True neg rate
Sensitivity definition
True Positive Rate
The percentage of patients with a positive result from a population with the disease
Specificity definition
True negative result-
The percentage of patients with a negative test in a population without the disease
False positive rate
1 - specificity
False negative rate
1 - sensitivity
Rules out diagnosis
SNOUT: High sensitivity + negative result
Rules in diagnosis
SPIN: High specificity + positive result
Good for screening tests
High sensitivity
Good for confirmation tests
High specificity
Likelihood Ratio Calculations
LR+ = Sensitivity / (1 - Specificity)
LR- = (1-Sensitivity) / Specificity
Likelihood Ratio Application
=1 is a coin toss
>10 or <0.1 large and often conclusive shifts in posttest probablility
0.5-2 small, rarely important shift in probability
Positive predictive value
= TP / (TP+FP)
= a / (a+b)
Negative predictive value calculation
= TN / (FN+TN)
= d / (c+d)
Sensitivity calculation
= TP / (TP+FN)
=a / (a+c)
Specificity calculation
= TN / (FP+TN)
= d / (b+d)
True value confidence interval calculation
True Value = Mean +/- Z X SD/sq root N
How are differences in a patient's test results interpreted?
<5-10% no change
10-19% possible change
20% probable change
In therapeutic drug monitoring if the trough value is high what action should be taken?
Reduce dose
In therapeutic drug monitoring if the peak value is low what action should be taken?
Increase dose
What are possible sources of error in lab testing?
Patient preparation
Hemolysis, Lipemia, Icterus
IV contamination
Charting errors
Avoid the Ulysses Syndrome
Order only tests likely to help in diagnosis!
Def: The ill effects of extensive diagnostic testing due to a false-positive result in the course of routine laboratory screening.