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29 Cards in this Set

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Define: osteon
bone cell of compact bone
Define: osteoclast
cell that breaks down bone
Define: osteoblast
cell that builds bone and lays down extracellular matrix
Define: osteocyte
mature bone cell; in lacunae of osteon
Describe: dense (compact) bone
1. surrounds spongy bone
2. point of muscle-bone attachment (tendon)
Describe: spongy bone
1. inside dense bone
2. site of blood cell formation
Describe: Long bone
1. epiphysis
2. diaphysis
3. medullary cavity
4. metaphysis
Define: diaphysis
1. the shaft which is a cylinder of dense bone
Define: epiphysis
1. endo fo a long bone (distal and proximal)
2. red marrow persists here
Define: medullary cavity
1. center of the shaft
2. mature long bones will contain yellow marrow
Define: periosteum
1. dense fibrous connective tissue and covers the extern surface of the bone
2. does NOT cover the ends of long bone
3. tendons and ligaments attach to bone via periosteum
Define: endosteum
1. dense fibrous connective tissue that lines the internal surface of the one (medullary cavity), the centeral cavity of an osteon, and the surface of spongy bone
Define: hyaline cartilage
1. covers distal ends of epiphysis and is important in bone protection during movement at the joints
Describe: long bone
1. longer than it is wide
2. ex: arm and leg bones
Describe: short bone
1. box-like or cube-like in appearance
2. central cavity contains red marrow
3. ex: carpal bones
Describe: flat bones
1. sandwich like
2. central cavity contains red marrow
3. ex: most of the cranial bones
Describe: irregular bones
1. bones with projecting, notched, or ridged regions making it hard to see a defined shape
2. ex: vertebrae
Describe: sesamoid bones
1. bones that develop inside a tendon
2. round
3. ex: patella
Define: Synovial joint
synovial fluid contained in a membranous sac allows freedom of movement at these joints
Describe: ball and socket joint
1. ex: heads of humerus and femur
Describe: hinge joint
1. motion is in only one plane like the hinge of a door or a piano lid
2. ex: elbow
Describe: gliding joint
1. very limited motion of sliding
2. ex: wrist
Describe: pivot joint
1. like the hinge joint allows motion in one plane, but motion is rotational
2. ex: atlas and axis
Types of joints
1. synovial
2. cartilaginous
3. fibrous
4. fusion
Define:cartilaginous joints
1. fibrocartilage connects neighboring bones
2. ex: intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis
Define: fibrous joints
1. sheet of connective tissue between neighboring bones
2. ex: radius and ulna
3. ex: tibia and fibula
4. ex: most bones in the skull
Define: fusion joint
1. bone is fused to bone
2. ex: frontal bone just above the nasal bone
Define: tendon
connective tissue connecting bone to muscle
Define: ligament
connective tissue connecting bone to bone