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57 Cards in this Set

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scientific method
making observations, formulating hypotheses, doing experment and coming to a conclusion.
based on observations scientist come to a tentive explanation about what they are investigating
testing a hypothesis
must have a control and a sample.
if the control and the test results produce the same resultes the procedure is flawed or the hypothesis is false.
any functional information that comes to light
the data will eather support or not suppport the hypothesis.
encompassing conclusion based on many individual conclusions.
cell theory
all organisms are made of cells.
control group goes through all the steps but lacks the factor being tested
which is more comprehensive a conclusion or a theroy?
the information a scientist collect when doing experiments and making observations.
what step in the scientific method follows experiments and observations?
what is a sample that goes through all the steps of a experiment?
metric system
is the standard system of measurement in science.
(m) =1m
(cm)= 0.01m
(nm)=0.000000001m (10-9)
how many centimeters are in a meter
how many millimeters are in a meter
1000(milli means thousand)
what are the two metric units of weight?
gram (g)

one gram equals how many milligrams.
what are the metric units of volume.
liter (l)

mililiter (ml)

one liter = 1000 ml
how do you measer volume
length x width x depth = volume
meniscus means?
water level
what are the meaerments of temperature?
fahrenheit (F)

water freezes at?
32 degrees F
or 0 degrees C
water boils at ?
212 degrees F
or 100 dgrees C
convert F to C
convert C to F
steromicroscope (dissecting microscope)
studys entire objects at low magnification.
compound light microscope
examin small or thinly sliced objects under higher magnifaction.
what does compound mean
the use of two lenses the ocular lens and the objective lens.
how are microghraphs produced?
by a compound light microscope.
what microscopes use beams of electrons to magnify an object?
electron microscope.
transmission electron microscope.
is comparitive to tge compound light microscope.

a thinly sliced object is treated with heavy meatal salts to improve contrast.
scanning eclectron microscope.
is comparitive to the dissecting light microscope.
gives an image of the surface of an object.
the difference between the electron and the scanning is.
the electrons ability to show more deatail. the eclectron has more resolution power.
resoulution means.
the distance between two objects at wich they can stil be seen as two separate objects.
scanning objective
shortest objective lense
used to scan the whole slide.
4x the magnifying power.
low-power objective
views objects in greater detail
low power objective lens 10x
high-power objective lens
views objects in even greater deatil.
high power objective lens 40x
what is parfocal?
once an object is in focus in lowest power, it should almost be in focus in high power.

compound light micro. are parfocal.
how do you acheive total magnification?
ocular lens x objective lens.
total x of scanning power objective.
40 x
total x of low power objective
total x of high power objective
depth of feild
the area from top to bottom that comes onti focus while slowly moving the fine adjustment knob up and down.
what type of microscope would you use to see euglena swimming in pond water
coupund microscope
what are ocular lenses
eye peice
what objective is used with total magnification of 100 requires the use of 10x ocular lens?
low power objective
what part of the microscope regulates the amount of light?
what word is used if the object in low power will also be in focus at high power
what adjustment knob is used in high power?
fine adjustment knob
if a euglena is swimming left what way should you move your slide to keep it in view?
to the right
what is the final item placed on a wet mount before viewing it with a light microscope?
cover slip
what object do you study with a steriomicroscope.
entire small oaganism