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36 Cards in this Set

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What are the types of synovial joints?
ball and socket
define and give example of: ball and socket
allows widest range of motion with ball of one bone fitting into the cup of another
define and give example of: ellipsoid/condyloid
two bones fit together with an odd shape
carpal - carpal joint of wrist
define and give example of: plane (gliding)
allows for gliding and sliding
intervertebral joint
define and give example of: hinge
allows extenstion and flexion along only one plane
define and give example of: pivot
one bone rotates around another
radioulnar joints
define and give example of: saddle
allows same mvt as condyloid but looks like a saddle
metacarpal-carpal joint of thumb
define synarthroses and give example
define amphiarthroses and give example
slightly movable
pubic symphysis
define diarthroses and give example
freely movable
hip joint
what are the three types of fibrous structural joints
sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses
define and give example of sydesmoses
Bones are connected by a fibrous tissue ligament
Movement varies from immovable to slightly variable
Examples include the connection between the tibia and fibula, and the radius and ulna
give example of gomphoses
The peg-in-socket fibrous joint between a tooth and its alveolar socket
what does the temporalis do?
closes jaw
what does the masseter do?
prime mover of jaw closure
what does the sternocleidomastoid do?
flexes head
what do scalenes do
flex the neck
what does the digastric do?
opens mouth
zygomaticus major/minor function
raises lateral corners of mouth
orbicularis oculi function
closes eye
orbicularis oris function
purses lips
platysma function
pulls lower lip back and down
trapezius function
tilts head back
teres major function
adducts humerus
rhomboideus major/minor function
adducts scapula
latissimus dorsi function
primer mover of arm extension
infraspinatus function
stabilizes shoulder joint
supraspinatus function
stabilizes shoulder joint
erector spinae function
extenstion of vertebral column
pectoralis major function
prime mover of arm flexion
pectoralis origin and insertion
o: sternum
i: greater tubercle of humerus
serratus anterior function
prime mover of scapula protraction
deltoid function
arm abduction
deltoid origin and insertion
o: acromion
i: deltoid tuberosity of humerus
triceps brachii function
extension of elbow
triceps brachii origin and insertion
o: scapula or humerus
i: ulna