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147 Cards in this Set

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Substance measured by the test
Measuring a process

A substance is measured and serves as an indicator of that process.

Ex: A1C, CA-125 (cancer marker)
Method of reporting lab results

Traditional: mg/dL, mEq/L
International System (SI): mmol/L
Sample used for lab analysis
- venous blood, urine, arterial blood, sputum
Reference range
Normal range of a lab value, usually the mean value from a standard population +/- 2 standard deviations.
Critical value
Needs to be addressed urgently

Lab result outside of reference range upon which immediate action usually needs to take place.
Accuracy of a test
Test is close to the correct lab value.

A test can be accurate but not precise.
Relates to being able to duplicate the same results.

A test can be precise but not accurate.
Reports results as either positive or negative - yes or no

Ex: urine pregnancy Hcg test
Results reported as an exact numeric measurement.

Ex: blood pregnancy Hcg test
Results reported as either negative or with varying degrees of positivity.
True positives
true pos/(true pos + false neg)

Ex: If 100 patients known to have a disease were tested, and 43 test positive, then the test has 43% sensitivity.
True negatives
true neg/(false pos + true neg)

Ex: If 100 with no disease are tested and 96 return a negative result, then the test has 96% specificity.
Screening tests
Performed on healthy patients.

Do NOT provide a definitive answer or diagnosis.

High sensitivity, detects disease at early state.
Diagnosis tests
Performed on at-risk individuals.

Provide a definitive answer or diagnosis.

High specificity, can detect disease at late stage.
Rationale for ordering tests
Establishing baseline health
Confirming a suspected diagnosis
Differentiating among possible diagnoses
--- have a differential in mind
Determining the stage, activity or severity of disease
Detecting disease recurrence
Assessing the effectiveness of therapy
Guiding the course of therapy
Interpreting lab results
Baseline studies
Lab value compared to reference range
Rate of change of lab value
Isolated results versus trends
Spurious results
Metabolic panel
Give providers information about the patients: kidney, liver, protein, electrolyte, glucose, and acid/base balance.
Basic metabolic panel (BMP/Chem 8)
Na, K, Cl, CO2, BUN, creatinine, glucose, calcium
Complete metabolic panel (CMP/Chem 14)
BMP+ liver function tests (LFT)

LFT: AST, ALT, Albumin, total protein, Alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin
What does CMP assess?
glucose, calcium, proteins, electrolytes, kidney function, and liver function
What electrolytes and renal functions does the CMP assess?
Normal range for Na
136-145 mEq/L
What function does Na have?
Most abundant cation in extracellular fluid

Major regulating factor for water balance

Vital to normal body processes, including nerve and muscle function.

Volume status is important!
Complications of low Na
Altered mental status
What is the importance of volume status?
Swollen but dehydrated
- ECF overloaded
- Intravascular (in the vessel) depleted
How can you determine volume status?
Blood pressure
Heart rate
Mucous membranes
Urine color
Causes of hypernatremia
Impaired thirst
Water loss
Sodium gain
Transcellular water shift (rare)
Serum sodium in excess of 145 mmol/liter, and represents a hyperosmolality.
Due to primary sodium gain or water deficit

Normal response to hypernatremia
- Increased water intake by thirst and excretion of the minimum volume of maximally concentrated urine.
- As a result of vasopressin secretion due to osmotic stimulus.
How does impaired thirst cause hypernatremia?
Hyperosmolality typically is mild unless thirst mechanism is abnormal or access to water is limited. Common in the elderly and infants. Primary hypodipsia (rare) a result of damage to the hypothalamic osmoreceptors that control thirst. Due to vascular occlusions, tumors, granulomatous diseases and others.
How does non-renal water loss cause hypernatremia?
Nonrenal water loss
Insensible loss (skin, respiratory, or GI tract)
Increased with
- Fever, exercise, heat exposure, and burns
Diarrhea is the most common cause: specifically osmotic diarrhea ( due to lactulose, sorbitol, or malabsorption of carbohydrates) and viral gastroenteritis (resulting in water loss that exceeds loss of NA+ or K+)
What is the most common cause of hypernatremia?
Renal water loss
How does renal water loss cause hypernatremia?
Osmotic diuresis
Diabetes insipidus
What is the most common cause of non-renal water loss?
Osmotic diuresis
The most common cause being hyperglycemia and glucosuria in poorly controlled diabetes mellitus.

Must control the fluid first!!!
Diabetes insipidus
Nonosmotic urinary water loss usually due to central diabetes insipidus (CDI) with impaired vasopressin secretion or neprhogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) from resistance to action of vasopressin (anti-diuretic).

The most common cause of CDI is destruction of the neurohypophysis as a result of trauma, neurosurgery, granulomatous disease, neoplasms, ischemia, or infection.
What is vasopression?
A hormonal anti-diuretic
How does sodium gain contribute to hypernatremia?
Infrequent and seen mostly in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis and osmotic diuresis that is treated with normal saline.

Inadvertent hypertonic saline or sodium bicarbonate.

Sodium chloride tablets or ingestion of sea water.
How does transcellular water shift contribute to hypernatremia?
Usually due to seizures or rhabdomyolysis.
Clinical approach to hypernatremia
Refer to flow chart on slide 16.
Symptoms of hypernatremia
- Altered mentation, weakness, neuromuscular irritability, coma, seizures

Polyuria and thirst
Signs of increased volume status due to hypernatremia
Serum sodium in less than 135 mmol/liter in the absence of hyperglycemia. Usually reflects hypo-osmolar state and increased ICF volume

Normal response is excretion of solute free water by reabsorption of NaCl without water in the ascending loop of Henle and maintenance of dilute urine
Symptoms of hyponatremia
Nausea and vomiting, headache, altered mentation, lethargy, fatigue, loss of appetite, restlessness and irritability, muscle weakness, spasms, or cramps, seizures, and decreased consciousness or coma.
What corrections are needed for hydration calculations?
Protein contents

Could indicate pseudohyponatremia.

Causes of hyponatremia
Hypovolemic states
Euvolemic states
Hypervolemic states
Hypervolemic states (low volume)
Low plasma osmolality.

Have an effective decreased arterial volume leading to thirst and vasopressin release.

CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, renal insufficiency
Euvolemic states (normal volume)
Low plasma osmolality
SIADH, hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, primary polydipsia, reset osmostat, acute hypoxia or hypercapnia, medication

Elevated plasma osmolality
Hyperglycemia, mannitol (needs correction value)

Normal plasma osmolality
Hyperproteinnemia, hyperlipidemia (pseudohyponatremia)
Hypovolemic states
Decreased arterial volume stimulates vasopressin release which impairs capacity to excrete a dilute urine (results electrolyte free water reabsorption).

Low plasma osmolality
Extrarenal sodium loss- (low urine sodium)
- Remote diuretic use, remote vomiting

Renal losses (elevated urine sodium)
Sodium wasting nephropathy, hypoaldosternoism, diuretic, vomiting.
What factors should you consider with hyponatremia?
1. Volume status
2. Plasma osmolality
What factors should you consider with hypernatremia?
1. Volume status
2. Urine osmolaity
Clinical approach to hyponatremia
Refer to flow chart on slide 18.
Normal range for K
3.5-5.0 mEq/L
What function does K have?
Primary cation in the intracellular space.
Secretion regulated by aldosterone and hyperkalemia.

Major role is regulation of muscle and nerve excitability
Vital to cell metabolism and muscle function.
What is the most critical complication of a K imbalance?
Heart conditions/problems
S/S of hyperkalemia
Cardiac toxicity
- Arrythmias
- Peaked T waves
- Prolonged PR or QRS

What is the primary cause of hyperkalemia?
Decreased renal loss
How does increased intake cause hyperkalemia?
Rarely isolated cause
Due to K+ movement out of cell with venipuncture
How does transcellular shift cause hyperkalemia?
Tumor lysis syndrome and rhabdomyosysis lead to K+ release from cells.
- leads to a destruction of cells

Metabolic acidosis associated with hyperkalemia

Insulin deficiency

Beta antagonist-treat with beta agonist (albuterol)
- May contribute to elevation with other primary cause.

Medication - succynylcholine (paralytic med)
- once drug wears off, it improves
How does decreased renal excretion cause hyperkalemia?
Decreased secretion results from either impaired Na+ reabsorption or increased Cl- reabsorption.

Impaired Na+ reabsorption- decreased aldosterone synthesis (Addison’s), Heparin, K+ sparing diuretics, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDS, other medication
Impaired Cl- reabsorption- in renal insufficiency, diabetic nephropathy, or chronic tubulointerstitial disease.
Treatment of hyperkalemia

Short-term treatment
- Treat with insulin
- D-50 (glucose to counteract insulin)
- Give Calcium Cl/gluconate

Long-term treatment
- Kaxoliate
- Dialysis
Serum potassium <3.5mmol/liter
S/S of hypokalemia
Fatigue, myalgia, lower extremity muscular weakness, arrhythmias, rhabdomyolysis.
Causes of hypokalemia
Decreased net intake
Shift into cells
Increased net loss
How does diminished intake cause hypokalemia?
Seldom occurs as isolated cause
How does transcellular shift cause hypokalemia?
Typically a transient intracellular shift without affecting total body content.
Metabolic alkalosis
Insulin therapy
Beta agonists
Stress induced catecholamine release
How does non-renal loss cause hypokalemia?
GI loss as in vomiting or NG suction (loss of gastric contents results in volume depletion and metabolic alkalosis both promote kaliuresis.

Hypovolemia stimulates aldosterone release which increases secretion by cells and kaliuresis).
How does renal loss cause hypokalemia?
Diuretic use
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Normal range for Cl
96-106 mEq/L
Functions of Cl
Most abundant extracellular anion

Role is balancing out positive charges in the extracellular fluid, and by passively following sodium, it helps to maintain extracellular osmolality

Helps to regulate the amount of fluid in the body and maintain the acid-base balance.
Most important functions of Cl
Follows Na

Maintains osmolality

Maintains acid-base balance
Serum level >106mmol/liter
Causes of hyperchoridemia
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
Respiratory alkalosis
Renal disease
Severe dehydration
Diabetes insipidus
IV saline
Serum levels <96 mmol/liter
Causes of hypochloridemia
Renal loss- loop diuretics salt wasting nephropathies

GI loss- NG suction, gastric outlet obstruction, congenital chloride losing enteropathy, secretory diarrhea, Zollinger-Ellison, other
Normal range of bicarbonate (CO2)
24-30 mmol/L
Functions of CO2
Serum CO2 values approximate the value of bicarbonate in the blood

Helps to maintain the body’s acid-base balance (pH)
- Increases pH (alkaline)
Metabolic acidosis
Acidotic patient with low bicarb
Low bicarbonate
In metabolic acidosis

Mildly deceased in chronic respiratory alkalosis with compensation
High bicarbonate
In metabolic alkalosis
Mildly increased in chronic respiratory acidosis with compensation.
Normal range of magnesium
1.5-2.2 mEq/L
Functions of magnesium
Cation, predominantly intracellular.

More than 50% stored in bone, most of the rest in soft tissues.

Role in maintaining neuromuscular functions, enzyme functions, cofactor for ADP→ATP (helps regulate energy).
Serum levels >2.2 mEq/L
S/S of hypermagnesium
Weakness, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmias, decreased respirations, decreased DTR’s, brachycardia.
Causes of hypermagnesium
Acute or chronic renal failure (most common cause)
Adrenal insufficiency
Medications with magnesium salts
Serum levels <1.5 mEq/liter
S/S of hypomagnesium
Weakness, cramps, arrhythmias, tremors, jerking, nystagmus, increased DTR’s, tachycardia, hallucinations, tetany, seizures
Causes of hypomagnesium
Excessive urinary losses
Decreased intake
Increased intestinal losses
Alterations in distribution
How does excessive urinary loss cause hypomagnesium?
Renal tubular acidosis
Interstitial renal diseases
Hypercalcemic states
How does decreased intake cause hypomagnesium?
Protein-calorie malnutrition
How do increased intestinal losses cause hypomagnesium?
Malabsorption syndromes
Surgical resection of small bowel (short bowel syndrome)
NG suctioning (prolonged)
How do alterations in distribution cause hypomagnesium?
Sepsis syndrome
Multiple blood transfusions
Thermal injury
Major issues associated with magnesium
Kidney problems
Malnutrition/absorption issues
Normal range for Ca
Normal range 8.5-10.8 mg/dL
Functions of Ca
Cation, 99.5% is integrated into bone. Other 0.5% mostly extracellular.

Role in neuromuscular activity, endocrine function, coagulation and bone and tooth metabolism
Typically due to both increased entry of calcium into the ECF and decreased renal clearance.

Serum level >10.8mg/dL
Causes of hypercalcemia
Primary hyperparathyroidism- most common cause in ambulatory medicine

Malignancy- most common cause in hospitalized patients

Less common – sarcoidosis, Vitamin D toxicity, lithium, hyperthyroidism, milk-alkali syndrome
S/S of hypercalcemia
Stones (kidney and biliary), bones (pain), abdominal groans (N/V/constipation), thrones (polyuria), and psychiatric tones (depression, AMS, coma, insomnia)
What is the most common cause of hypercalcemia in hospitalized patients?
Malignancy due to breakdown of bone
Serum level <8.5mg/dL
S/S of hypocalcemia
Asymptomatic to tetany, paresthesias, carpopedal spasms.
Trousseaus’ sign
Chvostek’s sign
Causes of hypocalcemia
Most commonly hypoalbuniemia

Renal failure, hypoparathyroidism, severe hypomagnesaemia, acute pancreatitis, tumor lysis syndrome, vitamin D deficiency, other.
Chvostek’s sign
Twitching of facial muscles when the facial nerve is tapped anterior to the ear.
Trousseaus’ sign
Carpal spasm when a BP cuff is inflated above systolic pressure for 3 minutes.
Normal range of phosphate
2.6-4.5 mg/dL
Functions of phosphate
Major intracellular anion, 85% of phosphate is contained in bone

Involved in formation of ATP, component of phospholipid membranes, part of 2,3-DPG which regulates release of O2 from hemoglobin, important for cellular metabolism, bone formation
Most often due to renal failure, but also occurs in hypoparathyroidism, rhabdomyolysis, tumor lysis syndrome, acidosis, and excess administration
S/S: those attributed to hypocalcemia
S/S of hypophosphatemia
Muscular abnormalities-weakness, rhabdo, respiratory failure, heart failure.
Neurologic- paresthesia, confusion, stupor, seizure, coma, dysarthria
Causes of hypophosphatemia
Impaired intestinal absorption
Increased renal excretion
redistribution in to cells
(alcohol abuse, respiratory alkalosis, malabsorption, aluminum-containing antacids which bind to phosphate, severe burns)
Normal range of BUN
8-20 mg/dL
Functions of BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
Measures kidney function

Produced by liver during breakdown of protein or ammonia

Extra nitrogen is expelled from the body through urea (reflects serum nitrogen level)

Kidney excretes urea in the urine
Liver disease
Over hydration
Anabolic hormones
High BUN
Renal disease
Prerenal azotemia- GI hemorrhage, Shock, tissue necrosis, 3rd degree burn, dehydration, etc..
Addison’s disease
Steroid therapy
High protein diet
Post-renal (renal vein thrombosis, urinary obstruction
(creatinine help differentiate prerenal from renal disease)
How do you determine if BUN is elevated?
Look at creatinine along with it
Normal range for creatinine
0.7-1.5 mg/dL
Functions of creatinine
Measures kidney function

Non-protein nitrogenous biochemical in the blood

Produced in the muscle as a spontaneous decomposition product of creatine and creatine phosphate

Liver→creatine→creatine phosphate in muscles→ creatinine

Inverse relationship between creatinine and kidney function

Level also affected by muscle mass, sex, age, race, drugs, low-protein diets
Useful in evaluation of GFR (glomerular filtration rate)
Low creatinine
Small muscle mass
Cachectic patients
Muscle disease
High creatinine
Increased in renal disease, muscle necrosis and hypovolemia.
Renal failure (AKI, CKD, ESRD)
Medications falsely elevate (cephalosporins)
Acute Kidney Injury
(formerly kidney failure)
End-stage Renal Disease
How can you determine location of renal problem?
Consider BUN/creatinine ratio (see slide 36)
Liver functions
Synthesizes amino acids to proteins
Involved in breakdown of excess amino acids (to ammonia and urea)
Plays role in carbohydrate metabolism
Synthesizes cholesterol
Primary location for detoxification and excretion of drugs and toxins
Pancreas functions
Exocrine glands produce enzymes for digestion (e.g., lipase, amylase)
Endocrine glands produce insulin and glucagon
LFT for protein synthesis
PT/INR (clotting proteins)
- used to measure coumadin therapy
LFT for excretion into bile ducts
Alkaline phosphatase
- elevated in gallbladder disease
LFT for hepatocellular injury
AST (aspartate aminotransferase)
ALT (alanine aminotransferase)
LFT for detoxification
Normal range for albumin
3.5-5.5 g/dL
Functions of albumin
Major plasma protein

Involved in maintaining plasma oncotic pressure and binding/transport of numerous hormones and drugs

Long half-life (20 days)
Low: causes fluid retention/ascites
- treat with albumin for ascites
Normal range of prealbumin
19.5-35.8 mg/dL
Functions of prealbumin
Involved in binding/transport of various solutes (thyroxin, retinol)

Used to assess protein calorie nutrition

Shorter half-life (2 days)
Normal range for prothrombin time/INR
PT 11.1-13.1 sec
INR 0.1-1.1
Functions of PT/INR
Measure speed of a set of reactions in the coagulation cascade which require clotting factors and vitamin K

Prolongation reflects clotting abnormalities
What lab evaluates synthetic liver function?
Prothrombin time/INR
What lab evaluates excretory liver function and cholestasis?
Alkaline phosphatase
Normal range for alkaline phosphatase
30-120 IU/L
Functions of alkaline phosphatase
Enzyme found in liver, bone, placenta, WBCs, etc

Elevation may be related to:
- Cholestasis
- Bone growth, fracture, disease
- Placental function in pregnancy
- Infection
Normal range of bilirubin
total 0.3-1 mg/dL
Functions of bilirubin
Breakdown product of heme pigments (e.g., hemoglobin)

Unconjugated (indirect)
Normal range 0.2-0.7 mg/dL

Conjugated (direct)
Normal range 0.1-0.3 mg/dL
Linked to glucuronic acid by liver
Excreted in stool
Gilbert's disease
Increased indirect bilirubin
What labs evaluate for hepatocellular injury?
Aminotransferases (AST, ALT)
AST aspartate aminotransferase
ALT alanine aminotransferase
What labs evaluate pancreatic inflammation?
Normal range 60-180 IU/L
Breaks down starch
Secreted by pancreas (40%) and salivary glands (60%)
Normal range <160 IU/L
Catalyzes hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol
- more related to pancreas
- test this for alcoholic pancreatitis
Functions of ALT/AST
Enzymes in hepatic cells which assist with various metabolic pathways

Released into the serum in greater quantities when there is hepatocyte damage

Very sensitive and may be mildly elevated with minimal hepatic damage
Normal range for ALT/AST
<35 IU/L