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30 Cards in this Set

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What does the two point discrimination test test?
tests normal functioning of spinal nerves and compares the relative density of receptors in the skin of selected body regions
How is the two point discrimination test performed?
two points of a measuring compass are gently pressed onto the skin and teh distance is increased until two sensatins are felt
What is determined from the two point discrimination test?
the relative densities of skn receptors on various skin regions
What is the relationship between the compass points and the density of receptors?
the shorter the distance between the two compass points at which two distinct sensations can be felt, the greater the density of skin receptors
What does the tuning fork deterine?
normal function of the spinal nerve
How does pressing a tuning fork against the skin determine normal nerve function?
each sensory cutaneous region is innervated by a single pair of spinal nerves
What is the function of the thalamus?
acts as a relay station for sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex
What is the function of the hypothalamus?
regulates autonomic nervous system, controls pituitary gland,
What is the function of the pineal gland?
secretes melatonin
what does melatonin do?
assists the hypothalamus in the regulation of sleep/wake cycles
What is the function of the pituitary gland?
secretes multiple hormones that regulate endocrine activities in the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland, reporductive organs and a hormone that stimulates melanin production
What is the function of the superior colliculi?
controls reflexes related to visual stimuli
What is the function of inferior colliculi?
controls reflexes related to auditory stimuli
What is the corpus callosum
thick tract of white matter that interconnects the two cerebral hemispheres
What does the cingulate gyrus regulate?
emotional states and links the conscious intellectual functions of the cerebral cortex with the unconscious
What is the infundibulum?
narrow stalk that connects the floor of the hypothalamaus to the pituitary gland
What does the fornix do?
connects the hippocampus with the hypothalamus
What is the internal capsule
the ascending and descending projection fibers that pass through the diencephalon
What is the function of the basal nuclei?
provide subconscious control of skeletal muscle tone and helps coordinate learned movement patterns
What test did we perform to test the olfactory nerve?
Bringing spices to the nose and having the partner identify them
What determines normal function of the olfactory nerve?
correct identification of the olfactory nerve
What test did we perform for the optic nerve?
reading the text right now
What test did we perform that tests the function of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves?
place your finger in front of partners eye and move it in all directions
Waht determines normal function of the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves?
the ability to follow your finger with normal eye movements
Waht test did we perform to test the trigeminal nerve?
place your hand under your partners mandible. ability to depress the mandible indicates normal motor function of the muscles of mastication
How did we test normal motor function of the facial nerve?
have partner perform normal various facial expressions and if they are symmetrical
How did we test the vestibulocochlear nerve?
sitting on a stool with eyes closed and ears plugged, rooll stool and ask to identify diren
How did we test normal function of the vagus nerve?
talking to your parter
How did we test normal function of the accessory nerve?
shrugging your shoulders, turn and rotate your head
How did we test normal function of the hypoglossal nerve?
have partner protrude their tongue, if both nerves are functioning normally, the tongue will move out strait when protruded