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50 Cards in this Set

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a connective tissue; tendious seam medial to the rectus abdominus
trunk anterior- linea alba
large fan-shaped muscle covering upper portion of chest
thorax and shoulder- pectoralis major (des & def)
prime mover of arm flexion; adducts, medially rotates arm; with arm fixed, pulls chest upward (thus also acts in forced inspiration)
thorax and shoulder- pectoralis major
fan-shaped muscle deep to scapula; deep and inferior to pectoral muscles on lateral rib cage
thorax and shoulder- serratus anterior (des & def)
moves scapula foward toward chest wall; rotates scapula, causing inferior angle to move laterally and upward; abduction and raising of arm
thorax and shoulder- serratus anterior
fleshy triangular muscle forming shoulder muscle mass; inferior to pectoralis major; intramuscular injection site
thorax and shoulder- deltoid (des & def)
acting as a whole, prime mover of arm abduction; when only specific fibers are active, can aid in flexion, extension, and rotation of humerus
thorax and shoulder- deltoid (action)
flat thin muscle directly beneath and obscured by pectoralis major
thorax and shoulder- pectoralis minor (des & def)
with ribs fixed, draws scapula foward and inferiorly, with scapula fixed, draws rib cage superiorly
thorax and shoulder- pectoralis minor (action)
11 pairs lie between ribs; fibers run obliquely downward and foward toward sternum
deep thorax for respiration- external intercoastals (des & loc)
muscle layers run obliquely and at right angles to each other
deep thorax for respiration- external and internal intercoastals
pulls ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage; aids in inspiration
deep thorax for respiration- external intercoastals (des & def)
11 pairs lie between ribs; fibers run deep and at right angles of external intercoastals
deep thorax for respiration- internal intercoastals (des & loc)
draws ribs together to depress rib cage; aids in forced expiration; antagonist to external intercoastals
deep thorax for respiration- internal intercoastals (action)
medial superficial muscle, extends from pubis to rib cage; ensheathed by aponeuroses of oblique muscle; segmented
abdominal wall- rectus abdominis (des & def)
most superficial lateral muscle; fibers run downward and medially; enseathed by an aponeurosis
abdominal wall- external oblique (des & def)
flexes and rotates vertebral column; inc abdominal pressure; fixes and depresses ribs; stabilizes pelvis during walking; used in sit ups and curls
abdominal wall- rectus abdominus (action)
flexes and rotates vertebral column; inc abdominal pressure; fixes and depresses ribs; stabalizes pelvis during walking; used in sit ups and curls; aids in muscles of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion; used in oblique curls
abdominal wall- external oblique (action)
most fibers run at right angles to those of external oblique which it underlies
abdominal wall- internal oblique (des & def)
flexes and rotates vertebral column; inc abdominal pressure; fixes and depresses ribs; stabalizes pelvis during walking; used in sit ups and curls; aids in muscles of back in trunk rotation and lateral flexion; used in oblique curls
abdominal wall- internal oblique (action)
deepest muscle of abdominal wall; fibers run horizontally
abdominal wall- transverse abdominus (des & def)
compress abdominal contents
abdominal wall- transverse abdominus (action)
sole, large fleshy muscle of posterior humerus; 3-headed origin
forearm- triceps brachii (des & def)
powerful forearm extensor; antagonist of forearm flexors (brachialis and biceps brachii)
forearm- triceps brachii (action)
most familiar muscle of anterior humerus bc this 2-headed muscle bulges when forearm is flexed.
forearm- biceps brachii (des & def)
flexion (powerful) of elbow and supination of forearm; "it turns the corkscrew and pulls the cork"; weak arm flexor.
forearm- biceps brachii (action)
superficial muscle of lateral forearm; forms lateral boundary of antecubital fossa
forearm- brachioradialis (des & def)
synerist in forearm flexion
forearm- brachioradialis (action)
immediately deep to bicepts brachii
forearm- brachialis (des & def)
a major flexor of forearm
forearm- brachialis (action)
seen in as uperficial view between proximal margins of brachioradialis and flexor carpi radialis
superficial hand- pronator teres (des & def)
acts synergistically with pronator quadratus to pronate forearm; weak elbow flexor
superficial hand- pronator teres (action)
superficially; runs diagonally across forearm
superficial hand- flexor carpi radialis (des & def)
reduces angle between 2 bones
powerful flexor of wrist; abducts hand
superficial hand- flexor carpi radialis (action)
sm fleshy muscle with a long tendon; medial to flexor carpi radialis
superficial hand- palmaris longus (des & def)
flexes wrist (weak); tenses skin and fascia of palm
superficial hand- palmaris longus (action)
deeper muscle (deep to muslces of superior hand); visible at distal end of forearm
superficial hand- flexor digitorum superficialis (des & def)
flexes wrist and middle phalanges of finger 2-5
superficial hand- flexor digitorum superficialis (action)
superficial; medial to extensor carpi radialis brevis
superficial hand- extensor digitorum (des & def)
prime mover of finger extension; extends wrist; can flare (abduct) fingers
superficial hand- extensor digitorum (action)
deep muscle at posterior aspect of elbow
deep hand- supinator (des & def)
acts with bicepts brachii to supinate forearm; antagonist of pronator muscles
deep hand- supinator (action)
two closely related muscles; fibers pass under inguinal ligament to insert into femur via a common tendon; iliacus is more lateral.
thigh and leg- Illiopsas: illiacus and psoas major (action)
flex trunk on thigh; flex thigh; lateral flexion of vertebral column (psoas)
thigh and leg- Illiopsas: illiacus and psoas major (des & def)
straplike superficial muscle running obliquely across anterior surface of thigh to knee
thigh and leg- sartorius (des & def)
flexes, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh; flexes knee; known as "taylor's muscle" bc it helps effect cross-legged position in which taylors are ofter depicted
thigh and leg- sartorius (action)
large muscle mass forming medial aspect of thigh; one is superior to the other
thigh and leg- adductors longus (superior) and magnus (des & def)
adduct and medially rotate and flex thigh; posterior part of _ is also a synergist in thigh extension
thish and leg- adductors longus and magnus (synergist) (des & def)