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37 Cards in this Set

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Acer rubrum - red maple
"medium tree 20-60 tall; leaves opposite, 3-5 lobed, toothed, base of terminal lobe wide; young bark
Acer saccharinum - silver maple
"tall tree 40-60 high; bark grey and peels off with age; leaves opposite, deeply 5-lobed, slightly
Sagittaria sp. - arrowhead, duck potato
"leaves variable from arrow-shaped to elliptical (ribbon-like) to lance-shaped, erect extending above
Cicuta sp. – water hemlock
"Biennial or perennial toxic herb. Highly poisonous, handle with caution. Stems, leaves, and shoots
Ilex verticillata - Michigan holly
"plants are dioecious; leaves alternate, acuminate at tip with numerous fine teeth along margins; holly
Peltandra virginica - arrow arum
"leaves lobed at base (typically sagitate), each basal lobe with a heavy central vein, 3-nerved,with a small
Bidens sp. - begger-ticks
"flowers inconspicuous, lacking rays, bright yellow; leaves variable mostly toothed and lanceolate,
Eupatorium maculatum - joe-pye-weed
"stem deep purple or purple spotted, rough and coarse, up to 1m tall; leaves in whorls, on short petioles,
Eupatorium perfoliatum - boneset
"leaves wrinkled and veiny, unite basally around the stem (perfoliate); hairy plant; white flower; low
Solidago sp. - goldenrod
"leaves are ribbon-like with a central vein; upper part of stem branched; inflorescence is flat-topped, flowers
Alnus incana – speckled alder
"thicket forming shrub up to 15 tall; leaves simple, dull above, whitened beneath, doubly toothed, with
Sambucus canadensis – common elder
"Shrubs or small trees to 3m tall which may from thickets. Stems pithy with protruding wart-like lenticels.
Ceratophyllum sp. - coontail
"leaves whorled, dichotomously forked with spiny teeth along one side, more crowded toward the tip
Cornus sp. - dogwood
"Shrubs or trees; leaves not toothed; leaf veins follow the smooth leaf edges toward the tips; silky sap
Carex sp.
"Nutlet enclosed in a sac, the perigynium; stamens and pistils in separate flowers. Staminate and pistillate
Scirpus cyperinus - wool grass
"spikelets terminal, like a fountain spray of wool puff ball due to long bristles; involucels (bracts at
Scirpus validus - softstem bulrush
"single round stem with sheath at base, sometimes leafy and sometimes naked from 70cm-200cm in height,
Quercus bicolor – swamp oak
"Medium size tree reaching height to 20 meters. Leaves alternate, simple, obovate, margin with large
Elodea sp. - waterweed
"plants submersed; branching stems forming large masses at the bottom; leaves whorled (rarely opposite),
Lycopus americanus - cut-leaved water horehound
"leaves opposite, deeply serrated; square stems; without odor; flowers small in clusters in axils, corolla is
Lythrum salicaria - purple loosestrife
"stems slender, angled, not woody (can be woody as they age); leaves opposite, not petioled, sort of heartshaped
Calamagrostis canadensis - bluejoint
"leaves very narrow1-5mm thick; 1 floret per spikelet; bristle like hairs from floret; stem slight up to
Leersia oryzoides - rice cut grass
"stems 10cm-1m high; stems and leaves rough and cutting (feeling sticky); joints of stems with very small
Phalaris arundinaceae - reed canary grass
"leaves 5-15mm wide; slender tall grass up to 1.5m; found in large clumps; flowers in spikelets in club-like
Polygonum sp. - smartweed
"leaves long, narrow, lance-shaped; flower pink or whitish spike-like clusters, without petals, made up of
Rumex sp. - dock
"Perrenial herbs. Leaves large and clustered at base of plant, or can be leafy stemmed, oblong, flat to wavy
Pontedaria cordata - pickerelweed
"leaves clustered, large, arrow or heart-shaped with numerous parellel veins, extending erect above the
Potamogeton crispus - curly pondweed
"Aquatic perennial herb. Stems compressed with few branches. Leaves al submersed, oblong rounded at tip
Rosa palustris - marsh rose
"Highly branching prickly shrub. Leaves alternate and palmately divided into usually seven leaflets.
Spirea sp.
"Shrubs with slender wand-like twigs, narrow based and mostly toothed leaves, papery bark that often
Cephalanthus occidentalis - buttonbush
"shrub; leaves opposite, 2-3 long, in twos or whorls of three, waxy and thick, elliptic, sharp pointed;
Salix sp. - willow
"variable species and difficult to identify to species: IN GENERAL: leaves alternate, usually lanceolate,
Solanum dulcamara - nightshade
"perennial vine; leaves heart-shaped and lobed; flowers purple or blue; berries red; moist soil, wet
Typha angustifolia - narrow-leaved cattail
"leaves long thin and ribbon-like; stem is slender, underground stems spread rapidly; flowers small and
Typha latifolia - broad-leaved cattail
"leaves flat, thick and wide; stems stout, underground stems spread rapidly; flowers small and unisexual,
Boehmeria cylindrica - false nettle
"16-40 tall; stem hollow, 4-angled; leaves opposite, NO stinging hairs, well stalked, coarsely toothed,
Vitis riperia - river-bank grape
"vine; leaves alternate, roughly 3-lobed to about 12 long, leaf margins with teeth various and lobed