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54 Cards in this Set

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Light (Brightfield) microscope
what most labs today use, uses visible light for illumination
Darkfield microscope
uses a darkfield condenser so objects apppear bright against a dark background.

to see thin bacteria that do not stain well
Phase contrast microscope
used to observe LIVING organisms without staining. Light is refracted (bent at an angle) differently by living things so they can be differentiated from the background
Fluorescence microscope
uses ULTRAVIOLET (UV) LIGHT to illuminate the object but light does not pass through the objective. Some dyes and pigments are said to fluoresce (glow) Organisms that pick up fluorescent dye typically appear bright green, yellow or orange against a dark background
Electron microscope
uses an electron beam as its source of illumination and magnets instead of lenses to focus the beam. There are two types of electron scopes TEM and SEM
Transmission Electron microscope
Used for viewing internal structures of microbes or tissues
Scanning Electron Microscope
Used to look at the surfaces and 3D structure
Simple stain
sufficient to determine bacterial shape and morphological characteristics (clusters, chains, pairs) Ex. methylene blue
Gram Stain
Differentiates bacteria into Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.

It is the first and most important step taken in the ID of the bacteria
Acid-fast stain
Special stain for Myobacteria (caustive agent of tuberculosis or TB) because that organism does not stain well because of its cell wall
Aseptic technique
methods for keeping the environment or object free from pathogenic microorganisms

10% bleach and water for countertops

Waiving loop, touching hot loop to colonies or agitating broth can create aerosols
Ocular lens
Eye piece
10x magnifying lens
Revolving nosepiece
Holds the objective lenses
Objective lenses
Used to magnify objects placed on the stage
Stage adjustment knobs
used to move stage
right to left and
front to back
Iris diaphragm control arm
located on the condenser

Used to adjust the amount of light passing through the condenser
Collector lens with field diaphragm
Beneath condenser

Controls the amount of light entering the condenser
Rheostat control knob
front side of base

Controls the amount of light emitted form light source
Field diaghragm lever
Attached to field diaghragm

Used to adjust the amount of light passing through the collector lens
On/Off switch
Turns the light source on and off
Contains the light source
Condenser control knob
Beneath and behind condenser

Used to adjust the height of the condenser
Gram +
gram+ bacteria stain purple because of the thick layer of peptidoglycan in their cell wall. it retains the 1st dye crystal violet.
Gram -
gram- stains red(pink) because of its thick layer of lipids (lipopolysaccharide) in cell wall.

The crystal violet does not penetrate cell wall. it stains pink because of the safranin stain after the decolorizer- acetone/alcohol pokes holes in lipopolycaccharide layer.
Gram stain procedure
1.Allow smear to dry

2. Fix slide by dipping it in alcohol and allowing to air dry

3. Apply Primary Stain (Crystal Violet and stain for 1 min
All cells are purple

4.Remove primary stain by rinsing for 1 min

5. Flood stain with mordant (Gram Iodine) and retain on the slide for 1 min.
sets in the Crystal violet into the peptidoglycan layer of gram+ bacteria
All cells are still purple

6. Remove mordant w/ tap water

7. Decolorize (Gram Decolorizer or Acetone/Alcohol) until solvent running from the slide is colorless (3-60sec)
Pokes holes in lipopolysaccharide layer of gram- bacteria
CV drains out of Gram- cell walls
Gram+ is purple
Gram- is colorless

8. rinse w/ tap water

9. Flood stain with counterstain (Safranin) and stain for 30-60sec
Gram+ is purple
Gram- is red(pink)

10. rinse w/ tap water

11. Blot w/paper towel or allow to air dry

12. Examine smear under an oil immersion lens
Supportive media
Supports growth of non-fastidious microbes
Enriched media
Provides extra nutrients for fastidious microbes, and allows non-fastidious microbes to grow

Allows the growth of one gram stain morphology while inhibiting the other

This is accomplished with chemicals (antibiotics) and dyes.

Differentiates based on a specific characteristic after the colony grows on that agar plate

BAP-Differentiates based on hemolysis Alpha, Beta, and Gamma

MAC- differentiates based on lactose fermentation LF vs. NLF
Blood Agar Plate
enriched w/blood
used for most fastidious organisms and to differentiate types of hemolysis

Alpha-Partial hemolysis (green zone) around colony

Beta- Total hemolysis (clear zone)

Gamma- Non-hemolytic RBCs are intact surrounding colony
Tryptic Soy Agar
Basic supportive media for Non-fastidious organisms
Phenylethylalcohol Agar
Inhibits growth of Gram-neg. bacilli

Encourages growth of most gram-pos cocci
Chocolate Agar

made w/blood that has been heated to liberate the hemoglobin required by some very fastidious organisms to grow
MacConkey's Agar

Inhibits the growth of gram-pos cocci

Encourages growth of non-fastidious gram-neg bacilli

Also differentiates between lactose and non-lactose fermenting organisms

Hot-pink if it ferments

Clear, grey or pale pink if it does not ferment lactose
Colonial morphology
Gram Stain Morphology
Gram Stain color
How they arrange themselves
what kind of bacteria form endospores
Gram+ Bacilli
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration

The lowest amount of drug that completely inhibits the orgs growth

not kill
Organism is sensative to drug
Organism may be sensative to drug with higher doses
Organism is resistant to drug
Zone of Inhibition
Area around disk or antibiotic that organism did not grow measured in mm

Agar is inoclated with a standard amount of an organism
0.5 McFarland standard
Standarized inoculant concentration of organism

So results of testing is valid
kirby bauer/ KB method
Agar incoculated with a standard amount of an organism. filter paper disks of an antibiotic is droped onto the plate and area around disk that the organism does not grow measured in mm is the Zone of Inhibition
How do you make a bright field microscope function as a phase contrast microscope
Drop the condenser down and close the diagphgam so not as much light shines through
Brownian movement
not true motility

It is caused by the continous back and forth movement of molecules in fluid.
True motility
organisms that have a flagella has true motility. The flagella will propel them in a progressive directional path
Pure culture
one species of microorganism

We need to work with one culture in order to identify the specific microorganism

we work with pure cultures to find out which antibiotic would work best to kill the organism
E. coli
Gram neg. bacilli
staphylococcus aureus
Gram pos. cocci
Are only formed by Gram pos. Bacilli

They have no cell walls therfore will stain pink
Mechanical indicators- The gauges that indicate proper temp., pressure and time

Chemical indicators-indicate that the have been exposed to a sterization process but does not necessarilymean sterilization has been achieved. Tape and paper strips

Biological Indicators- Only way to know that items are sterile.

The endospores of Bacillus stearothermophilus are used
Colonial morphology
Color-white grey, tan, yellow, pink, orange, green, clear

Shape-round, fried egg, feelers, fringy

Elevation-dome shaped, concave button, flat, heaped

Size-small, med, large, tiny pinpoint

Texture-smooth, rough, mucoid, shiny, dull, creamy, waxy, crinkled

Odor-butterscotch, roses, grape, german choc shake, bleach, dead mouse

Alpha-Partial destruction (green zone)
Beta-Total destruction (clear zone)
Gamma- No hemolysis
Gram Stain Morphology
Gram stain color
Shape (Bacilli, Cocci)
How they are arranged