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59 Cards in this Set

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What are two membranes associated with the lungs?
Visceral pleura
Parietal pleura
What are the four chambers of the heart?
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Which camber of the heart is the strongest?
Left atrium
What are the four layers of the heart?
Parietal pericardium
Visceral pericardium (epicardium)
What is the pathway of blood through the heart?
Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava -> Right atrium -> Right ventricle -> Pulmonary artery -> Lungs -> Pulmonary vein -> Left atrium -> Left ventricle -> Aorta
Where does gas exchange occur in birds?
What is the pathway of flow during inspiration?
Nasal cavity -> Pharynx -> Larynx - > Trachea -> Bronchi -> Bronchioles -> Alveoli
What are three functions of turbinates?
Warm air
Moisten air
Clean air
What are turbinates covered with?
Ciliated mucous-producing epithelium
What do cilia do?
Moves mucous and debris towards the pharynx for swallowing and passage into the stomach
What two things pass through the pharynx?
What does the epiglottis do?
Prevent food from entering larynx
What one thing passes through the larynx?
Does the larynx contain cartilage?
Does the trachea contain cartilage?
Do the bronchi contain cartilage?
Do the bronchioles contain cartilage?
Where does gas exchange occur in a cat?
Is the pleura cavity a higher or lower pressure than the lungs and atmosphere?
Lower pressure
What are three structures in the sloth skull?
Hypobranchial apparatus
Partly bony larynx
Tracheal rings
What is a structure found in sheep, but not cats or rabbits?
Vocal folds
What is one function of the spleen?
Produces red blood cells during fetal development
Filters out old red blood cells
Produces white blood cells during infections
Releases white blood cells during infections
Which two types of tissues does the spleen have?
Red pulp
White pulp
What is red pulp?
The blood sinuses that fill most of the organ
What is white pulp?
The lymphatic nodules that are scattered throughout the red pulp
What type of organ is the spleen?
Cardiovascular organ
Lymphatic organ
What are white pulp regions?
Concentrations of lymphocytes
Concentrations of other white blood cells
Is the Mammalian heart single circuit or dual circuit?
Dual circuit
What are the two different types of circuits?
Pulmonary pathway
Systemic pathway
What does the pulmonary pathway do?
Delivers deoxygenated blood to the lungs for gas exchange
What does the systemic pathway do?
Delivers oxygenated blood to the brain, heart, and organs
What side of the heart does the pulmonary pathway use?
What side of the heart does the systemic pathway use?
How many times must blood travel through the heart to make a complete circuit of the body?
What is the Mammalian homolog of the shark sinus venosus?
A cluster of pacemaker cells in the right atrium
What is the Mammalian homolog of the shark atrium?
Right atrium or left atrium
What is the Mammalian homolog of the shark ventricle?
Right ventricle or left ventricle
What is the Mammalian homolog of the shark conus arteriosus?
None or semilunar valve at the boundary between the left ventricle and the aorta
What are the two different types of valves of the heart?
AV valves have chordae tendinae
Semilunar valves
What is the AV valve between?
What is the semilunar valve between?
What does it mean when we say the kidney is retroperitoneal?
Because the kidney tissue is posterior to or dorsal to the coelomic membranes
What is one function of the metanephros kidney?
Excretion of wastes
Acid-base homeostasis
Osmolarity regulation
Blood pressure regulation
Hormone secretion
What is one function of the ureter?
Carries urine to the urinary bladder
What is one function of the urinary bladder?
Stores urine
What is one function of the urethra?
Transports urine from the urinary bladder
What are six regions of the pig kidney?
Renal cortex
Renal medulla
Renal pyramid
Renal calyxx
Renal papilla
Renal pelvis
What do kidneys develop from?
Mesomere mesoderm
What type of kidney do most fishes and amphibians have?
Opisthonephros kidney
What do the accessory urinary ducts in male sharks do?
Drain urine from the caudal region of the kidney
What does the cloaca enclose?
Urinary papilla
Genital exit point
Digestive tract exit point
What is one function of the rectal gland?
What kind of kidney do adult amniotes have?
Metanephros kidney
What two things does the renal cortex contain?
Renal corpuscles
Renal tubules
What is the renal pelvis divided into?
Renal pyramids
What two things do the renal pyramids contain?
Loops of Henle
Collecting ducts
What is the end of each renal pyramid called?
Renal papilla
What is the function of renal papilla?
The exit of urine from the renal tubules
What is the function of the renal pelvis?
Funnels urine into ureter