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106 Cards in this Set

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what is the sinoatrial node? (SA)
Map out the nerve pathway of a heart beat.
1. SA node depolarizes- AP begins
2. Atrioventicular Node(AV)-receives AP from SA node
3. Bundle of his- only site where AP is conducted from atria to ventricles.
4. RT & LF bundle branches- travel down interventricular septum
5. Purkinje Fibers- AP reaches here and ventricles contract.
electrical difference across the cell membrane when at rest. The cell is polarized at -90mV.
normal resting potential
electrical event. if of proper strength(threshold) will cause contraction event
Action Potential
when AP reaches threshold K+ and Na+ channels open in membrane. Na+ flow into the cell and K+ flows out.
-- the influx of Na+ and outflow of K+ raise charge of cell to -0mV.
low concentrations of Ca++ ions leak into the cell and the contractions occurs
when AP has passed, K+ ions flow back in and Na+ ions exit cell, restoring resting membrane potential. - Muscle is in relaxation period
machine that measures electrical activity of the heart.
Electrocardiograph (EKG)
the output of the EKG
machine used to measure BP from brachial artery
force exerted during ventricular contraction
systolic pressure
force exerted during ventricular relaxation
diastolic pressure
instrument used to listen to sounds of the body
process of listening to heart sounds
sounds heard thru stethoscope
Korotkoff Sounds
sound made by closing of AV valves
sounds made by closing of SL valves
normal BP
120/80 mmHg
normal pulse
70-80 BPM
elevated resting HR >100 BPM
low resting HR <60 BPM
normal rhythm of heart beats
normal sinus rhythm
irregularity in heart rhythm
asynchronous contraction of chambers
momentarily stopping heart through electric shock to reestablish a normal sinus rhythm
artery in the wrist to measure pulse
radial artery
large artery in the neck to measure pulse
carotid artery
Steps to measure a heart beat on EKG strip.
1. mark of how many waves occur in 10 seconds
2. # waves/10 sec X 60 sec/1 min
liquid connective tissue, chief means of transport thru out body
liquid found in blood vessels- composed of H2O and dissolved substances
RBC WBC & platelets
formed elements
process by which elements of blood develop
RBC, biconcave (no nucleus) contain hemoglobin which carry O2
process of making RBC
platelets, small cell fragments, that facilitate and promote blood clotting
WBC, have a nucleus. do NOT have hemoglobin. responsible for fighting infection
process of making WBC
low(or lack of) WBC
WBC can leave the bloodstream to fight infections by squeezing thru the cell layers of blood vessels
a granular leukocyte; nucleus has 2-5 lobes, connected by a thin chromatin filament, small grains, most abundant leukocyte
which WBC increases # due to bacterial infection, burns, or stress?
granular leukocyte; 2 large lobes
which WBC increases # due to allergic reactions and parasitic infections?
granular leukocyte; nucleus has two lobes but is obscured by granules on top of it. The whole cell looks dark and grainy.
Which WBC increases in # due to allergic reactions and cancer?
agranular leukocyte; nucleus takes up most of cell.
Which WBC is attacked by AIDs virus?
agranular leukocyte; nucleus is horseshoe shaped or "M" shaped.
Which WBC increases in # due to viral/fungal infections, leukemia and chronic diseases?
process of cell eating
which two cells play a major part in phagocytosis?
monocytes and neutrophils???
anything that is recognized as foreign and provokes an immune response, proteins located on surface of RBC
bind to and react with a specific antigen
addition antigen found on surface of RBC
Rh factor
occurs when mother is - and baby is +. -mother is exposed to +antigens from 1st baby; 1st baby is unaffected. After the birth, mom develops antibodies against +Rh. If the mom has 2nd child who is Rh+, her antibodies will cross the placenta and attack
Erythroblastosis fetalis
can receive blood from any donor
universal recipient
which blood type is considered a universal recipient?
can give blood to anyone
universal donor
which blood type is considered to be a universal donor?
reaction that occurs when an incompatible blood type is given. Antibodies in the recipient blood react with donor antigens causing RBC to stick together, clot, and rupture
transfusion reaction.
a test that measures the % of blood that is RBC
abnormal RBC count or volume, means that there are more cells than there should be
a condition in which the oxygen carrying capacity of blood is reduced. Characterized by reduced #s of RBCs or a low amount of hemoglobin
What is the average value of RBC volume in a hematocrit test?
Male and female?
M= 40-55% ave. 47%
F= 38-46% ave. 42%
muscle; moves skeleton, voluntary, striated, multinucleated
skeletal muscle
muscle; found inside blood vessels & hollow organs, involuntary, no striations, one nucleus
smooth muscle
muscle; found only in heart, involuntary, heavily striated, some are multi-nucleated
cardiac muscle
carry blood away from heart; carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary trunk and arteries)
carry blood toward heart; carry unoxygenated blood (except for pulmonary veins)
mass of tissue that extends from sternum to the vertebral column between lungs
pointed bottom of the heart
broad top of heart
a tough membrane that surrounds/protects the heart. It anchors the heart in the mediastinum while allowing for freedon of movement during rigorous contraction
name the 2 main parts of the pericardium
fibrous pericardium & serous pericardium
3 functions of the fibrous pericardium
1. protects overstretching
2.protects heart
3. anchors the heart
name the 2 layers (and cavity) of the serous pericardium
1. parietal layer
2. visceral layer
3. pericardial cavity
name the 3 layers of the heart (from outer to inner)
epicardium-thin outer layer
myocardium-thick muscle
endocardium- lines chambers
Outline the steps of pulmonary circulation.
1. superior/inferior vena cava
2. rt. atrium
3. tricuspid valve
4. rt. ventricle
5. pulmonary semilunar valve
6. pulmonary trunk
7. Rt and Lf pulmonary arteries
8. lungs
Outline the steps of systemic circulation.
1. Rt & Lf pulmonary veins
2. Lf atrium
3. bicuspid (mitral, Lf AV) valve
4. Lf ventricle
5. aortic semilunar valve
6. aortic arch
7. aorta
thick wall between ventricles
interventricular septum
large grooves on the outside of heart, between ventricles
interventricular sulcus
"heart strings"; tough strands that pull open valves
chordae tendineae
pull on and operate chordae tendineae
papillary muscle
ridges in ventricles near the apex; help direct blood flow(downwards) & convey part of heart contraction system
trabiculae carneae
muscular ridges in anterior wall of Rt atrium
pectinae muscles
an extensive pathway of tubelike vessels connected to a web-like network, which facilitates diffusion of materials across a concentration gradient
circulatory system
carry blood away from heart; rigid structure, mostly of elastic fibers and smooth muscle, which allow for elasticity and contractility
carry blood to the heart; relatively thin, not rigid. have one-way valves to aid in blood return against gravity
name the three layers of veins (from inner to outer)
1. tunica interna
2. tunica media
3. tunica externa
which layer is the thickest in veins?
tunica externa
hollow center of blood vessel; "hole" blood flows through
small arteries; blood flows to these from bigger arteries
network of vessels that permit the exchange of nutrients and waste between the blood and the cells; one cell layer thick
small veins; blood flows into these from capillaries , they drain into larger vein
system that runs paralled to circulatory system; assists in circulating body fluid and helps defends against disease-causing agents.
lymphatic system
name the 3 functions of the lymphatic system
1. drains excess interstitial fluid from tissue spaces and returns it to blood.
2. transports dietary lipids and lipid/water soluble vitamins
3. immune system response
carry lymph fluid; follow circulatory system
lymph vessel
drain interstitial fluid from tissues
lymphatic capillary
name the
a.)two lymphatic ducts,
b.)where they receive lymph from
c.) where they drain to
1. Right lymphatic duct
-receives from only upper right side of body
-empties: Rt internal jugular vein and Rt. subclavian vein
2. Thoracic duct
-receives from left side of body and Rt side below waist
-empties: Lf internal jugular and Lf subclavian vein
the beginning of the thoracic duct, located in the abdomen
cisterna chyli
masses of lymphatic tissues scattered thru out the body along lymph vessels. Composed of B cells, T cells,& macrophages. Functions in immune response & filters lymph of debris for phagocytes
lymph nodes
where are the lymph nodes located?
armpit, neck, groin, back of knee, under tongue
ring of 5 lymphatic nodules in throat which fight against inhaled or injested foreign substances
largest mass of lymphatic tissue, located between stomach, diaphragm, kidney and pancreas
what is the function of the spleen?
removal of worn out blood cells, immune response & storage of platelets
located between lungs, rests around trachea; site of maturation of T cells
Thymus gland